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Factors Determining the Price Of Used Mid- Compact Size Vehicles Team 4.

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Presentation on theme: "Factors Determining the Price Of Used Mid- Compact Size Vehicles Team 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Factors Determining the Price Of Used Mid- Compact Size Vehicles Team 4

2 INTRODUCTION Used least squares regression analysis to determine the factors that affect mid-compact size vehicle price. By determining these factors manufacturers, dealerships, rental agencies, and consumers can incorporate these economic indicators into their decision making processes and operations What? Why?

3 Identified and defined dependent variable (Price of Mid-Compact Size Cars) Collected sufficient data on potential indicators/independent variables Developed regression model by considering different model types and variable interactions Diagnosed and refined model taking into consideration performance parameters How?

4 Independent Variables Supply - Used cars available in a particular month Supply - Used cars available in a particular month Fleet - Percentage of supply of vehicles sold to public agencies (police department, government offices) Fleet - Percentage of supply of vehicles sold to public agencies (police department, government offices) Lease - Percentage of total supply of cars leased. Lease - Percentage of total supply of cars leased. Incentives - Rebates, APR, etc. dollar value($) Incentives - Rebates, APR, etc. dollar value($) PI- Monthly National Personal Income in Billions of dollars PI- Monthly National Personal Income in Billions of dollars Month - Month in which Price was recorded. Month - Month in which Price was recorded. Year -Year in which Price was recorded. Year -Year in which Price was recorded.

5 Single Variable Regressions Y=.0557x+6046.7 R^2=.1743Y=-4031.1x+7730.3 R^2=.3143 Y=4850.4.4x+6088.3 R^2=.2421 Y=-.7584x+7895.1 R^2=.3742

6 Y=-69.184x+7326 R^2=.0491 Y=-98.334x+7136.3 R^2=.0163

7 PRICESUPPLYMONTHYEARLEASEINCENTIVEFLEET PRICE1.00000.4175-0.2216-0.12780.4921-0.6117-0.5606 SUPPLY0.41751.0000-0.11150.0869-0.0825-0.4844-0.3933 MONTH-0.2216-0.11151.0000-0.2223-0.03680.1127-0.1625 YEAR-0.12780.0869-0.22231.0000-0.11790.03320.0661 LEASE0.4921-0.0825-0.0368-0.11791.0000-0.0422-0.1142 INCENTIVE-0.6117-0.48440.11270.0332-0.04221.00000.5116 FLEET-0.5606-0.3933-0.16250.0661-0.11420.51161.0000 Correlation Matrix By looking at the Correlation Matrix we see some fairly high correlations between independent variables and that indicates a potential problem with multicollinearity

8 Developing Models (EQ 1) R-squared0.7221 Mean dependent var6833.9815 Adjusted R-squared0.7068 S.D. dependent var1028.1981 S.E. of regression556.7549 Akaike info criterion15.5396 Sum squared resid39366959.4514 Schwarz criterion15.7117 Log likelihood-1040.9202 F-statistic47.1450 Durbin-Watson stat0.6384 Prob(F-statistic)0.0000 VariableCoefficientStd. Errort-StatisticProb. SUPPLY0.02000.00752.68170.0083 FLEET-2146.8892425.2621-5.04840.0000 INCENTIVE-0.43300.0761-5.69360.0000 LEASE4240.7041474.72318.93300.0000 MONTH-96.640125.9345-3.72630.0003 YEAR-458.4911297.1605-1.54290.1253 PI0.83250.65481.27140.2059 C2494.82344111.28440.60680.5451

9 Developing Models (EQ 2) VariableCoefficientStd. Errort-StatisticProb. SUPPLY0.02080.00752.78530.0062 FLEET-2231.5649421.0242-5.30030.0000 INCENTIVE-0.40930.0739-5.53810.0000 LEASE4281.7972474.76049.01890.0000 MONTH-70.448915.7922-4.46100.0000 YEAR-83.706237.5382-2.22990.0275 C7709.2045285.136927.03690.0000 R-squared0.7186 Mean dependent var6833.9815 Adjusted R-squared0.7054 S.D. dependent var1028.1981 S.E. of regression558.0938 Akaike info criterion15.5374 Sum squared resid39867988.1607 Schwarz criterion15.6880 Log likelihood-1041.7738 F-statistic54.4708 Durbin-Watson stat0.6253 Prob(F-statistic)0.0000

10 Testing Variable Interactions Price Vs Year*Supply Price Vs Incentive*Fleet Y=.0071x+6517.7 R^2=.0548 Y=-1.8835x+7533.3 R^2=.3377

11 Developing Models (EQ 3) VariableCoefficientStd. Errort-StatisticProb. SUPPLY-0.06800.0158-4.29420.0000 MONTH-66.226813.9278-4.75500.0000 YEAR-477.466471.9577-6.63540.0000 LEASE5719.1001478.871911.94290.0000 INCENTIVE-0.40270.0651-6.18480.0000 FLEET-2100.0570371.4849-5.65310.0000 YEAR*SUPPLY0.02890.00476.16110.0000 C8602.7106290.031829.66130.0000 R-squared0.783333561 Mean dependent var6833.981481 Adjusted R-squared0.771391317 S.D. dependent var1028.198109 S.E. of regression491.6127776 Akaike info criterion15.29069057 Sum squared resid30693756.64 Schwarz criterion15.462855 Log likelihood-1024.121613 F-statistic65.59349469 Durbin-Watson stat0.867002592 Prob(F-statistic)0

12 Final Model VariableCoefficientStd. Errort-StatisticProb. SUPPLY-0.06420.0145-4.42580.0000 MONTH-57.894012.8331-4.51130.0000 YEAR-498.984865.8981-7.57210.0000 LEASE5495.1686439.841012.49350.0000 INCENTIVE-0.94770.1222-7.75270.0000 FLEET-4523.0306583.6174-7.75000.0000 YEAR*SUPPLY0.02840.00436.61050.0000 INCENTIVE*FLEET2.31450.45345.10420.0000 C9055.9077279.539932.39580.0000 R-squared0.8205 Mean dependent var6833.9815 Adjusted R-squared0.8091 S.D. dependent var1028.1981 S.E. of regression449.2916 Akaike info criterion15.1176 Sum squared resid25434734.6948 Schwarz criterion15.3112 Log likelihood-1011.4354 F-statistic71.9727 Durbin-Watson stat0.9421 Prob(F-statistic)0.0000

13 Diagnostics

14 Final Equation PRICE = -0.06417398414*SUPPLY - 57.89403046*MONTH - 498.984817*YEAR + 5495.168601*LEASE - 0.9477265548*INCENTIVE - 4523.030592*FLEET + 0.02838232606*(YEAR*SUPPLY) + 2.314465082*(INCENTIVE*FLEET) + 9055.90772 dPrice/dSupply= -.064+.028(Year) dPrice/dMonth= -57.89 dPrice/dYear= -498.98 +.028(Supply) dPrice/dLease= 5495.17 dPrice/dIncentive= -.9477+2.31(Fleet) dPrice/dFleet= -4523.03+2.31(Incentive)

15 Conclusions The month and lease % variables have the most significant impact on price. The effect of incentives on price cannot be considered without looking at fleet % The effect of supply on price also cannot be considered without looking at year An informed buyer or seller of mid- compact sized vehicles should consider these implications before acting

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