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Jacky Hood, Director, Community College Open Textbook Collaborative Comparing Open Repositories for the League of Innovation Conference Baltimore, March 31, 2010 Goldilocks and the 13 Repositories CC BY Licensed 2010 College Open Textbooks Slide 1
The Twelve Members of the College Open Textbook Collaborative CC BY Licensed 2010 College Open Textbooks Slide 2
Goldilocks and the 13 Repositories Artwork by Wordle CC BY Licensed 2010 College Open Textbooks Slide 3 OCW is not really a repository Lulu has only a small percentage of open textbooks. Textbook media is free but not open.
Educational Resources CC BY Licensed 2010 College Open Textbooks Slide 4
Open educational resources are here, there, and everywhere… One person’s ideal repository is another’s dead end. Many lists, not so many repositories…. Most open textbooks are on single-book sites… Choosing the open repository just right for you Pictures licensed for reuse by Mariah CC BY Licensed 2010 College Open Textbooks Slide 5
Type Licensing Disciplines Quality Format Print Options Ease of Use Some criteria for choosing an open repository Slide 6CC BY Licensed 2010 College Open Textbooks licensed reuse benny's photostream
Size Search tools Authoring tools Communities Business model Sustainability model Feedback mechanism Accessibility Cost… Many other criteria Slide 7CC BY Licensed 2010 College Open Textbooks Evaluating apples licensed for reuse by Kim Montgomery
TypeNuggets, Textbooks, Ancillaries, Complete Courses LicensingCC BY perhaps with SA, NC, ND; also PD, custom, others DisciplinesHumanities, Science, Math, Social Science, Language, etc. QualityAuthoritative source, reviews (criteria, depth, by whom) FormatO/S, Browser, Downloaded, Mobile Devices. Cost. Print optionsSelf-printing, print-on-demand, pre-printed. Binding & cost. Ease of useTradeoff between adopter, student, and author Criteria options Slide 8CC BY Licensed 2010 College Open Textbooks
College Open Textbooks Advanced Technological Education Applied Math and Science Education Repository OER Commons Student PIRGS USG Share OER Commons MERLOT Many lists are not repositories Photo licensed for reuse by J T’s photostream CC BY Licensed 2010 College Open Textbooks Slide 9
Art and Contemporary Critical Practice: Reinventing Institutional Critique (CC- BY-NC-ND)Art and Contemporary Critical Practice: Reinventing Institutional Critique Art History (CC-BY-SA)Art History Digital Foundations (CC-BY-NC)Digital Foundations Digital Foundations: Introduction to Media Design with the Adobe Creative Suite (CC-BY-NC)Digital Foundations: Introduction to Media Design with the Adobe Creative Suite History of New Media (CC-BY-SA)History of New Media Open Content Photography Program NROpen Content Photography Program Remix Making art and commerce thrive in the hybrid economy (CC-BY-NC)Remix Making art and commerce thrive in the hybrid economy Smart History* (Nominated for the 2010 "Texty" Award)Smart HistoryNominated for the 2010 "Texty" Award Visual Communication Design (CC-NC-BY-SA)Visual Communication Design Lists can provide reviews and information Slide 10CC BY Licensed 2010 College Open Textbooks *Peer ReviewedPeer Reviewed
Reviews on a list site.. CC BY Licensed 2010 College Open Textbooks Slide 11 Chapter by chapter spreadsheet availableReviewer bio on another page of this site.
TextbooksCoursewareCrowd-Sourced, K-12, Source Forge, Free-not-open ConnexionsOCW Consortium Textbook Media Orange Grove Texts+NROC HippocampusWikiBooks FlatWorld KnowledgeSofiaCK12 LuluCurriki Global Text ProjectOpen Text Book Three groups of repositories Slide 12CC BY Licensed 2010 College Open Textbooks
TypeTextbooks, Resources, Courses LicensingCC BY only DisciplinesAcademic QualityHigh; some reviewed FormatXML Print optionsPDF, bound Ease of useStudents OK; adopters need training Funded by grants and consortium fees 16151 modules in 991 collections Approximately 12 textbooks Rice University Connexions Slide 13CC BY Licensed 2010 College Open Textbooks
TypeTextbooks, Resources, Courses, Ancillaries LicensingMultiple DisciplinesAcademic QualityVery High due to UPF; some reviewed FormatMostly PDF Print optionsPDF, bound Ease of useHigh for users; limited for modifiers Unique relationship with University Press of Florida Founder of OnCoReBluePrint inter- state sharing and model OnCoReBluePrint 100 collections 165 textbooks n_textbooks.asp Orange Grove Texts Plus Slide 14CC BY Licensed 2010 College Open Textbooks
TypeTextbooks LicensingCC BY NC DisciplinesMath, Econ, Business QualityHigh Format Print optionsSelf-print and bound Ease of useModerately complex for adopters and users; authors by invitation and contract only For-profit business model similar to open source software vendors Give away textbooks and sell ancillaries and support Invited named authors paid royalties for bound copies and ancillaries FlatWorld Knowledge Slide 15CC BY Licensed 2010 College Open Textbooks
TypeTextbooks and more LicensingVaried DisciplinesMany QualityVaried FormatVaried Print optionsVaried Ease of useModerate for users; great for authors For profit new-age publisher Some open textbooks outstanding Good print-on-demand capabilities Difficult to isolate open content or textbooks; no browse capabiity Lulu Slide 16CC BY Licensed 2010 College Open Textbooks
TypeTextbooks, LicensingCC BY 3.0 DisciplinesBusiness, Computing, Education, Health, Humanities, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences QualityHigh FormatCreated in Open Office; converted to PDF Print optionsPaper and CD or DVD Ease of useHigh but limited flexibility Affiliated with the University of Georgia Grant funded by Jacobs Foundation http://globaltext.te ks Global Text Project Slide 17CC BY Licensed 2010 College Open Textbooks
TypeCourses LicensingCustom* (cc by nc) DisciplinesAll academic and most vocational QualityGenerally excellent FormatVaried; eduCommons Print optionsVery limited Ease of useExcellent; outstanding assistance to members Courses stored on a usually dedicated member site Grants and memberships * Use, reproduce, distribute, translate and modify the Materials for educational, non-commercial, and non- monetary gain. Some trails lead to fees…. OCW Consortium Slide 18CC BY Licensed 2010 College Open Textbooks
TypeCourses (not textbooks) LicensingCustom DisciplinesAlgebra, Biology, Calculus, Environment, Government, Physics, Psychology, Religion, Statistics, US History QualityOutstanding FormatMedia-Rich Print optionsLimited Ease of useOutstanding Free to individuals Grant and fees Institutions strongly encouraged to join ($3K to $50K per year) Math classes also in Spanish New developmental math will be completely open and free NROC Hippocampus (MITE) Slide 19CC BY Licensed 2010 College Open Textbooks
TypeCourseware Licensing DisciplinesComputer Science, Geography, Math, Music, Typography, QualityHigh FormatMultimedia Print optionsVaried and limited Ease of useHigh Hosted by Foothill College Grant funded Eight courses Not maintained Currently creating green technology course Sofia Slide 20CC BY Licensed 2010 College Open Textbooks
TypeTextbooks LicensingCopyright all rights reserved DisciplinesBusiness, Computer Science, English, Ethics, QualityOutstanding FormatSilverlight Print optionsMultiple Ease of useOutstanding Advertising and bound copy supported (for profit) Compensated authors Multiple versions Free with very limited advertising; $5 without. B/W and color comb-bound copies Textbook Media Slide 21CC BY Licensed 2010 College Open Textbooks
TypeTextbooks LicensingCC BY SA DisciplinesAll QualityVaried FormatWiki; some media Print optionsLimited; awkward Ease of useModerate; being improved Crowd-sourced Public donations (cash and content) business model WikiBooks Slide 22CC BY Licensed 2010 College Open Textbooks
TypeK-12 textbooks LicensingCustom DisciplinesMost HS Academic QualityOutstanding FormatFlexbook Print optionsMust register Ease of useOutstanding 48 grade 12 books; 8 Advanced Placement 9 books selected for California Learning Resources Network CK-12 Slide 23CC BY Licensed 2010 College Open Textbooks
TypeK-12 textbooks and more LicensingCC BY except referrals DisciplinesMath, Science, Literature, more QualityVaried FormatXwiki and various media Print optionsMultiple Ease of useModerate Moderated crowd-sourced; mix of local and referred Chemistry and Earth Science selected for CLRN 454 resources for Grades 11-12; 296 resources for college Standards tab for each resource; multiple search options Curriki Slide 24CC BY Licensed 2010 College Open Textbooks
TypeTextbooks LicensingCC BY DisciplinesAlgebra, Calculus, Econometrics, Logic, Metrics, Statistics QualityAccurate and boring Formatsharable versioned filesystem (subversion) Print optionsVaried Ease of useNeeds improvement Takes persistance to reach the content! repository Open Text Book Slide 25CC BY Licensed 2010 College Open Textbooks
Three important lists Slide 26CC BY Licensed 2010 College Open Textbooks Licensed for reuse by Blond Blog
TypeResources; some textbooks LicensingMultiple DisciplinesAcademic QualityHigh due to required three-point reviews FormatNot applicable Print optionsNot applicable Ease of useComplex so learning requred More than 80,000 members Started 1998 20,0000 modules 701 textbooks CSU and subscription funded Strong reviews; reviewer training MERLOT: a list, not a repository Slide 27CC BY Licensed 2010 College Open Textbooks
TypeModules (pointed) K-12 and college LicensingCC BY NC SA DisciplinesAll QualityVaried FormatVaried Print optionsVaried Ease of useSite good; resources vary 26,000+ modules 247 textbooks Advanced search Rated and reviewed by members OER Commons: a list, not a repository Slide 28CC BY Licensed 2010 College Open Textbooks
TypeTextbooks LicensingCC, PD, other open DisciplinesMost community college academic QualityHighly varied FormatHighly varied Print optionsVaried and improving Ease of useGood 450 open textbooks listed by discipline 80 reviewed; 50 on the schedule Very detailed reviews; named peer reviewers Accessibility ratings Grant funded (Hewlett) College Open Textbooks : a list, not a repository Slide 29CC BY Licensed 2010 College Open Textbooks
Houston Community College Librarian Angela Secrest’s excellent slideshow on finding OER: Community College Consortium for Open Educational Resources: College Open Textbooks professional network Free open textbook workshops: Spokane April 22, Learn-at-your-own- Pace May 1-31 and August 1-31, MERLOT conference July Jacky Hood 650 949-7091 Resources and contact info Slide 30CC BY Licensed 2010 College Open Textbooks
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