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European Commercial Safety Team – ECAST ECAST Secretariat - February 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "European Commercial Safety Team – ECAST ECAST Secretariat - February 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Commercial Safety Team – ECAST ECAST Secretariat - February 2015

2 2ECAST Standard Presentation, February 2015

3 European Strategic Safety Initiative (ESSI) Programme aimed at improving aviation safety in Europe and worldwide Partnership, with more than 150 organisations Powered by industry and facilitated by EASA Composed of ECAST, EHEST and EGAST Contributes to the European Aviation Safety Plan The partnership to enhance Commercial aviation, Helicopter and General Aviation safety in Europe 3ECAST Standard Presentation, February 2015

4 4 ECAST – A Component of ESSI ECAST Standard Presentation, February 2015

5 International Cooperation 5ECAST Standard Presentation, February 2015

6 International Cooperation 6ECAST Standard Presentation, February 2015

7 International Cooperation 7ECAST Standard Presentation, February 2015

8 European Aviation Safety Plan (EASp) ECAST contributes to EASp development and implementation 8ECAST Standard Presentation, February 2015

9 A Plan of Action Our regional safety risk portfolio A four year Safety Plan A live process Widely discussed and agreed 9ECAST Standard Presentation, February 2015

10 EASp Brochure aviation-safety-plan-easp-2014-2017-brochure 10ECAST Standard Presentation, February 2015

11 EASp Framework 2014-2017 Systemic Issues Working with States to implement and develop SSPs Working with States to foster the implementation of SMS in the industry Safety Management enablers Complexity of the system Competence of personnel Operational Issues COMMERCIAL AIR TRANSPORT BY AEROPLANES Runway Excursions Mid-air collisions Controlled Flight Into Terrain Loss of Control In Flight Runway Incursions Fire, smoke and Fumes OTHER TYPES OF OPERATION Helicopters General Aviation New products, systems, technologies and operations Environmental factors Regulatory considerations Human Factors and Human Performance 11ECAST Standard Presentation, February 2015 No new version planned in 2015

12 Safety Analysis Flight Data Monitoring EOFDM Safety Management Ground Safety Runway Safety Smokes, Fire and Fumes Human Factors Prospective Safety ECAST Activities 12ECAST Standard Presentation, February 2015

13 Regulation (EU) No 376/2014 Addresses both mandatory and voluntary reporting (new!) Published at: 13ECAST Standard Presentation, February 2015

14 European Network of Analysts (NoA) 14ECAST Standard Presentation, February 2015

15 ECAST Safety Analysis Team 15ECAST Standard Presentation, February 2015 ECAST CAG to be set up as a partnership between ECAST and the NoA

16 EOFDM Conference 16ECAST Standard Presentation, February 2015 2015 Edition postponed

17 Safety Management 17ECAST Standard Presentation, February 2015

18 Safety Management 18ECAST Standard Presentation, February 2015

19 Published herehere Ground Safety 19ECAST Standard Presentation, February 2015

20 ECAST Contribution to IGOM Support to ISAGO and other IATA Ground Products Ground Safety 20ECAST Standard Presentation, February 2015

21 Runway Safety - Runway Incursion Published in Led by EUROCONTROL Support from several organisations, such as ECAST 21ECAST Standard Presentation, February 2015

22 Published in Led by EUROCONTROL Support from several organisations, such as ECAST Runway Safety - Runway Excursion 22ECAST Standard Presentation, February 2015

23 Fires, Smoke and Fumes 23 ECAST Standard Presentation, February 2015

24 Fires, Smoke and Fumes 24 New ECAST Standard Presentation, February 2015

25 Fires, Smoke and Fumes 25ECAST Standard Presentation, February 2015

26 Fires, Smoke and Fumes 26 ECAST Standard Presentation, February 2015

27 Human Factors: Raising Awareness of OGHFA, an FSF product 27 ECAST Standard Presentation, February 2015

28 FAST 28

29 FAST Website on SKYbrary 29 ECAST Standard Presentation, February 2015

30 FAST on the NLR Website 30ECAST Standard Presentation, February 2015


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