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EPC: data collection and baseline creation. Berliner Energieagentur GmbH Coordination Berlin Energy Agency Französische Str. 23 D-10117 Berlin Germany.

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Presentation on theme: "EPC: data collection and baseline creation. Berliner Energieagentur GmbH Coordination Berlin Energy Agency Französische Str. 23 D-10117 Berlin Germany."— Presentation transcript:

1 EPC: data collection and baseline creation

2 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH Coordination Berlin Energy Agency Französische Str. 23 D-10117 Berlin Germany Fon: +49 (30) 29 33 30 – 0 Fax: +49 (30) 29 33 30 – 99 Main Project Contact: Alexandra Waldmann Project Website: Project Partners: Austria: Grazer Energy Agency, Austrian Energy Agency UK: MidWales Energy Agency, Sweden: Swedish Energy Agency Norway: Norwegian Energy Efficiency Inc. Finland: Motiva Oy, France: ADEME, Italy: Regional Energy Agency of Liguria Italian Federation for the Rational Use of Energy Greece: Centre for Renewable Energy Sources EPC: data collection and baseline creation

3 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH EPC: data collection and baseline creation  Background: Dipl.-Ing. Susanne Berger, Berliner Energieagentur GmbH project management and monitoring of existing EPC, focus Energiesparpartnerschaft Berlin  Outline: 1. introduction: step-by-step instructions 20 min 2. baseline-training25 min 3. discussion15 min  Material: - presentation - baseline data sheet

4 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH baseline year fuel/heat consumption electricity consumption water consumption m³ water consumpt. kWh electr. consumpt. kWh heat consumpt. connection power connection power EPC: data collection and baseline creation I. baseline overview period X invoices for energy and water correction for baseline year prices of baseline year BASELINE I. II. III. IV.

5 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH EPC: data collection and baseline creation STEP I collection and list of invoices  collect all energy bills for each building with consumption in the baseline year  baseline year = last finished year with complete metering and billing  list meter by meter, building by building into one data sheet  note extra information (provider, metering number, factors, date of fitting, extra meters..)  compare to own meter readings of building management DONT:  use of automatic estimations from energy invoices  list of extra meters for suppliers, that will not be affected by energy saving measures (example: caretakers flat, storage buildings,...)  list of fuel amount ( litres of fuel oil, m³ of gas ) – instead use kWh (if necessary calculate by caloric values)

6 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH EPC: data collection and baseline creation STEP II correction for baseline year  calculated in the data sheet  from bills counting time/consumption before/after baseline year, baseline consumption has to be excised ELECTRICITY / WATER consumption is corrected by number of days: example: kWh Baseline = kWh bill x 60/100

7 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH EPC: data collection and baseline creation STEP II correction for baseline year HEAT  everydays consumption is not constant, but depending on outsides temperatures consumption is corrected by median temperature of days example: kWh Baseline = kWh bill x ∑ (median temperatures) 60 days / ∑ (median temperatures) 100 days

8 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH EPC: data collection and baseline creation STEP III prices correction  prices of the baseline year are reference prices for the hole EPC period constant calculation basis for the invests  each building / meter may have different prices / mix prices just if necessary  list in data sheet:  prices for consumption  fix prices (connection power, metering,...)  tax parts of prices  further information (changes in price system)  tax parts of prices are not fixed for the EPC period share of risks DONT:  use prices per litres oil or m³ gas – always calculate per kWh (fuel switch)  use gross prices – calculation is done in net, also baseline is net

9 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH EPC: data collection and baseline creation STEP IV baseline calculation  costs baseline: calculation based on reference price and baseline consumption  formula:  baseline calculated net – exclusive of VAT, VAT is just rated per each yearly accounting  verification /check for representativeness  comparison with other years  comparison to benchmarks  check for special events /changements in the baseline year

10 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH EPC: data collection and baseline creation STEP IV baseline documentation  part of the baseline documentation, beside its calculation, are:  information about work time (opening hours for public buildings, work schedule, class schedule in schools)  scheme of yearly events  information about facilities and technical equipment (large-scale consumers of power, IT-equipment, lightning)  number of employees, pupil, students in each building  further special utilisations all equipment and activities in baseline year should be documented  baseline documentation should be part of the contract

11 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH EPC: data collection and baseline creation Yearly accounting of energy savings - overview corrected energy costs costs water costs electricity costs heat Baselinesavings period X invoices for energy and water correction for cleared year prices of baseline year cleared year heat consumption electricity consumption water consumption m³ water consumpt. kWh electr. consumpt. kWh heat consumpt. climate correction utilisations correction I. II. III. A IV. V. III. B

12 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH EPC: data collection and baseline creation STEP III A climate correction  yearly heat consumption is depending on climate (years may be colder/warmer than baseline year)  to calculate the savings in comparison to the baseline, a neutralisation of climate influences has to be done  useful is official statistical climate data  Germany: Gt 15 if day colder than 15°C, than Gt 15 = 15- median temperature of the day, else 0  heat consumption for hot water generation is not climate depending  formula (example):  regulations for climate correction are part of the EPC-contract

13 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH EPC: data collection and baseline creation STEP III B utilisations correction BASELINE ADAPTIONafternoon

14 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH EPC: data collection and baseline creation Summary  baseline calculation is done based on energy bills  calculation method should be part of the EPC contract  changements in utilisation influencing consumption are very common – a method to their calculation / neutralisation should be agreed  for climate correction a calculation method based on official climate data should be fixed in the contract

15 Berliner Energieagentur GmbH Thank you for your attention and Good luck with your BASELINES!

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