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AeroData Introduction, Overview & Schedule Aeronautical Data Workshop strategic airspace November 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "AeroData Introduction, Overview & Schedule Aeronautical Data Workshop strategic airspace November 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 AeroData Introduction, Overview & Schedule Aeronautical Data Workshop strategic airspace November 2011

2 2 Aeronautical Data 2-Day Workshop Module: 0 Workshop Overview Instructor: John McCarthy

3 3 Course Overview – Modules Day 1 SessionSubjectCurriculum Notes Introductions, Welcome Coffee/Tea 1 Introductory Session: Aeronautical Data, the Data Chain & Context Data Chain & Context: Annex 15 tables, all data types, Systems & Applications (AIS becoming AIM, Procedure Design, CNSATM, Aircraft, Future Applications); Within context of QAS, SMS, etc; plus Regulatory issues Coffee/Tea Break 2 What is eTOD and Why is it So Important? What is eTOD & why so important: refer Annex 15 & Doc 9881, and immediate applications & implications Prayers / Salah 11:53, followed by Lunch 3 eTOD & Other AeroData: Data Quality Context eTOD continued: More detail of Areas and Data Quality (Resolution, Accuracy, Confidence, Integrity (CRCs)) explanations. Surveying, WGS84, CAD/GIS systems, Geodesy, AIS systems, etc. Similar issues for other AeroData (eg, navaids, WPTs, airspace, routes, etc, plus operational data) Prayers / Salah 14:37, Coffe/Tea Break 4 Data Chain (from Source to Use) or the Data Cycle? Data entry exercise. Issues: Data Provenance, Custodianship, Verification, Audit Trail, Quality (eg, how do we even know that it was surveyed or calculated at the right place?). How data is used - and differing requirements of various applications (refer also Criticality). Data exchange implications (eg, AIS->ProcDesign?!) 5 Day Summary & Q&A Summary of Day's Content & Q&A

4 4 Course Overview – Modules Day 2 SessionComment Curriculum Notes Coffee/Tea available 6 AeroData & relevance to Implementation ICAO SARPs: Everything from Obstacle Management, Procedure Design, AIM & CNSATM to Enabling Operators & Managing Feedback & Updates Relevance to Parts 173 (IFP), 139 (Aerodromes), QA (Doc 9906 - FP design, training & FV), AIS, AIP, plus internal/external feedback, and SMS - detailed look at interaction… and probable Data Exercise (represent data for different apps, what happens going backwards). Knowing what you have & documenting it, then applying continuous improvement. Coffee/Tea Break 7 eTOD & Data Interchange Implementation Issues & Lessons eTOD & Data Exchange Implementation Issues - refer other states, EUROCONTROL for a & APAC; AIXM, ARINC etc (and version issues) => AIM & SWIM Lunch, including Allowance for Mosque 8 Indonesian Government Specific Context: Key Data Management Stakeholders; Regs, Service Providers & Data Users; Data Management within QA & SMS; Organisational & Regulatory Impacts; Liability & Financial Implications Indonesian-Specific Context: Key Data Generation/Management/Distribution Stakeholders (Transport, DGCA, AP1&II, Aerodromes, others); CASRs MOSs & Sis; Part 173 Review Issues; Data Custodianship, Management (including Protection (Security=Safety, =Retention, =Classification Issues), Access & Liability; QA- Continuous Improvement approach; Operational, Organisational (& Inter-Organisational) & Regulatory Impacts; Financial Implications (Cost Recovery/Charging) Coffe/Tea Break 9 Conclusion Final Q&A, Wrap-Up & Certificate Presentation

5 5 Daily Schedule The daily schedule varies – please refer to the handout for specific session times. Changes may be made as required, if agreed by the participants and the workshop convenor.

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