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Introduction Our proposed business: Operating a Café with music as the main theme.

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2 Introduction Our proposed business: Operating a Café with music as the main theme

3 Outline Reasons for introducing music café as our business Market research Project plan Promotion plan Budget Potential problems Future development of our business

4 Background Entertain with their friends after busy work But karaoke box and cinema cannot satisfy their needs

5 Why choose café as our business Potential market for café Unsaturated market for theme café

6 Why choose music as the theme? Music is a universal language. Different kinds of music Provides an opportunity for people to perform their music Enjoy live music in our music café at a cheaper price

7 Marketing Research Aims: collect ideas on café’s logistics collect ideas on café’s service explore advertising strategies

8 Formats of Research Research Period: March 2004 to May 2004 Questionnaire in paper No. of questionnaires received: 247 Onsite visits No. of interviewees: 50 Comparison with café in other countries

9 PART 1CAFÉ 項目 1. 請問你有到過 CAFÉ 嗎 ? 有 沒有 如果你回答 ‘ 有 ’, 請跳到第 2 題. 如果你回答 ‘ 沒有 ’, 請跳到第 8 題. 2. 請問你最常光顧的 CAFÉ 是那間 ? 3. 請問你到過以什麼為題的 Café? ( 可選擇多 項 ) Home Cyber 占卜 動物 田園 音樂 藝術品 沒有 其他, 請注明 : 4. 請問你到 CAFÉ 的原因是什麼 ? 用膳 聚會談天 消磨時間 傾談公事 其他, 請注明 : 5. 請問你如何得知 CAFÉ 的資料 ? 親戚 / 朋友 雜誌 電視 / 電台 途經 其他, 請注明 : 6. 請問你多數於那日到 CAFÉ? 星期一至四 星期五 星期六 / 日 / 假期. 7. 請問你多數於那個時段到 CAFÉ? 6:00 am – 10:00 am 11:00 am – 3:00 pm 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm 11:00 pm or later 請跳到第 9 題. 8. 請問你不到 CAFÉ 的原因是什麼 ? 不喜歡喝咖啡 風格不適合自己 價錢不合理 位置不方便 其他, 請注明 : 9. 請問你認為一間 CAFE 需要什麼設備及服 務 ?( 可選擇多項 ) 上網設備 電視機 報紙及雜誌 其他, 請注明 : 10. 如果你進入一間 CAFE ,請問你會選取什 麼東西 ?( 可選擇多項 ) 飲品 小食 旦糕類甜品 雪糕類甜品 其他, 請注明 :

10 PART 2MUSIC ITEMS 11. 請問你喜歡音樂嗎 ? 喜歡 不喜歡 如果你回答 ‘ 喜歡 ’, 請跳到第 12 題. 如果你回答 ‘ 不喜歡 ’, 請跳到第 15 題. 12. 請問你有演奏音樂嗎 ? 有, 請注明 : 沒有 如果你回答 ‘ 有 ’, 請跳到第 13 題. 如果你回答 ‘ 沒有 ’, 請跳到第 14 題. 13. 如果有機會, 你會喜歡表演嗎 ? 喜歡 不喜歡 14. 請問你喜歡聽 / 演奏那類型的音樂 ? FOLK and TRADITIONAL JAZZ BLUES ROCK and POP Classical LATIN OTHERS, PLEASE SPECIFY: PART 3 15. 如果有間以音樂為主題的 CAFÉ, 請問你會光顧 嗎 ? 會 不會 16. 請問你每次願意花費多少於音樂 CAFÉ 內 ( 以每人計算 )? $20 以下 $20-$50 $51-100 $100 以上 17. 請問你最常會到那區消遣 ?( 可選擇多項 ) 中環 / 灣仔 / 銅鑼灣 北角 / 太古城 尖沙咀 / 紅磡 / 佐敦 旺角 / 油麻地 荃灣 / 葵芳 / 美孚 沙田 / 大埔 其他, 請注明 : 18. 請問那些因素最能吸引你光顧一間 CAFE? ( 請排序, 1 為 最重要 ) 環境氣氛好 衛生情況好 食物質素高 價格適中 服務及設備 其他, 請注明 : 全卷完, 多謝合作.

11 Results and Discussion










21 Onsite Visits Visited café in Causeway Bay & Tsim Sha Tsui No. of café visited: 5 No. of interviewees: 60 Interviewee: Customers (50), staff (10)

22 Onsite Visits Interview Questions Habits on going to café General opinion about improvement on café Opinion about music café

23 Summarized Results of Interviews (1) Habits on going to café  Frequency of visits: Nearly more than once per week  Accompany: With friends/ By themselves  Purpose: Gatherings/ Taking Rest/ Relaxation  Why Café? Relaxing Atmosphere

24 Summarized Results of Interviews (2) General opinion about current café  Current Trend: Café with different themes  Themes: Internet, Cartomancy, Pets, etc.  Room for Improvements: Try out some new café of special theme providing innovative services

25 Summarized Results of Interviews (3) Opinion about music café  Supporting reasons: Music  Relaxing Match style of Café Chance for enjoying musical performance  Interviewees who play music Chance for performance One of the possible ways to encounter difficulties of playing music with friends

26 Comparisons with Café in other Countries Western countries (e.g. UK):  Mainly provide comfortable environments  Lack theme Asian Countries (e.g. Japan)  Geographic reason  Larger room in café  Private area for customers, e.g. separate rooms

27 Project Plan 1.Customers Targeted 2.Location 3.Interior Designs 4.Staff Recruitment 5.Services

28 1.Customers targeted Relaxation together with the taste of coffee and hearing of music Live performance lovers Friends gathering Students Office workers

29 2.Location Causeway Bay? Wan Chai? Mong Kok?

30 Causeway Bay  No High rent A lot of opened cafés Keen competition Mong Kok  No Too hustle and bustle Style is not suitable

31 Wan Chai  Ideal place Near Causeway Bay Pedestrians flow: medium No themed café A lot of commercial buildings and schools

32 Wan Chai: 137-147 Lockhart Road, Shop G Bars and night clubs Alternative choice

33 3.Interior designs Glass front door A stage for performances Three types of seats: sofas, dining tables and snack bars Latest high-tech stereos

34 3.Interior designs A soundproofing ceiling Adjustable subdued lights A washroom An open kitchen Musical instruments

35 Entrance


37 4.Staff recruitment: Full-time staffs Part-time staffs

38 5.Services Beverages and food Internet service Song-dedicating sections News stand Music booth



41 Promotion Focused on our main theme oMusic + Café Leaflets Advertisements Website

42 Distribution of Leaflets Our location and service provided Performance schedule Discount coupons Nearby our shop Commercial buildings In front of schools’ entrance


44 Advertisements on Magazines Specialized on restaurants Interview Place advertisement Discount coupons

45 Website: Detailed information of our café Performance schedule (frequently updated) Chatrooms Download authorized music files Membership policy  email

46 Budget Expenditure on starting A cup of Music Monthly expenditure on operating A cup of Music Monthly income of A cup of Music

47 Expenditure on starting A Cup of Music Rent $140000 x 4 = $560000 Furniture and fittings $500000 Cooking equipment and utensils $100000 2 Computers $20000 Purchase of musical instrument $30000 Purchase of food and drinks $80000 Promotion $20000 Others (license fees and installation of electricity, water and gas.) $20000 ________________________________________________________ Total : $1330000

48 Monthly expenditure on operating A cup of Music Food and drinks (including the materials for courses) $50000 Internet fee $300 Rent $140000 Salary  Full time staff (drinks and food) 9000x2 = $18000  Waiter $7500  Part time waiter $3000 Electricity, water and gas $10000 Other expense (maintenance of the instrument) $10000 ________________________________________________________ Total : $238800

49 Monthly income of A cup of Music Sales of food and drinks $350000 Rented for party ($2000+$1500)@ x 4 = $14000 Courses teaching coffee and cakes 100/person x 5ppl x 20 = $10000 ________________________________________________________ Total : $374000

50 Financial balance Monthly expenditure: $ 238800 Monthly income: $ 374000 Balance:$ 135200 Time taken to cover the capital investment: =$1330000/$135200 =9.84 month Profit will be made in the tenth month.

51 Potential problems High investment cost, low return rate Competitors and Followers Difficulties in running the performance

52 Future development Develop mobile café vans Upload our performers’ record in our homepage Provide student transferring service Franchise

53 Question and Answer Section

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