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On Interactive Browsing of Large Images Jin Li,Hong-Hui Sun IEEE TRANSACTION ON MULTIMEDIA, DECEMBER 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "On Interactive Browsing of Large Images Jin Li,Hong-Hui Sun IEEE TRANSACTION ON MULTIMEDIA, DECEMBER 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 On Interactive Browsing of Large Images Jin Li,Hong-Hui Sun IEEE TRANSACTION ON MULTIMEDIA, DECEMBER 2003

2 Outline Introduction Virtual Media Access Protocol Result Conclusion

3 Introduction How to deliver the image of high resolution more efficiently ? With ROI (region of interest), user interactive with server to specifiy interested region and resolution

4 Introduction a.Server do all the work Computationally intensive, limit the amount of users b.Store a master compressed bitstream Flashpix,more information, slow when switch from one resolution to another

5 Introduction New interactive image browsing system In a prioritized way Manages the delivered ROI bitstream Offer a modular bitstream Vmedia support access,cache,and management of compressed bitstream

6 Virtual Media Access Protocol Provide functionalities Flexible media access Cache of the delivered media segment Prioritized delivery Media segment packaging

7 Virtual Media Access Protocol Server Client Media Apps Vmedia APIs Network Service Cache JPEG 2000 File Vmedia Network Service

8 Virtual Media Access Protocol-Vmedia cache a).cache hit detection Check if a requested segment is in cache. b).cache memory allocation Allocation memory space for new media segment No cache memory left, throw out less used and less important

9 Virtual Media Access Protocol-Vmedia cache Media file …….. S1,1S1,2S1,3S1,4……….S1,32 SMU Sm,1Sm,2Sm,4……….Sm,32 Validity 4 Importance 1 Hit count 2 Lock 1 MU Sm,3

10 Virtual Media Access Protocol-Queues Pending Queue Issued by apps, not sent over the network Sending Queue Request sent, not received ROI change Apps send a clear function call to client Contact server to cancel all requests not processed by the server

11 Results



14 Conclusion Browsing the image through a region of interest(ROI) with spatial and resolution constraint Through Vmedia, bitstream of ROI is delivered in a prioritized fashion

15 Conclusion Vmedia caches and manages the delivered bitstream We can browse a large compressed image (26MB), even the network speed is slow (33.6kbps)

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