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SABAE-HW3D A Hydro-meteorological Model Coupling the Land Surface and Groundwater Flow Youssef Loukili and Allan D. Woodbury

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Presentation on theme: "SABAE-HW3D A Hydro-meteorological Model Coupling the Land Surface and Groundwater Flow Youssef Loukili and Allan D. Woodbury"— Presentation transcript:

1 SABAE-HW3D A Hydro-meteorological Model Coupling the Land Surface and Groundwater Flow Youssef Loukili and Allan D. Woodbury Department of Civil Engineering – University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

2 SABAE-HW S oil A tmosphere B oundary, A ccurate E valuations of H eat and W ater 1. Free choice of soil column depth and layers in SABAE-HW 2. More accuracy in the water mass balance terms 3. Efficient coupling with groundwater models through water table b.c. 4. Complete update of CLASS v 2.6 to Fortran 90/95 5. Extensive validation and inter-comparisons to other models (HELP, SHAW, HYDRUS)

3 Meteorological inputs required by CLASS and SABAE-HW : 1. Incoming long wave and short wave solar radiation 2. Precipitation3. Wind speed 4. Air temperature5. Atmospheric pressure 6. Specific humidity, or relative humidity Soil characteristics ( Clapp and Hornberger model ) Vegetation parameters Output : 1. Surface, canopy, snow and soil layer temperatures 2. Liquid and frozen water contents 3. Surface heat flux 4. Net absorbed short and long wave radiations 5. Sensible and latent heat fluxes 6. Water evaporation, pond and bottom drainage 7. Snow accumulation and snow melt

4 Comparisons Loukili, Y., Snelgrove, K.R., and A.D. Woodbury, SABAE-HW – An enhancement of the water balance prediction in the Canadian Land Surface Scheme, Vadose Zone J., (accepted), 2008. Loukili, Y. and D. D. Woodbury, ABAE-HW3D: a Meteor- Hydrological Model Coupling the Land Surface to Groundwater Flow, Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., 2007 Loukili, Y., Woodbury, A.D. and K.R. Snelgrove, AccuCLASS - an Enhancement of the Canadian Land Surface Scheme for Climate Assessment Over the Prairies, Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., 2006 Field Testing Assiniboine Delta Aquifer (ADA)


6 Pine Creek North of Assiniboine Delta Aquifer of Manitoba NARR meteorological data (1999-2003) – Resolution 32 x 32 km 2 LL-98 o Winnipeg




10 SABAE-HW operating in each soil column Time step = 30 min 2D horizontal saturated flow using Finite Volume Method Time step = 5 days( conservative fluxes ) Soil columns and grids extend to water table Updated each 5 days( grid regeneration allowed ) Bottom drainage summed up and provided as cell (groundwater) recharge The meteor-hydrological coupled model SABAE-HW3D

11 ADA Transmissivity x 10 3 U.S. Gals/Ft/Day

12 ADA’s Bedrock elevation

13 Depth to the water table in the ADA (m)

14 Saturated thickness in the ADA (m)

15 Piezometric head in the ADA (m)

16 Recharge to Groundwater in the ADA (mm)

17 Distributed frozen moisture in the top 10 cm of soil in the ADA

18 Flow directions and the water divides in the ADA

19 Frozen moisture – Cross section West-East ADA

20 Soil Temperatures – Cross section West-East ADA

21 Cumulative Recharge to WT – Entire ADA

22 Summary and Conclusions 1. SABAE-HW is inter-compared with SHAW and CLASS models and proved to be effective for a cold region hydrology. 2. SABAE-HW3D efficiently couples the unsaturated and saturated flows using weather forcing data. 3. SABAE-HW3D is benchmarked against Seep/w (Geo-Slope International, 2002). 4. The coupled model is also successfully applied to the Assiniboine Delta Aquifer of Manitoba. 5. Further simulations are planed using downscaled weather data and actual vegetation cover.

23 Liquid moisture – Cross section West-East ADA

24 Team and Milestones Dr. Youssef Loukili, Research Associate Alireza Hejazi, Ph.D. student

25 Team and Milestones Field experiments & hypothesis testing: September 2008 (Hayashi, Loukili, Hejazi) Further code development, Fall 2008 GMS-MODFLOW of ADA (3-D aquifer): May 2008 (Hejazi) Refinement of stand-alone SABAE runs (Hanesiak, NARCCAP of ADA), Fall 2008 (Loukili) Full linkage SABAE-HW3D and GCM (single column), Fall 2008 Detailed runs over ADA, Fall 2008 (Hejazi)

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