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Good Gender Equality Practices in Science and Technology in the Nordic Countries Dr. Liisa Husu University of Helsinki CEM-CONICYT CONFERENCE EXCELLENCE.

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Presentation on theme: "Good Gender Equality Practices in Science and Technology in the Nordic Countries Dr. Liisa Husu University of Helsinki CEM-CONICYT CONFERENCE EXCELLENCE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good Gender Equality Practices in Science and Technology in the Nordic Countries Dr. Liisa Husu University of Helsinki CEM-CONICYT CONFERENCE EXCELLENCE IN SCIENCE AND GENDER EQUALITY: IN SEARCH OF GOOD PRACTICES IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH Santiago, November 6, 2007

2 * Husu 2007 The Nordic region Map: copyright: Kort & Matrikelstyrelsen, Denmark Kort & Matrikelstyrelsen, DenmarkKort & Matrikelstyrelsen, Denmark

3 * Husu 2007 Nordic countries  Denmark, Greenland, Faroe Islands  Finland and Åland islands  Iceland  Norway  Sweden  25 million inhabitants  Denmark, Finland, Sweden in the EU

4 * Husu 2007 Small Gender Gaps  World Economic Forum:  Global Gender Gap index 2006 (0 – 1)  economic participation, education, political empowerment, health and survival  1. Sweden 0.8133  2. Norway0.7994  3. Finland0.7958  4. Iceland0.7813  8. Denmark 0.7462

5 * Husu 2007 High R& D intensity Source: EC Key Figures 2005

6 * Husu 2007 Researchers in labour force

7 * Husu 2007 Proportion of women in research Source: EC She Figures 2006

8 * Husu 2007 Gender equality promotion  Prevention of discrimination  Positive action  Gender mainstreaming: integrating gender into all actions, policies and practices

9 * Husu 2007  Multiple methods  Long gender equality agendas  Intersectionality increasingly taken into account: how gender entangles with ethnicity, nationality, disability, sexual orientation etc.  How to succeed in implementation?

10 * Husu 2007 Nordic measures  Gender equality legislation  Equality planning  Earmarking positions and funding  Quotas for decision-making bodies  Targets for women’s proportion in the professoriate

11 * Husu 2007  Governmental financial support to knowledge production and information activities on gender issues  New infrastructures for promoting gender equality in academia and research  Support for networking  Gender statistics and indicators

12 * Husu 2007 Gender mainstreaming  launched in UN conference on women, Beijing 1995, adopted by EU  Increasingly adopted as an approach in gender equality promotion nationally, in universities and research councils  But: organisations of technological research lag often behind

13 * Husu 2007  Equality legislation forms in all Nordic countries the basis for promotion of gender equality in science, technology and academia  DENMARK 1978 NORWAY 1978  SWEDEN 1980 FINLAND 1986  Prohibition of gender discrimination  Active promotion of gender equality, positive action, equality planning

14 * Husu 2007 Earmarking and quotas  Sweden: 30 professorships for “underrepresented gender” (late 1990s)  EU court case  Norway: 20 earmarked professorships for women  EFTA court case  Finland: 8 Women’s Studies professorships, one Academy professorship, late 1990s  Earmarked funding for women’s studies/gender studies since the late 1970s in all Nordic countries

15 * Husu 2007  Gender quotas in publicly appointed committees FI, NO, DK (Equality law), SW (policy)  Impact on National Research Councils and Scientific and Technology Councils -> gender balance

16 * Husu 2007 Women in scientific boards Source: EC She Figures 2006

17 * Husu 2007 Governmental financial support to knowledge production and information services  Support for Women’s Studies and Gender Research in all Nordic countries since 1970s/1980s  Funding for infrastructure, networks, research programmes, coordination and information

18 * Husu 2007 More visibility to women’s expertise: databases of women experts  KVINFO, DENMARK : Information service on women and gender issues  KVINFO's database of women experts contains easy-to- access bibliographical information on professionally qualified women in Denmark (in Danish). The database contributes to the strengthening of the public image of women and to increasing the visibility of their knowledge, experience and expertise.  Over 1OOO experts (scholars, business women, politicians, cultural figures etc.)  Free on-line search by field, organisation, keyword  Supported financially by the Ministry of Culture 

19 * Husu 2007... databases  KILDEN, NORWAY:  Norwegian Information and Documentation Centre for Women's Studies and Gender Research, funded by Norwegian Research Council (KILDEN = SOURCE)  KILDEN’S RESEARCHER DATABASE –Free on-line use –Information on 2000 female researchers, all fields –funding: Ministry of Church, Education and Research –started 1999 –in close co-operation with KVINNEBASEN 

20 * Husu 2007 Norway: Committee for Mainstreaming - Women in Science  Set up by the Ministry of Education and Research  Resource data bank for gender equality promotion in the academic sector  Statistics  Literature  Measures  Best practices 

21 * Husu 2007 Universities  University level Gender Equality Committees (FI, NO, SWE, ISL, less in DK)  Equality Advisers and Officers (FI, NO, SWE)  National networking of gender equality advisers and committees (FI, NO, SW)  Equality Action Plans at University and Faculty level, anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policies (FI, NO, SWE)

22 * Husu 2007  Mentoring programmes for women researchers  Gender equality training for management  Leadership programmes for university women (esp. Sweden)  Female professors’ networks

23 * Husu 2007 Research Councils  Equality Action Plans  Internal gender equality working groups or committees  Reports, regular monitoring, indicators, follow-up of gender equality development

24 * Husu 2007 Academy of Finland (national research council organisation)   Gender Equality Plan (first 2000-2003)  Gender Equality monitoring reports  Gender Equality working group  Encouraging women to apply for funding (since 1998) in calls for funding applications

25 * Husu 2007 Academy of Finland Equality Plan 2005-2007  Mainstreaming principle  If two candidates equally qualified, or only differ slightly in their level of or only differ slightly in their level of scientific qualification, the applicant representing the minority gender will have the first priority to the research post scientific qualification, the applicant representing the minority gender will have the first priority to the research post

26 * Husu 2007 Reconciling work and family  Parental leave extends fixed-term funding period  Men encouraged to take parental leave  Research training abroad: 20 % increase of grant if researcher is guardian of minor children increase of grant if researcher is guardian of minor children

27 * Husu 2007 … Academy of Finland  Academy of Finland internal working groups: 40% men and women  Evaluators and referees of funding applications: target 40%  In practice not reached, especially in natural sciences and technology: in 2000- 2005 only 8 – 21 % of evaluators female

28 * Husu 2007 Academy of Finland gender equality plan 2005: Indicators  Indicator 1: EQUALITY IN AF RESEARCH FUNDING  Equality in AF research funding  Positions according to gender  Project funding acc to gender  Project researchers acc to gender and level of education

29 * Husu 2007  Indicator 2: success rate by gender in AF funding   Success rate in obtaining research posts and positions by gender  Success rate by research project funding by gender

30 * Husu 2007  Indicator 3: Equality in Research Programme funding  Programme research project directors by gender  Directors of Centers of Excellence, Programme and group directors by gender

31 * Husu 2007  Indicator 4:Science policy actors and decision makers  Academy project evaluation experts by gender  Research Council chairs and members by gender

32 * Husu 2007  Indicator 5: Equality in researcher training  Doctoral degrees by gender by field of study  Dissertation intensity by gender and by field of study

33 * Husu 2007  Indicator 6: Equality in university instruction and researcher posts  University research personnel by position by field of research and gender

34 * Husu 2007 New initiatives  Sweden: Vinnova : Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems  > english  Call for ”Applied Gender Research within strong research and innovation environments” 45 million SEK, 2008-2012  To improve the competitiveness of Sweden and create sustainable development through developing and strengthening gender perspective in R&D environments funded by Vinnova

35 * Husu 2007  Vinnova: early career support for postdoctoral women researchers  Vinnmer program: 2007-2014  Grants will cover half of the salary of the applicant and any additional costs for the applicant and her family, when doing a post doc abroad  Both post docs abroad, visitors to Sweden and post docs in Sweden are covered, with emphasis on international connections

36 * Husu 2007  Norwegian Ministry of Education: 2 million NOK (260 000 euros) institutional award 2 million NOK (260 000 euros) institutional award to university or institution which has done the most to promote women in science to university or institution which has done the most to promote women in science  Call 2007

37 * Husu 2007  Nordic Network of Women in Physics:  European Platform of Women Scientists EPWS: –Network of women scientists’ networks –European women scientists´ joint voice on research policy

38 * Husu 2007 European Network on Gender Equality in Higher Education  Since 1999, coordinated from the University of Helsinki  Regular large conferences: next in Stockholm, August 2009  Email network eq-uni, over 440 members from over 30 countries and all continents  To join, send email with text subscribe eq-uni to

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