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While we are waiting to start: 1.Go to audio setup wizard and check speaker and microphone are working 2.Make sure you can see the CHAT window. Move windows.

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Presentation on theme: "While we are waiting to start: 1.Go to audio setup wizard and check speaker and microphone are working 2.Make sure you can see the CHAT window. Move windows."— Presentation transcript:

1 While we are waiting to start: 1.Go to audio setup wizard and check speaker and microphone are working 2.Make sure you can see the CHAT window. Move windows around if you need to 3.Turn OFF your mic unless you are speaking FIRST STEPS IN LEARNING AND TEACHING IN HIGHER EDUCATION 15 NOTE: THIS SESSION WILL BE RECORDED

2 Welcome! Where are you logging in from?

3 Introductions Tutor team Rhona Sharpe George Roberts Marion Waite Liz Lovegrove Participants Xxx for xxx different countries Xxx signed up for credit

4 Webinar tools we use TALK button Chat window Hand raising Smiley faces Polls

5 Week by Week

6 WeekTopicActivities 0Induction and welcome Arrivals lounge Edit your profile 1TeachingWeek 1 webinar Discussions about teaching Collaborative bibliography activity 2Reflective PracticeGuest speaker webinar Reflective practice discussions Reflective writing activity 3Learning and supporting learning Guest speaker webinar Why do people learn discussion 4DesigningGuest speaker webinar Designing discussion Sign up for virtual conference 5AssessmentParticipant webinar Assessment discussion Virtual conference

7 Week 1: Teaching What experience teaching experience do you have? A – Mainly classroom based B – Mainly online/distance C – Mainly in professional practice D – Mainly learning support

8 Week 1: Teaching

9 Week by Week WeekTopicActivities 0Induction and welcome Arrivals lounge Edit your profile 1TeachingWeek 1 webinar Discussions about teaching Collaborative bibliography activity 2Reflective PracticeGuest speaker webinar Reflective practice discussions Reflective writing activity 3Learning and supporting learning Guest speaker webinar Why do people learn discussion 4DesigningGuest speaker webinar Designing discussion Sign up for virtual conference 5AssessmentParticipant webinar Assessment discussion Virtual conference

10 Webinar tools we use

11 Week by Week WeekTopicWebinars 0Induction and welcome Arrivals lounge Edit your profile 1TeachingFSLT tutor team 2Reflective PracticeIan Scott, Associate Dean Student Experience, Oxford Brookes University. Designing teaching sessions and modules 3Learning and supporting learning Pat Kenny. Professional development in communities of practice 4DesigningNeil Currant, University of Bedfordshire. Designing for inclusive learning 5AssessmentParticipant webinar

12 ACTIVITY Aspirations Coping strategies Barriers

13 Open academic practice We believe that open academic practice is an element of best academic practice. If we want lecturers and institutions to be among the world’s leading universities, we must adopt open academic practices on an open academic platform.

14 Advice from previous participants and tutors

15 Thank you all and good luck with the course

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