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UN-HABITAT Communications for Development Jane Nyakairu UN-HABITAT.

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Presentation on theme: "UN-HABITAT Communications for Development Jane Nyakairu UN-HABITAT."— Presentation transcript:

1 UN-HABITAT Communications for Development Jane Nyakairu UN-HABITAT

2 Communication for Development 1. The world’s urbanization challenges improving the lives of slum dwellers halving the number of those without access to water and sanitation 3. Allowing communities to speak out 2. Information for decision making: linking data to urban planning and policies 4. Advocacy

3 UN-HABITAT The world urbanization challenges Next 15 years: 93% of the urban growth will be in developing countries 2007: the world is predominantly urban Asia alone will account for more than half the world’s urban population. The urban population in Western Asia will reach 75%.

4 UN-HABITAT Information challenges  World is urbanizing but … in a context of poverty  Poor knowledge of this process Urban growth and land consumption patterns are poorly understood  Information and policies are poorly connected - not integrated to urban planning In the developing world: 80 cities out of 100 do not have appropriate mechanisms to monitor growth (UN-HABITAT:2005)

5 UN-HABITAT Global Monitoring of the MDG target on slums Prevalence of slums in the world

6 UN-HABITAT Access to improved water Access to improved sanitation Sufficient living area Durability of housing Counting Shelter Deprivations Identifying slum areas Moderate slums Severe slums

7 UN-HABITAT Using urban indicators and GIS to support policy making Provides evidence on which to base decisions and actions. Make better use of existing information Comparing performance across areas

8 UN-HABITAT  Free GIS software, training and technical support for partners and consolidation of data into global database on urban indicators  Global Land Tool Network – for and by partners global reference on land rights, pro-poor forms of secure tenure  E-Learning on city management for local leaders  Best practices database, free E-Library for developing countries Empowering decision makers

9 UN-HABITAT Community participation  World Urban Forum WUF1: 1,200; WUF2: 4,300; WUF3: 10,000 WUF1: 1,200; WUF2: 4,300; WUF3: 10,000 Support for LDC participation incl. CBOs WUF recommendations to GC  Youth engagement World Youth Forum -> GC Messengers of Truth  Habitat Jam Focus on input by poor

10 UN-HABITAT Advocacy and Education  World Habitat Day / (World Urban Forum) Commemorations by partners including the poor Showcases best practices Try to locate in areas that highlights problems  Water Education integrate into school curriculum  One Stop Youth Centers Access to information on employment, networking  Information for slum residents Internet café and Kenya Slum Upgrading Office  Journalist sensitization Specialized workshops on MDGs and urban issues Partnerships with media training institutions to include MDG issues

11 UN-HABITAT Coordination & Partnership  Information and communication a percentage of project plans Within UN-HABITAT – not always popular with donors, limited amounts  Habitat Programme Managers Coordination with overall UN system at country level  Medium Term & Institutional Plan Focus all efforts on selected countries for maximum impact Same list of countries in UN Reform Initiative  Challenges Size and capacity Limited presence at country level No organizational unit for communications for development

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