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New Arrangements for Training Product Development for Australian Industry.

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2 New Arrangements for Training Product Development for Australian Industry

3 Introductory points Overview of the model Timeframes Transition Probity

4 Process from here - Key dates June to July – Invitation to Industry August – September: Assessment and Negotiations October – November: Establishment January 2016: Fully operational

5 Overview of Model Industry Reference Committees Role: bring industry intelligence and needs to bear on training policy and products Industry will form IRCs themselves, need to be appropriate representatives for the sector, able to provide national coverage AISC will approve the composition of proposed IRCs Performance expectations of IRCs will be set out by the AISC Arrangements between IRCs and SSOs will be determined between the two parties Draw on industry, employer and enterprise to inform training needs and intelligence. Will be stood up as needed – short or long term Scope for new IRCs to be formed to respond to new and emerging industries

6 Overview of Model Skills Service Organisations Role: support IRCs to engage with industry and lead development and updating of training products Governed by a professional board Facilitate formation of IRCs Facilitate business case development to AISC for new/amended training product EOI will set out the requirements, capability, capacity for applying to be an SSO SSO will support a cluster of industries. Industry clusters to be determined in accordance with the arrangements set out in the EOI/invitation to industry as part of the grants process. IRC movement between SSOs will be based on rigorous criteria set out in the EOI/invitation to industry as part of the grants process. EOI will set out approach to fee arrangements. No set number of SSOs, other than fewer than 12.

7 Overview of Model Australian Industry and Skills Committee Role: scheduling, endorsing, allocating training products, assign IRCs or re-assign IRCs Prioritising and scheduling business cases for new/amended training requirements Representative committee drawn from all jurisdictions Will assign work to IRCs. This work will be completed with support from SSOs. Other products such as e-scans and project work will be scheduled by the AISC Minimising duplication of competencies Address industry challenges regarding ownership of training products

8 Questions and Answers

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