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CH 23 Insights ID- Can the Law Reach Him? P 506 Summary 1- What is this cartoon implying about the police against “Boss” Tweed? –That the political machines.

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Presentation on theme: "CH 23 Insights ID- Can the Law Reach Him? P 506 Summary 1- What is this cartoon implying about the police against “Boss” Tweed? –That the political machines."— Presentation transcript:

1 CH 23 Insights ID- Can the Law Reach Him? P 506 Summary 1- What is this cartoon implying about the police against “Boss” Tweed? –That the political machines are too big for the police to enforce the law OI- The Era of Good Stealings, Carnival of Corruption 1) What did Fisk and Gould attempt? –Corner the gold market, 2) Who was Boss Tweed? –Political Boss/leader of Tammany Hall (NYC political machine), stole $200 mil 3) How did Tweed attempt to get out going to jail? –Try to bribe Thomas Nast $5 mil –Muckraker- journalist who exposed corruption in Gov. 4) How did Credit Mobilier try to cover up the fact that it was overcharging and ripping off the US government? –Gave shares of the company to Congressmen to keep quiet 5) What do you feel was the primary motivation of the administration of President Grant? –To get rich while working for the president, not to help the country

2 ID- Hayes-Tilden Disputed Election of 1876 (P 510) Summary 2- What three Southern states had disputed results? –LA, SC, FL OI- Hayes-Tilden Standoff in 1976, The Compromise of 1877 and the End of Reconstruction 6) What was the conflict with the submitted votes from LA, SC, and Fl? –That there were two separate sets of votes present by the Dem. And Rep. 7) What were the two key provisions of the Compromise of 1877 that avoided renewed deadlock? Rep./Hayes win Pres, Dem.- Army leaves the South 8) What group of people was most negatively affected by the Compromise? –African-Americans b/c the Army was protecting them from the KKK

3 ID- A Southern Plantation, Before and After the Civil War Summary 3- Identify how the map has changed from 1860 to 1881 (What does each dot represent?) –Ex-Slaves have spread out, each dot represents an Af/Am family OI- The Birth of Jim Crow in the Post Reconstruction South 9) Define Sharecropping (in your own words!) –Freedmen rent land from their former masters and shared crops grown 10) What were Jim Crow laws? –Segregation laws to separate blacks and whites in S. 11) What did Plessy vs. Ferguson establish? –Legalized segregation as long a facilities were “Separate but Equal” Problem? Separate was enforced, not equal 12) Explain how things were unfair for Af/Am in the South. –Inferior schools, worse public facilities including railroad cars, bathrooms,

4 ID- First Blow at the Chinese Question Summary 4- What is California’s response to Chinese immigrants? –Organized white violence against Chinese OI- Class Conflicts and Ethnic Struggles 13) What percentage of California was Chinese in 1880? –9% (almost all in San Francisco area) 14) How did the “Kearneyites” handle the Chinese “Problem”? –Street gangs cut off Chinese pigtails or murdered Chinese imm. 15) What did the Chinese Exclusion Act establish? –No more Chinese immigration to US Intended to solve the problem of Americans beating up Chinese by keeping more Chinese out 1 st time the US set a limit on immigration (and excluded a whole group of people)

5 ID- Presidential Election of 1892 Summary 5- How many political parties participated in the election? Who is the extra party? –3, Populists OI-The Drumbeat of Discontent 16) Who were the Populists comprised of? –Farmers upset at corporations and a gov. that favored the rich –Populists- 1 st politcal party who felt the goal of Gov. was to get involved and help ordinary people, not the rich Laissez-Faire- idea that Gov. should stay out of the way of business as much as possible (belief supported by the rich and powerful/Gov. before the Populists)

6 17,18,19) Identify three ideas in the Omaha Platform (where the Populists met) and explain why you feel each idea is important or could help improve the country. –Coinage of silver (cause inflation allowing farmers to pay back debt easier) –Graduated income tax (rich pay more in taxes) –Gov ownership of RR, telephone, telegraph (services all people need, Gov. would insure poor can afford the services) –One term Pres. (so pres solves problems, not focuses on re-election) –Initiatives (propositions) people can create laws and vote on those laws, leaves corrupt politicians out of law making who might create laws to favor rich –Shorter workday (12 hr days to 8 hour day) –Immigration restrictions (immigrants work for less hurting lower class Americans –20) What group people were left out of the Populist party? What were some techniques used to disenfranchise that group? Af/Am (poll taxes, grandfather clause, literacy tersts)

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