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Adapt Adaptivity and adaptability in ODL (Minerva/Socrates project)

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Presentation on theme: "Adapt Adaptivity and adaptability in ODL (Minerva/Socrates project)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Adapt Adaptivity and adaptability in ODL (Minerva/Socrates project)

2 Background I  A network of 6 European universities (Eindhoven, Twente, Milano, Trento, Southampton and Nottingham)  Aim: to produce a series of guidelines for good practice for authoring in EAH (educational, adaptive hypermedia) systems.

3 Background II  Investigation of current EAH systems to determine “adaptive patterns”, possibly develop a taxonomy of these.  Good vs. Bad ?  What are Patterns?

4 Patterns  Design Pattern = EAH design pattern =  Design Pattern = EAH design pattern =

5 Patterns  example we are using an EAH to teach maths: our “teaching goal” - is to teach each student at a level appropriate to their understanding our “customised design” – is to alter the presentation of material to be relevant for that student.

6 Design Dimensions  Identified ‘high level’ patterns:  Content Domain  Learner Model  Instructional Views  Adaptation Rules  Detection Mechanism  the Content and Learner Domains will now be expanded upon:

7 Content Domain  Types:  Fact  Principle  Example  Formal Definition  Procedure  Theory  Demonstration  Etc ….

8 Learner Model  Types (which learner attributes): Domain dependant aspects User knowledge of a given concept (m/M, V) Background Knowledge (M, S) Motivations (M), Goals (M/m), Tasks (m) Performance (M/m) Scaffolding required (M/m) Time to Complete

9 Learner Model Domain independent aspects (M, S) Learning Style PersonalitySex Accessibility Issues How? Overlay Model (1-n mapping from concepts to user micro attributes) Stereotype Model (for Macro attributes)

10 Next …  Take a subset of these design patterns and create an authoring system.  Why?  Current authoring systems do not cover anything more than creation of content. Even then there are no guidelines for the creation of content in an adaptive system.  Re-use of extant materials

11 Next …  Aim:  Full specification of an adaptive authoring system.  System to author adaptive structures (lessons/tutorials) and the content to address them.  Creation of a prototype

12 Prototype  Use a rule set created for EAH systems.  Output from a generic tool for specific systems (e.g. WHURLE, MOT, AHA!)  example

13 Questions?

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