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Published byDomenic Bryan Modified over 9 years ago
1 LCFF/LCAP Summit 2 March 2, 2015 SMCOE LCAP Team
2 Pre-Meeting Needs Assessment Survey
3 LCFF/LCAP Survey Directions LCAP Summit 2 Survey – March 2, 2015
4 Welcome LCFF/LCAP Background
5 Agenda I.Welcome, Overview and Accountability Update (15 min) II.Timeline reminders and check-in (10 min) III.Experience and learning from working with the new template (20 min) IV.Revisiting the definition of Base Program and MPP (20 min) V.Overview of CCSESA Approval Manual (60) VI.SBE Rubric Update (10) VII.LCAP-SPSA (10) VIII.Q & A – based on questions/issues raised in survey (30) IX.Closing (5)
6 2014-15 LCFF-LCAP - Mindset The 2014-15 revision/update of the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) will continue to be rooted in the principles for EQUITY established in the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) statute: Performance-focused – relationship among plans, funding use, outcomes for students Simplicity and transparency Student-focused – local identification of needs, provide equitable opportunities State priorities – define metrics, but rely on local determination of measurement Stakeholder engagement – parents, students educators, broader community
7 LCAP and Local Accountability The LCAP effectively communicates to all stakeholders: 1.Locally defined LCAP GOALS 2.Actions and Services to achieve LCAP Goals 3.Expenditures associated with the LCAP Goals
8 LCFF Funding: Greatly simplifies state funding for local educational agencies (LEAs) Per Student Base Amount Grade Level Demographics (Low income, English Learner, and/or Foster Youth) Grade Level Adjustments $
9 Suggested 2014-15 LCFF/LCAP Metrics & Timeline
8 State Priorities and Related Data Elements Needs Assessment Goals Resource Alignment Services Outcomes Student Achievement Performance on assessments Academic Performance Index College and Career Readiness English learners becoming reclassified and proficient Advanced Placement Exams passage Prepared through Early Assessment Program Basic Services Rate of teacher mis-assignments Student Access to standards- aligned instructional resources and materials Facilities Course Access Student access and enrollment in courses of study Student Engagement School attendance rates Chronic absenteeism rates Middle School dropout rates High School dropout rates High School graduation rates School Climate Student suspension rates Student expulsion rates Other local measures Implementation of CCSS CCSS implementation results for all students, including English learners Parental Involvement Efforts to seek parent input Promotion of parental participation and leadership Other Student Outcomes Other indicators of student performance in courses of study. May include performance and other exams. 10
11 Strong Formative Metrics Credible: Are within your sphere of influence or control, and your schools; leadership, and community believe they will contribute to the results. Feasible: Require data that you can realistically obtain. Valuable: Answer the “so what” questions, go beyond activities to outcomes and goals.
12 LCAP Actions and Services Technical and relationship challenges Measure progress on process and outcomes Trust is as important as the measurement expectations Use the local data you have as formative measures, not as a complete design this year Process for using the metrics also needs to engender trust and rapport
July – December 2014 Identify and consult stakeholders Review 2014-15 LCAP goals, actions and services for needed adjustments Review available data for Annual Report Update progress on LCAP goals through the Annual Report Develop timeline for data collection and reporting Update demographic information via CALPADS Review alignment of district & site plans with LCAP Affirm, modify, or develop 2015-16 LCAP goals Project 2016-17 and 2017-18 LCAP goals January - March 2015 Consult stakeholders Continue modification of 2015-16 LCAP and updating progress on 2014-15 Annual Report Review proposed state budget (2015-16) and local implications Submit 2 nd Interim Budget report April - June 2015 Consult stakeholders Review May revision of proposed State budget (2015-16) and local implications Invite public comment on draft of the 2015-16 LCAP Present draft LCAP to PAC and DELPAC Committees Respond to PAC and DELPAC comments in writing Finalize Annual Report Hold LCAP and budget public hearing Receive local board approval Submit to SMCOE Receive LCAPs from charter schools (if applicable)
Suggested Local Accountability Calendar - 1 Goals/Metrics Refinement District Plan(s) Alignment SMCOE Feedback Integration LCAP Refinement Nov./Dec. 2014 Site plan-LCAP alignment Document/report on federal funds Identify LCAP implications SPSA Alignment and Revision Dec. 2014-Feb. 2015 LCAP refinement based on Site Plan input LCAP/2nd Interim submitted to local board for approval LCAP & 2nd Interim Budget Reporting Mar. 15, 2014
Suggested Local Accountability Calendar - 2 SPSA data update to stakeholders @ sites Site-based LCAP input/feedback garnered SPSA Monitoring & Reporting March/April 2015 Aggregated data report Site input/feedback integration LCAP refinement (as needed) & District-wide committee engagements LCAP Refinement April/May 2015 LCAP/Final Budget submitted to board for approval LCAP/Final Budget June 30, 2015
16 Team Process Check Please take a moment and discuss where you are in the process with your team: What has been accomplished? How have sites been engaged? What is left to accomplish?
17 Resources: WestEd: LCAP Implementation website: California Department of Education (CDE) LCFF website at:
18 Using the Updated LCAP Template
Annual Update-Guiding Questions How do we need to report to ALL stakeholders about the Goals, Actions and Services included in the 2014-15 LCAP? Provide evidence to stakeholders
Complete a copy of this table for each of the LEA’s goals in the prior year LCAP. Duplicate and expand the fields as necessary. Annual Update
Complete a copy of this table for each of the LEA’s goals in the prior year LCAP. Duplicate and expand the fields as necessary. Annual Update Important for business and program staff to work together for Estimated Actual Annual Expenditure column.
Annual Update Considerations Create opportunities for stakeholders to gain capacity in understanding data/metrics Make sure to provide clear information on: - Services and actions that have been provided - Services and actions that are yet to be provided - Estimated Actual Annual Expenditures - Availability and Use of Metrics > Use the LCAP Annual Update Appendices to communicate
24 What are you learning about the Annual Update? Discuss with your whole table (across districts): What’s working about the annual update? What is challenging? About what do you have questions?
25 LCAP 3A and 3B Base S&C MPP
Section 3A - Use of Supplemental and Concentration Grant Funds and Proportionality Total amount of Supplemental and Concentration grant funds calculated:$_____________________________ Instructions for 3A: In the box below, identify the amount of funds in the LCAP year calculated on the basis of the number and concentration of low income, foster youth, and English learner pupils as determined pursuant to 5 CCR 15496(a)(5). Describe how the LEA is expending these funds in the LCAP year. Include a description of, and justification for, the use of any funds in a districtwide, schoolwide, countywide, or charterwide manner as specified in 5 CCR 15496. For school districts with below 55 percent of enrollment of unduplicated pupils in the district or below 40 percent of enrollment of unduplicated pupils at a school site in the LCAP year, when using supplemental and concentration funds in a districtwide or schoolwide manner, the school district must additionally describe how the services provided are the most effective use of funds to meet the district’s goals for unduplicated pupils in the state and any local priority areas. (See 5 CCR 15496(b) for guidance.)
Section 3B – Minimum Proportionality Percentage Instructions for 3B: In the box below, identify the percentage by which services for unduplicated pupils must be increased or improved as compared to the services provided to all pupils in the LCAP year as calculated pursuant to 5 CCR 15496(a). Consistent with the requirements of 5 CCR 15496, demonstrate how the services provided in the LCAP year for low income pupils, foster youth, and English learners provide for increased or improved services for these pupils in proportion to the increase in funding provided for such pupils in that year as calculated pursuant to 5 CCR 15496(a)(7). An LEA shall describe how the proportionality percentage is met using a quantitative and/or qualitative description of the increased and/or improved services for unduplicated pupils as compared to the services provided to all pupils. %
Use LCFF Calculator to Help Results also shown on Summary tab of the FCMAT calculator S & C amount MPP LCFF Calculator available at 28 Minimum Proportionality Percentage (MPP): Summary Supplemental & Concentration Grant 2013-142014-152015-162016-17 Current year estimated supplemental and concentration grant funding in the LCAP year$345,353$400,306$530,982 Current year Minimum Proportionality Percentage (MPP)4.36%5.11%6.82%
29 Define “Base” to determine services that are above and beyond all students
30 Minimum Proportionality Percentage At full LCFF implementation The MPP calculation is: *Less TIIG and Transportation (add-ons) Supplemental & Concentration Grants All Other LCFF Funding* % MPP
Supplemental & Concentration Grant Increase or improve services in proportion to the increase in funds Base program services Increased or improved services 31
32 Supplemental/Concentration Grant Funds S&C funds are generated by the number of English Learner (EL), Low Income (LI) and Foster Youth (FY) students in the district, charter, or county office of education. Collectively, these students are referred to as “unduplicated pupils” in the statute and regulations.
33 “Base” - starting point for determining services above and beyond what is provided to all students 33
34 LCAP Section 3B - Minimum Proportionality Percentage Demonstrate how the services planned for are proportionally more than those provided for all students by at least the calculated MPP.
35 Services to Unduplicated Pupils vs. ALL What services do you provide to all students if no S&C funds are received? Will look different for each district If the use of S&C is not effective after few years, can you eliminate and discontinue services? 35
What about Federal Revenue? Requires Clear Definition of the District’s Base-Program? Supplement v. Supplant Consideration Federal Program Monitoring (FPM) Federal Resources Accountability
How have you defined your “Base?” How well and widespread has this been shared with stakeholders? If the “base” is clear, what are the elements of your supplemental program? Do you have a mechanism to track S&C expenditures? Why is tracking important?
Projected Outcome FEDERAL Staff development related to ELD; instructional aides Basic Service LCFF SUPPLEMENTAL & CONCENTRATION (Additional teachers to support English Learners) LCFF SUPPLEMENTAL & CONCENTRATION (Additional teachers to support English Learners) Example: English Learner Support
Projected Outcome FEDERAL Staff development related to ELD; instructional aides Basic Service LCFF SUPPLEMENTAL & CONCENTRATION (Additional teachers to support English Learners) LCFF SUPPLEMENTAL & CONCENTRATION (Additional teachers to support English Learners) Supplement vs. Supplant
Current Performance Projected Outcome FEDERAL Staff development related to ELD; instructional aides Basic Service LCFF SUPPLEMENTAL & CONCENTRATION (Additional teachers to support English Learners) LCFF SUPPLEMENTAL & CONCENTRATION (Additional teachers to support English Learners) Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) Increase or improve services
55% + Unduplicated Students* Identify services funded and provided Describe how services are: – Principally directed toward (local discretion) – Effective in meeting goals for unduplicated students Less than 55%** Identify services funded and provided Describe how services are: – Principally directed toward (local discretion) – Effective in meeting goals for unduplicated students Describe how services are most effective: – Include basis for determination – Any alternatives considered – Supporting research, experience, or educational theory District-wide Use of Funds *Note: Current or prior year **Note: Current year only
40% + Unduplicated Students* Identify services funded and provided Describe how services are: – Principally directed toward (local discretion) – Effective in meeting goals for unduplicated students Less than 40%** Identify services funded and provided Describe how services are: – Principally directed toward (local discretion) – Effective in meeting goals for unduplicated students Describe how services are most effective: – Include basis for determination – Any alternatives considered – Supporting research, experience, or educational theory School-wide Use of Funds **Note: Current year enrollment only *Note: Enrollment in current or prior year
44 2015-16 LCAP Approval CCSESA Manual
45 Current LCAP Legal Resources Ed. Code Sections 52060-52077 Title 5 California Code of Regulations > T5 CCR Sections 15494 – 15497 Spending Regulations Provide Template > SBE Adopted – November 14, 2014
46 2015-16 Expanded COE Oversight SBE revised regulations expand oversight responsibilities related to demonstration of minimum proportionality T5 CCR Section 15497
47 COE Oversight - Proportionality T5 CCR Section 15497 – …county superintendent of schools SHALL review any descriptions of districtwide or schoolwide services…when determining whether the school district has FULLY DEMONSTRATED that it will increase or improve services for unduplicated pupils… (emphasis added) COE to provide technical assistance to district if LCAP is not approved
48 Approval Criteria 2014-15 COE LCAP Approval Criteria for 2015-16 through 2017-18 LCAP: Adheres to the SBE Approved Template Sufficient Expenditures in Budget to Implement LCAP Adherence to SBE Expenditure Regulations (minimum proportionality) EC 52070 (d)
49 LCAP – Communication Tool to Stakeholders The LCAP effectively communicates to stakeholders: 1.What the LEA is all about - GOALS 2.What the LEA will do to meet the LCAP Goals – Actions, Services, and Expenditures, 3.How does the LEA involve its stakeholders in the LCAP Process - Stakeholder Engagement
50 LCAP – Communication Tool to Stakeholders Regarding the State Priorities - The LCAP effectively communicates to stakeholders: How is the LEA serving ALL Students How is the LEA serving its Unduplicated Students
51 LCAP Approval – 2015-16 CCSESA Manual Criteria COE Support and Oversight Review and Approval Process Detailed Components of an LCAP Review Appendices: A: Goal Review ChecklistD: LCAP Clarification TablesH: LCAP Analysis Sample B: Process Review ChecklistE: LCAP Budget Approval Process C: LCAP Approval FlowchartsG: T5 CCR 15495-15497
52 Approval Considerations – Goal Review Checklist Appendix A: LCAP Goal Review Checklist - Details the required elements for each LCAP Goal. It will serve as communication tool between LEA and SMCOE in the 2015-16 LCAP Review/Approval Process For each LCAP Goal: Need for the Goal State Priorities addressed Actions, Services, and Scope of the Goal Metrics to measure progress Expenditures for Actions and Services to meet the LCAP Goal
53 Approval Considerations – Annual Update Appendix A – Annual Update Goal Review LCAP documents the following elements for each LCAP Goal: Need for the Goal Actions, Services, and scope of the Goal Metrics to measure progress Expenditures for Actions and Services to meet the LCAP Goal State Priorities addressed
54 LCAP Goal Review Checklist Close Reading Please take a moment to read and discuss with your team: Identify the elements of the Goal Review Checklist that might need further clarification? Identify the elements of the Annual Update Checklist that need further clarification?
55 Approval Considerations – Process Review Checklist Appendix B - LCAP PROCESS Review Checklist Summarizes the details of the LCAP requirements. It will serve as communication tool between LEA and SMCOE in the 2015-16 LCAP Review/Approval Process The Process Review Checklist will track for each LCAP: Use of the SBE approved template Stakeholder Engagement Goals, Actions, Expenditures, and Progress Indicators Annual Update Use of Supplemental and Concentration funds and Proportionality
56 LCAP Process Review Checklist Close Reading Please take a moment to read and discuss with your team: How might your LEA use this checklist? Identify specific areas that need further clarification and for which you would like to get support from SMCOE?
57 LCAP Ties to Other Plans
LCAP and Other Plans LCAP is a comprehensive planning tool. LEAs may reference and describe actions and expenditures in other plans that are funded by a variety of other fund sources when detailing goals, actions, and expenditures related to the state and local priorities. The information in the LCAP, or annual update, may be supplemented by information contained in other plans (including the LEA plan).
LEA Plans LCAP does not replace LEA Plans which are still required under ESEA. The SBE will take steps to minimize duplication of effort at the local level to the greatest extent possible. (EC Section 52064) LEAs in Program Improvement must continue to meet current LEA Plan requirements. [EC Section 1116(c)(7)] ESEA Reauthorization???
School Site Plans - SPSAs Specific actions included in the LCAP, or the annual update of the LCAP, must be consistent with the strategies included in school plans. Districts are responsible for reviewing school site plans to ensure this consistency.
61 SBE LCAP Rubrics Update
LCFF Spending Regulations and Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Template Adopted LCFF Major Tasks and Milestones LCFF in effect Initial LCAP’s Completed 2 nd LCAP with Annual Update Completed Evaluation Rubrics Adopted Revised LCFF Spending Regulations and LCAP/Annual Update Effective JuneJuneJanuaryJuneJune JuneJune 2013201420152016 WestEd
EVALUATION RUBRICS Provide Standards – Improve Outcomes – Guide Practice Plan Development (Example: LCAP) Progress Monitoring (Example: Annual Update) Plan Revision/ Update Student Outcomes Growth/ Improvement No Growth/ Improvement Strengths, Areas in Need of Improvement, Needs Assessment Evaluation Rubrics Address Progress Assessment Strengths, Areas in Need of Improvement, Needs Assessment Analysis and Attention Validation Assistance WestEd
LCFF Rubrics - System Components The specific requirements of the evaluation rubrics are set forth in EC Section 52064.5. On or before October 1, 2015, SBE adopts for all of the following purposes: (1) To assist a school district, county office of education or charter school in evaluating strengths, weaknesses, and areas that require improvement. (2) To assist a county superintendent of schools in identifying school districts and charter schools in need of technical assistance pursuant to Section 52071 or 47607.3 as applicable, and the specific priorities upon which the technical assistance should be focused. (3) To assist the Superintendent in identifying school districts for which intervention pursuant to section 52072 is warranted. (b) The evaluation rubrics shall reflect a holistic, multidimensional assessment of school district and individual school-site performance and shall include all of the state priorities described in subdivision (d) of Section 52060. (c) As part of the evaluation rubrics, the state board shall adopt standards for school district and individual school-site performance and expectation for improvement in regard to each of the state priorities described in subdivision (d) of Section 52060.
LCFF Rubric Development
Key Principles for Evaluation Rubrics Design Process Align to the LCFF design principles: (1) student-focused (2) equity, (3) transparency (4) performance
Key Principles for Evaluation Rubrics Design Process
Evaluation Rubrics LCFF legislation calls for evaluation rubrics: To assist LEAs to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas that require improvement To assist COEs to identify school districts and charter schools in need of technical assistance To assist the Superintendent to identify school districts for which intervention is warranted Reflect holistic, multidimensional assessment of school district and individual school site performance including the state priorities To include standards for school district and individual school site performance and expectations for improvement in regard to each of the state priorities
Pupil Outcomes “Bucket”
Conceptual Example Features + Data Metric Analysis + Reflection of Effective Practices + Tools and Resources Needs Address state and local priorities Goals Provide focus Actions/Services Enact effort to achieve goals Outcome Improvements for All students Glossary Handbook Practice Guides Go to for Conceptual Reviewer Guidance
71 LCAP, SPSA and LEAP Relationship and Timeline
How is the SPSA Affected by the LCAP? The LCAP must be consistent with the strategies included in the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) – In accordance with E.C. 52052, specific actions included in the LCAP, or the annual update of the LCAP, must be consistent with the strategies included in the SPSAs developed pursuant to E.C. 64001 The updated template for SPSA includes sections for the use of LCFF base, supplemental, and concentration funds Districts should align the SPSA planning timeline with the LCAP to ensure actions and strategies are consistent 72
73 Q&A Next Steps - LCAP Approval
July – December 2014 Identify and consult stakeholders Review 2014-15 LCAP goals, actions and services for needed adjustments Review available data for Annual Report Update progress on LCAP goals through the Annual Report Develop timeline for data collection and reporting Update demographic information via CALPADS Review alignment of district & site plans with LCAP Affirm, modify, or develop 2015-16 LCAP goals Project 2016-17 and 2017-18 LCAP goals January - March 2015 Consult stakeholders Continue modification of 2015-16 LCAP and updating progress on 2014-15 Annual Report Review proposed state budget (2015-16) and local implications Submit 2 nd Interim Budget report April - June 2015 Consult stakeholders Review May revision of proposed State budget (2015-16) and local implications Invite public comment on draft of the 2015-16 LCAP Present draft LCAP to PAC and DELPAC Committees Respond to PAC and DELPAC comments in writing Finalize Annual Report Hold LCAP and budget public hearing Receive local board approval Submit to SMCOE Receive LCAPs from charter schools (if applicable)
75 Closing
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