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A Cross-modal Electronic Travel Aid Device F. Fontana, A. Fusiello, M. Gobbi, V. Murino, D. Rocchesso, L. Sartor, A. Panuccio. Università di Verona Dipartimento.

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Presentation on theme: "A Cross-modal Electronic Travel Aid Device F. Fontana, A. Fusiello, M. Gobbi, V. Murino, D. Rocchesso, L. Sartor, A. Panuccio. Università di Verona Dipartimento."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Cross-modal Electronic Travel Aid Device F. Fontana, A. Fusiello, M. Gobbi, V. Murino, D. Rocchesso, L. Sartor, A. Panuccio. Università di Verona Dipartimento di Informatica

2 Andrea Fusiello Mobile HCI 20022 Overview n Motivations n The system n Visual analisys n Auditory display n Work in progress

3 Andrea Fusiello Mobile HCI 20023 Motivations n Humans use several senses simultaneously to explore and experience the environment. n Multimodal displays can enhance the user experience and the sense of engagement. n The redundancy of our sensory system can be exploited in order to choose the display that is the most convenient for a given application. n Our interest: exploring new ways of transferring information across different sensorial modalities, especially in the context of interactive systems.

4 Andrea Fusiello Mobile HCI 20024 n Cross-modality: methods to perform analysis tasks using one modality, and synthesis (display) tasks using another modality. n Examples: give auditory display to visual information, visualize auditory scenes, and sonify haptic sensations. n Design problem: how to render a given percept using a certain modality, the latter possibly being not the most obvious for the stimulus at hand.

5 Andrea Fusiello Mobile HCI 20025 A cross-modality instance n Auditory display of visual information –More effective HC interfaces –Aid devices for visually impaired people n Auditory display needs sonification of the (visual) objects being displayed. n Sonification is the acoustic analogous of visualization.

6 Andrea Fusiello Mobile HCI 20026 n n The blind person is equipped with a stereo camera and earphones. n n He/she uses a laser pointer as a cane. n n The system computes the 3D position of the laser spot and sonifies this piece of information The system

7 Andrea Fusiello Mobile HCI 20027 Visual analisys n Track the position of the laser spot in two images n Compute the 3D position of the laser spot by triangulation

8 Andrea Fusiello Mobile HCI 20028 Stereopsis: the concept The same 3D point projects onto two different pixels: the difference is the disparity, which is related to the depth of the point.

9 Andrea Fusiello Mobile HCI 20029 Laser spot tracking n Red band-pass filter n Brightness normalization n Temporal averaging n Thresholding n Size filter n Epipolar constraint n Kalman filter

10 Andrea Fusiello Mobile HCI 200210 Auditory display n Sonification: the most important visual objects are associated to sounds that “label” such objects. n Visual objects are: –The laser spot –Disparity blobs n For disparity blobs we sonify their area, using pitch and loudness.

11 Andrea Fusiello Mobile HCI 200211 n Spatialization: sounds are positioned in a virtual scenario, and displayed in 3D –Relative angular position –Relative distance

12 Andrea Fusiello Mobile HCI 200212 Spatial attributes n Distance is conveyed by processing sounds as if they were located inside a tube n n Angular position: – –Interaural delay – –Head diffraction (low pass)

13 Andrea Fusiello Mobile HCI 200213 The prototype

14 Andrea Fusiello Mobile HCI 200214 Work in progress n Empirical evaluation n Porting to PocketPC n Sketch based interface n Other sonification modes (global) n Looking for other interesting applications of cross-modality

15 Andrea Fusiello Mobile HCI 200215 Questions?

16 Andrea Fusiello Mobile HCI 200216 Brown and Duda model n Interaural distance  time delay n Head diffraction  low pass filter on the opposite hear n Brown&Duda, IEEE Tr. Speech and Audio, 6(5) 1998.

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