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Published byDorcas Lucas Modified over 9 years ago
Progress within the Ny-Ålesund Atmosphere Flagship Programme Roland Neuber, Christina A. Pedersen and the programme contributors NySMAC Meeting, 6 – 7 November 2014, Goa
Atmosphere Flagship Workshop 8-9 Oct. 2014 A workshop financed by SSF was held 8-9 October 2014 in Potsdam to provide a forum for organizing research work in the field and cooperation among contributing scientists, in particular for making joint analyses possible, which individual actors cannot provide alone.
Main Goals of the workshop: “Climate change in the Arctic: How do we tackle the challenge?” “Develop collaboration and joint research actions”, i.e.: Plan for joint expeditions, observational periods, campaigns Develop cross-station field activities Develop cross-station utilisation and analyses of available data and ongoing measurements, plan joint publications List new observational needs Provide timeline for future activities
Flagship topics as of Oct. 2014 (1): Boundary Layer Properties Snow and atmosphere Meteorology network and long-term data sets Clouds, Humidity, Precipitation
Flagship topics as of Oct. 2014 (2) Aerosol Direct Effect (Clear Sky Closure Study) Aerosol indirect effects Regional Representativeness, including Satellite Validation Long range transport and modelling activities Comparison & analysis of duplicate measurements (e.g. trace elements)
Atmosphere Flagship Workshop continued
Atmospheric Flagship Gap Analysis Workshop, Goa, 4 – 5 November Aim of the workshop Identify the Gaps in the Atmospheric Research at Ny-Alesund and find area of collaboration where India can contribute The meeting heard the point of view of the modellers
Some Areas where identified and contact points where identified ● Air – snow interaction ● Aersols, Clouds and precipitation ● Arctic Climate and Forecast Modelling It is felt in the meeting that research in aersol chemical charaterization not very active and stressed the need for giving an impetus to it
Future development of the flagship
Scientific committee Roland Neuber, Alfred-Wegener Institute Christina A. Pedersen, Norwegian Polar institute Vito Vitale, NRC Ove Hermansen, Norwegian Institute for Air Research Hans-Christian Hansson, Stockholm University Masataka Shiobara, NIPR Young Jun Yoon, KOPRI Satheesan Karathazhiyath, NCAOR Boris Ivanov, Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute Grzegorz Karasiński, Polish Academy of Sciences
Atmospheric flagship webpage Will contain information about: -the flagship -Ongoing activities/campaigns/focus areas -Monitored parameters (with link to actual dataset, data owner, frequency and period) -Publications Mailing list to all flagship participants to spesific topics
Need of (annual) meeting arenas Apply to Svalbard Strategic Grant for an Atmospheric Symposium 2015. Will be an opportunity to present and develop collaborative work Can we manage to secure funding for an annual meeting? (workshop, symposium, meeting, targeted workshop, etc.) Follow up meetings connected to other events e.g. ECRA workshops, YOPP, MACC, IAGOS, ICOS, ACTRIS2
Flagship topics as of Oct. 2014 (1) Boundary Layer Properties Snow and atmospheric chemistry Meteorology net and long-term data sets Long Term time series and large scale circulation development Interaction Modelling – Observational activities Application of model analyses
Flagship topics as of Oct. 2014 (2) Aerosol Direct Effect (Clear Sky Closure Study) Aerosol indirect effects Clouds, Humidity, Precipitation Regional Representativeness, including Satellite Validation Long range transport investigations Comparison & analysis of duplicate measurements (e.g. trace elements) Long Term time series and large scale circulation development
An initiative by NySMAC and SSF: Science Plan Kongsfjorden International Research Base (KIRB), Svalbard: Develop Flagship programmes to define and organize core scientific research Flagship programs define core scientific foci for KIRB. All scientists active within KIRB are encouraged to focus on developing the science and outcome of the agreed flagships. Activities that are endorsed flagship activities will be prioritized when infrastructure or human resources limit activities
Marine flagship ”Kongsfjorden System” Terrestrial Ecosystems flagship Atmosphere research flagship Glaciology research flagship ® C. Lydersen ® L. Bakken ® C. Hübner ® E. Ø. Kjartansson Ny-Ålesund Flagship Programmes
Overarching issues Listed activities are neither comprehensive, nor exclusive! Long Term time series and large scale circulation development Interaction Modelling – Observational activities Application of model analyses
Workshop report – SSF requests Workshops are to deliver report including: Detailed timetable List of participants Plans for cont. work with scientific justifications
Report from workshop Agenda and participant list Contributions from each institute – any objections? Reports from each working group (incl. future plans) Plans for flagship development
Thank You !
Motivation: Climate change in the Arctic Questions like – What are the most important reasons for the changes observed? – What are the main reasons for the Arctic amplification? – What causes the changing cloud cover? – What are the climatic roles of air pollutants? – How will the Arctic weather change? and many more… The rapid change occurring in the Arctic is a challenge to the polar atmospheric sciences.
A SSF flagship program includes International and institutional cooperation Review of current status, identify knowledge gaps, plan for exchange of knowledge Priorities, recommendations, strategies for future work and data sharing
Contributions from each institition – 2.1 Plans & Timelines: - Provide lists of ongoing and planned measurements, expeditions - Provide times of planned field activities / campaigns – 2.2 Gaps: Which observations / measurements do You miss, which might be provided by others in Ny-Aalesund or on Svalbard? – 2.3 What are your specific contributions to the flagship programme? – 2.4 How do you want the Flagship Programme to be active? – 2.5 Please provide plans for - common publications - common applications to funding calls (SSF, EU, SIOS?, others) - development of satellite cal/val activities - common activities across institutions/stations to enlarge the analysis to a regional level
Agenda : Wednesday, 8. October Introductory talks: - The atmosphere flagship: status, outlook and goals for the workshop (R. Neuber) - SSF motivation and wishes to the workshop (R. Neuber for SSF) - The flagship programmes and SIOS (K. Holmen tbc) Presentations of the atmosphere programmes at other locations: - Barentsburg (B. Ivanov) - Hornsund (G. Karasinski) - Station Nord (A. Massling) Educational issues (V. Vitale or B. Ivanov, tbc) Arrangement of working groups (WG) (C. Pedersen) - Define topics for all WG, and their specific science questions - Select participants to each WG - Separate WG meetings Summary of the day Workshop Dinner
Agenda : Thursday, 9. October Start / goals of the day (plenary) Continue WG work Plenary: - Reports from each WG - discussion: - Which Flagship activities are wanted/needed? - Any formal structure needed? (WG coordinators? Science Guiding Group? Web page? …) Updated list of future activities: within each WG, for the flagship, for pan-Svalbard collaboration Preparation of a workshop document: - list of authors - deadlines Adjourn
Working groups – Meteorology and planetary boundary layer process (WG1), including fluxes / Eddy and snow – atmosphere interactions – Radiation – Aerosol - Clouds interactions (WG2) – Large scale dynamics and atmospheric transport mechanisms (WG3) (including Atmospheric chemistry, long range transport, pollutants)
Boundary Layer Properties ABL height from ceilometers, lidars (NCAOR, CNR, AWI) Comparison of MW radiometer ABL data (AWI, NCAOR, UB, NN?) Precipitation measurements (NCAOR, NIPR?, NPI) Turbulence campaign 2015 (PI Focken): Eddy-systems AWIPEV, Climate Change Tower, AWI mobile tower; comparison of observations and data analysis (Including Barentsburg / AARI system) Water vapor isotopes: double measurements Ny-Ålesund / Zeppelin, planned for spring 2015 (LSCE France, NILU)
Snow and atmospheric chemistry CICCI campaign in April – May 2015 PI: Storvold, Norut/NTNU, NOAA, NPI, U Oslo 4 UAVs: spectral and broadband albedo, physical snow properties, stratigraphy; BC and aerosols in snow and atmosphere Norwegian Young sea ICE cruise (N-ICE2015): Sea ice drift with RV Lance. Freeze in about 82°N 30°E (north of Nordaustlandet). January-June 2015. Energy budget of the first-year sea ice, from formation to melt ocean – atmosphere coupling Comparison to long term data from Ny-Aalesund Long Term snow observations: Snow height, snow and soil temperature, heat flux, spatial variability, precipitation and accumulation : NPI, AWI, CAA, CNR (CCT), LGGE, AARI (Barentsburg)
Meteorology networks and long-term data sets Contact:Marion Maturilli (AWI) Temperature inversions: occurrence, strength, persistence, seasonal cycles, long-term trends analysis of radio sondes Historical long-term records: temperature, humidity, wind, radiation (Hornsund, Pyramiden, Barentsburg, Ny-Ålesund) Link to cloud topic: cover (low, high level, octas); height characteristics; seasonal cycles; link to boundary layer processes; local vs. large scale processes; how can remote sensing / radiation data be used? Contact: Becagli (U. Florence) + Massling (U. Aarhus) Relate variations in long term time series of atmospheric trace gases and aerosols to large scale circulation.
Clouds, Humidity, Precipitation Contact: Shiobara Scientific Questions: What is the altitude / frequency / phase of clouds ? What is the radiative effect of different cloud types ? Any trends in humidity and/or clouds, any radiative effect ? Aim: Quantification of clouds, humidity, and precipitation, and their dependence on regional meteorology. Involved Groups: Japan, Germany, France, Norway, Korea, Italy, Russia, India Planned activities: ArcticCARE campaigns on clouds / satellite validation → Shiobara Test campaign net radiation balance above clouds 2015 Maturilli & DWD Water isotope parallel measurements at AWIPEV and Zeppelin Mt, 2015 Ultralight plane (potentially): measuring water isotopes
Aerosol direct effect Contact: Ritter, Shiobara Scientific Questions: Long-term changes in aerosol load and composition? How does that affect the climate system ? [→ Earth system model !] Contribution of anthropogenic (or natural) aerosol to Arctic change ? Chemical composition of the aerosol -> radiative effect ? Aim: combine remote sensing and in situ measurements (closure study), to optimize information from remote sensing (Contact Ritter) an aerosol radiative transfer model and an appropriate climate model to estimate the direct aerosol radiative forcing in the Svalbard region To address the relevance of different aerosol species and sources for direct radiative forcing Involved Groups: Japan, Italy, Germany, India, Norway, Sweden
Aerosol indirect effect Contact Shiobara, Ritter Scientific Questions: How does the chemical composition of the aerosol affect the cloud formation and microphysics ? Aim: To understand the role of CCN and IN on the lifetime and the radiative properties of clouds. Involved Groups: Japan, Italy, Germany, Denmark, Norway, India, Korea, Sweden Planned activities: campaign May 2015 with focus on mixed-phase clouds (GRENE/NIPR/AWI)
Regional Representativeness, including Satellite Validation Scientific Questions: Representativety of measurements in Ny-Alesund on different scales ? Ny-Alesund ← → Kongsfjord (Zeppelin, Gruvebadet, Rabben, Corbel) Ny-Alesund ← → Svalbard (connection to Barentsburg and Hornsund) Ny-Alesund ← → Arctic (connection to Station Nord, R/V Lance, others) To what extent are measurements in Svalbard useful for satellite validation ? Aim: To understand local and regional influences in the Ny-Alesund area Involved Groups: Japan, Norway, Germany, Italy, Poland, Russia, Denmark, Sweden Planned activities: Ny-Alesund is supersite for validation (EarthCare, after 2018) (→ Shiobara) N-ICE expedition wit R/V Lance 2015 (NP) mobile system for CO, CO2, CH4 to travel the Svalbard stations (Hornsund, Barentsburg, Isfjorden) (NILU)
Long range transport and modelling activities Contact Len Barrie (U. Stockholm) Need explicit involvement of modellers in the Atmospheric flagship programme to understand atmospheric composition observations and contributing sources (trajectory models, chemical transport, climate models simulated situations, source apportionment models). Use Svalbard observations in the evaluation and validation of models Combine the dense meteorological network on Svalbard with a permanent nested grid mesoscale models resolving the topography of the islands. -> Improved chemical transport models -> Feedback on meterological network design
Comparison & analysis of duplicate measurements Hypothesis: Duplicate observations can be utilized: Comparison of duplicate observations of gases and aerosols at different stations in Svalbard. (e.g. BC, OPC, CO, CO2, CH4, aerosol chemistry: trace elements and major ions) (Norwegian Polar Institute shall find lead) Utilize duplicate meteorological observations e.g. local discrepencies in ABL properties, revealing orographic influences like ABL height, surface fluxes, …
Workinggroup discussion issues – 2.1 Plans & Timelines: - Provide lists of ongoing and planned measurements, expeditions - Provide times of planned field activities / campaigns – 2.2 Gaps: Which observations / measurements do You miss, which might be provided by others in Ny-Aalesund or on Svalbard? – 2.3 What are your specific contributions to the flagship programme? – 2.4 How do you want the Flagship Programme to be active? – 2.5 Please provide plans for - common publications - common applications to funding calls (SSF, EU, SIOS?, others) - development of satellite cal/val activities - common activities across institutions/stations to enlarge the analysis to a regional level
Def. SSF flagship programs for scientific cooperation in Svalbard SSF flagship programs for scientific cooperation in Svalbard are groups of researchers from different nations, stations, institutions and/or research bases that work together with the same questions and challenges to find common answers and solutions. A prerequisite for success is that the cooperation within and between the research entities is strengthened. SSF flagship programs include sharing of knowledge and data, they have priorities and a clear strategy to ensure added value for Svalbard research. New SSF flagship programs should complement existing ones, and all SSF flagship programs should be continuously developed. SSF flagship programs for scientific cooperation in Svalbard include: International and institutional cooperation between relevant nations, research bases and research groups in Svalbard. A review of the status today, an identification of knowledge gaps and a plan for exchange of knowledge. Priorities and recommendations for and strategies for future work and data sharing. A plan for how to initiate and continuously develop the flagship program, including: – Organization of program leadership – Shared responsibilities for activities and research – Suggested budget – Measures to secure dissemination of results and open sharing of data
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