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AT 209 Introduction to Civil Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)

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Presentation on theme: "AT 209 Introduction to Civil Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 AT 209 Introduction to Civil Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)
Professor M Leasure, Associate Professor AET Class will meet 2 times per week for 50 minutes Includes both lecture presentation and hands-on use of UAV technology Airport hangars will be used for indoor flight operations Limited outdoor flight opportunities are available as needed Laboratory projects include simulator flight time and operation of various UAS platforms. A final group presentation will be required.

2 What you will learn in this class:
Demonstrate ability to manually fly unmanned aircraft visually and via remote video feed (FPV) Acquire basic skills related to unmanned aircraft operation with flight simulator technology Demonstrate ability to plan and execute mission plans for unmanned flights Acquire knowledge of unmanned aircraft, operating systems, and ground control options Demonstrate unmanned applications in achieving mission goals Propose unmanned aerial applications and develop implementation plan Present findings regarding proposed unmanned aircraft applications to class Acquire working vocabulary of unmanned flight descriptions Demonstrate autopilot installation, calibration, and system operation Demonstrate skills related to system construction and maintenance

3 Unmanned Aerial Systems-UAS
This class will primarily focus on civil UAS applications and technology. Topics are as follows: Introduction History Platform Options Powerplant options Airframe construction Command and control systems (flight) Launch and recovery options Civilian applications Regulations Safety Repair and maintenance Sensor packages Field Deployment Experience Current assets and presentation Specifications

4 What is a UAS/UAV? The UAV is an acronym for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, which is an aircraft with no pilot on board. UAVs can be remote controlled aircraft (e.g. flown by a pilot at a ground control station) or can fly autonomously based on pre-programmed flight plans or more complex dynamic automation systems. UAVs are currently used for a number of missions, including reconnaissance and attack roles. A UAV is defined as being capable of controlled, sustained level flight and powered by a jet, electric, or reciprocating engine. In addition, a cruise missile can be considered to be a UAV, but is treated separately on the basis that the vehicle is the weapon. The acronym UAV has been expanded in some cases to UAVS (Unmanned Aircraft Vehicle System). The FAA has adopted the acronym UAS (Unmanned Aircraft System) to reflect the fact that these complex systems include ground stations and other elements besides the actual air vehicles.

5 UAS Types by mission Target and decoy - providing ground and aerial gunnery a target that simulates an enemy aircraft or missile. (first used WW2) Reconnaissance - providing battlefield intelligence (most common) Combat - providing attack capability for high-risk missions (see Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle, (UCAV) Research and development - used to further develop technologies to be integrated into UAS aircraft Civil and Commercial UAVs - UAVs specifically designed for civil, and potential commercial, applications such as agriculture, forestry, etc.

6 Manual Flight Controls, Mode 2
FORWARD UP YAW LEFT ROLL RIGHT DOWN Back (up, down, right, left are referenced from virtual pilot seat)

7 UAS Sample Designs Lockheed Quadrotor

8 Another Lockheed design, small 5 pound Quadrotor

9 Viking Aerospace Helicopter
18 horsepower

10 Fixed Wing Large Civilian
Ranger – Swiss/Israeli Civilian with catapult

11 Fixed Wing Small CALMAR Condor Agricultural Imaging UAV, 10’ span, 21 pounds loaded, Electric propulsion, hand launch, unimproved field landing

12 Flex Wing Wings can fold for storage

13 Powered parachute Very compact for transport, slow flight, low power required

14 Airship Power only used for climb and repositioning, vulnerable to high wind

15 VTOL Fixed Wing Vertical Take-off and landing combined with fixed wing speed

16 VTOL ( Tail Sitter) Fixed wing speed with no runway requirement

17 Components of a Complete UAS Operation
COA application and approval of platform and flights (regulatory) Platform design and construction (manufacturing) Flight test and development (flight) Maintenance and repair of uas (technical) Training for all aspects (education) Coordinating and identifying applications with customers (marketing) Investigating new technology (research) Data package implementation, data analysis (data science) Onboard electronics, guidance, power, control (avionics) Coordination and monitoring of projects (management) Securing funding and income streams ( finance)

18 END

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