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Time Stamping and archiving of PLC data

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1 Time Stamping and archiving of PLC data
II Workshop on PLC-based interlocks systems ITER, Dec 2014 Jeronimo ORTOLA VIDAL CERN Engineering Department, Industrial Controls Group

2 Outline UNICOS CPC overview TSPP overview TSPP manager Performance
Highlights Outline J. Ortola (CERN, EN/ICE) December, 2014

3 UNICOS CPC provides libraries (control and supervision layers)
A well defined set of standard device types (objects), modeling most of the equipment and needs of continuous processes and the relationships between them A formalized way of : Define the control units of a process (ISA-88 standard: Batch processes) Programming the specific process logic for those units UNICOS CPC J. Ortola (CERN, EN/ICE) December, 2014

4 TSPP overview TSPP. Time Stamp Push Protocol Currently available for
UNICOS CPC middleware Time stamp at source (from NTP server) Event driven High performance Available for redundant PLC architectures. Currently available for Siemens S7 300, S7 400 (S7 1200, S in preparation) Schneider Beckhoff (Codesys) TSPP overview J. Ortola (CERN, EN/ICE) December, 2014

5 TSPP overview TSPP requisites S7 driver for S7 PLCs
Modbus driver for Schneider and Beckhoff TSPP layer at the SCADA level (currently only WinCCOA) OPC UA client (coming soon) with SimaticNET TSPP overview J. Ortola (CERN, EN/ICE) December, 2014

6 TSPP PLC manager J. Ortola (CERN, EN/ICE) December, 2014

7 Redundancy J. Ortola (CERN, EN/ICE) December, 2014

8 Performance tests J. Ortola (CERN, EN/ICE) December, 2014

Performance J. Ortola (CERN, EN/ICE) December, 2014 PLC S PN/DP SCADA WINCC OA 3.8 SP2 (WINDOWS) AUTOMATIC TEST ANALYSIS PLC TSPP manager WinCC OA Test scripts PLC Test routine Values received Values lost Connection errors PLC cycle time Average throughput Max and min performance Number of PLC cycles per transmission WinCC OA test application Number of values selection Change interval selection Automatic test manager UNICOS-CPC application with 5000 objects Simulation of values changes Parameters: Change interval Number of values to change WinCC OA Analysis scripts Number of values selected Change interval selected PLC cycles used to send

10 Time Stamp at source per UNICOS CPC object (same for each table)
Data filtered and encapsulated in the PLC. Large buffer of events to prevent data loss. Reliability High performance Highlights J. Ortola (CERN, EN/ICE) December, 2014

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