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The New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research Limited Tony Conner Intragenics/cisgenics and other emerging techniques for genetic modification.

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Presentation on theme: "The New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research Limited Tony Conner Intragenics/cisgenics and other emerging techniques for genetic modification."— Presentation transcript:

1 The New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research Limited Tony Conner Intragenics/cisgenics and other emerging techniques for genetic modification

2 The New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research Limited New techniques in crop breeding  Plant breeders have always been rapid adopters of new technologies: -Haploid plants & chromosome doubling -Chromosome manipulation – substitution & addition lines between species -Chemical- and radiation- induced mutations -Cell & tissue culture – wide hybrids, in vitro fertilisation, protoplast fusion, spontaneous genetic changes

3 The New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research Limited Molecular biology era  Two key technologies: - DNA diagnostics for marker-assisted selection - Genetic engineering, now allows the routine transfer of DNA from any source to crops  Latter was a step too far for society  Strict regulations throughout the world, usually embedded in legislation

4 The New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research Limited Genetic modification refinements  New breeding and genetic modification techniques have continued to rapidly evolve  Unclear whether these new techniques result in GMOs as defined in legislation  Growing interest in developing techniques that result in plants not containing any new DNA sequences  In some cases the resulting changes are similar to, or identical to, those from breeding

5 The New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research Limited Emerging issues  Scientists are confused as to whether these techniques are, or should be, considered as producing GMOs  Regulators are even more confused and are not prepared to make decisions  In the modern era of public consultation, how can we expect society to debate the issues when products are ready to go, and the technology is still evolving?

6 The New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research Limited Intragenics/cisgenics  Genetic engineering of plants with their own DNA  Assembly of vectors for gene transfer from the target species  Transfer genes from the genepool to elite lines of the crop  May or may not involve ‘chimeric’ genes  GM crops without foreign DNA  Issues around the use of term ‘cisgenics’

7 The New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research Limited Null segregants from transgenics  Non-transgenic progeny segregating from plants heterozygous for transgenes  These non-GM plants are still legally GM in many countries, including NZ and Europe  Should these plants be considered transgenic?  But what if the transgene has already been used to increase or decrease the frequency of natural recombination?  Provides a valuable breeding tool to break-up or maintain ‘linkages groups’ [co-inherited genes]

8 The New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research Limited Grafting onto root stocks  What if non-transgenic plants are grafted onto transgenic rootstocks? - resistance to root diseases in fruit trees or grapes on which non-GM scions are grown – are the harvested fruit GM? - but what if rootstock transgenes are designed to translocate silencing micro-RNAs from the rootstock to the scion to induce changes in gene expression?

9 The New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research Limited Targeted mutagenesis  Allow the exact desired change to be induced in a genome  ‘Oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis’ (ODGM) for site-specific alteration  Oligonucleotide molecules are not incorporated into the genome  Induce a DNA repair mechanism to make the desired change(s)  Will become more important with whole genome sequence knowledge  More precise and targeted than ‘classical’ mutagens

10 The New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research Limited Implications and issues arising  No clear biological distinction between traditional plant breeding approaches and GMOs  Complete continuum of technologies from traditional plant breeding to transgenics -Matter of interpretation whether new techniques fall within the scope of GMO legislation -Definitions of GMOs differ between countries -Enforcement difficult when resulting organisms are indistinguishable from conventional breeding

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