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Visualizing Directions and Schedules on Handheld Devices A Pilot Study of Maps vs. Text and Color vs. Monochrome Pankaj Thakkar Irina Ceaparu Cemal Yilmaz.

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Presentation on theme: "Visualizing Directions and Schedules on Handheld Devices A Pilot Study of Maps vs. Text and Color vs. Monochrome Pankaj Thakkar Irina Ceaparu Cemal Yilmaz."— Presentation transcript:

1 Visualizing Directions and Schedules on Handheld Devices A Pilot Study of Maps vs. Text and Color vs. Monochrome Pankaj Thakkar Irina Ceaparu Cemal Yilmaz

2 Introduction  What is ROVER? Location aware information service Info customized for User, Device & Location  Project Description Developing UI for In-building Rover Client Study of presenting info for navigation directions and scheduling

3 Previous Work  Graphic directions are faster and more accurate than text Pilot/Airport Study: Display IV: 4 treatments  Colors improve time performance and accuracy Info Extraction: Display IV: 4 treatments  We focus on two specific tasks on handheld devices with limited treatment

4 Experiment  Hypothesis 1. Colors increase performance time and accuracy 2. Maps increase performance time and accuracy  Variables IV 1 (# of colors):5 colors vs. 2 colors IV 2 (display):maps vs. text directions DV: performance time, # of errors  Subjects: 20 (within subjects)

5 Procedure: Color vs. No Color  Tasks 1. Find the next slot to schedule a meeting 2. Find the # of schedulable slots in a range

6 Procedure: Maps vs. Text  Tasks 3. Follow directions to reach a destination

7 Results and Observations  Color vs. No Color Subjective preference for color No statistically significant results though

8 Results and Observations  Maps vs. Text Subjective preference for Maps No statistically significant results though

9 Conclusions  Increase # of subjects to get good stats  Our interfaces can be improved Various treatments possible for the IV’s we studied Size of maps and text can be increased Use contrasting colors  People need time to become accustomed to the task and technology

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