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1 By Andrea Kohlhase, The Course Capsules Project (CCaps),CMU Look at our website CCaps for latest news!CCaps C Point Documentation Version 0.9.2 (07/??/2003) C ategorize Objects to add value C ontent For marking up objects C onvert To other formats C onnect To other applications
Table of Contents for CPointDoc.ppt CPoint Documentation Version 0.9.2 (07/??/2003) 1 Table of Contents for CPointDoc.ppt 2 - 9 CPoint10 CPoint Version 0.9.2 New Features11 CPoint Installation Premise MSXML412 CPoint Installation Premise GraphViz13 CPoint Installation14 CPoint Goal15 CPoint PPT Content16 CPoint Semantic Markup17 PowerPoint Document Structure18 PowerPoint Object Properties19
Table of Contents (2) PowerPoint Additional Information20 CPoint Architecture21 CPoint Objects22 CPoint Collections23 CPoint Overview Semantic Markup24 CPoint Overview OutsideWorld25 CPoint Overview CPoint Manager26 CPoint Overview CMath27 CPoint Overview CTools28 CPoint Overview Markup Tools29 CPoint The Navigator Button: Scope 30 CPoint The Navigator Button: Navigating 31
Table of Contents (3) CPoint The Navigator Button: Search Restriction by Categories 32 CPoint The Navigator Button: Search Restriction by Collections (I) 33 CPoint The Navigator Button: Search Restriction by Collections (II) 34 CPoint Categorize35 CPoint Categories (I)36 CPoint Categories (II)37 CPoint Categories (III)38 Finding the Right Category39 Main Semantic Objects Model40 Categorization Process41 Categorization Tricks and Tips42 CPoint Content43
Table of Contents (4) Content Forms44 Content Reference System45 Content Reference System : Theory and Primitive Symbols 46 Content Reference System : Definition and Defined Symbols 47 Content Reference System : Symbol Declaration 48 Content Reference System : Symbol Presentation (I) 49 Content Reference System : Symbol Presentation (II) 50 Content Reference System : Symbol Presentation Properties 51 Content Reference System : Assertion and ProofSteps 52 Content Reference System : Exercise – Solution - Hint 53 CPoint Metadata54 CPoint Convert: To OMDoc (What is it?) 55
Table of Contents (5) CPoint Convert: To OMDoc (What does it?) 56 CPoint Convert: To OMDoc (Input) 57 CPoint Convert: To OMDoc (Output) 58 CPoint Convert: To OMDoc (Fonts) 59 Where Not to Use Categories …60 Example: Chart61 Example: Table62 Where to Use Categories …63 Example: Theory (I)64 Example: Theory (II)65 Example: Didactics66 Example: Example & more67
Table of Contents (6) Example: Definition and Symbol68 Example: Assertion69 Example: Theorem with Content Type Code70 Example: TextBox with Content Type Graphics71 Example: TexPoint Insert72 CPoint Known Bugs73 CPoint Wish List for Next Version74 CPoint Roadmap75 CPoint Tell us ….76 CPoint Version 0.81 Bug Fixes77 CPoint Version 0.81 Logical Changes78 CPoint Version 0.81 New Features79
Table of Contents (7) CPoint Version 0.8.2 b80 CPoint Version 0.8.2 Bug Fixes81 CPoint Version 0.8.2 Logical Changes82 CPoint Version 0.8.2 New Features (I)83 CPoint Version 0.8.2 New Features (II)84 CPoint Version 0.9 New Appearance85 CPoint Version 0.9 New Feature: Collection86 CPoint Version 0.9 New Feature: Navigator Button87 CPoint Version 0.9 New Feature: Convert Menu88 CPoint Version 0.9 New Feature: Connect Menu89 CPoint Version 0.9 New Feature: CPoint Manager90 CPoint Version 0.9 New Feature: CMath Menu91
Table of Contents (8) CPoint Version 0.9 Logical Changes92 CPoint Version 0.9.1 New Polish93 CPoint Version 0.9.1 Resolved Bugs94 CPoint Version 0.9.1 New Features95 CPoint Version 0.9.1 Alpha Feature Round Tripping: Export 96 CPoint Version 0.9.1 Alpha Feature Round Tripping: Import 97
10 By Andrea Kohlhase, The Course Capsules Project (CCaps),CMU Look at our website CCaps for latest news!CCaps C Point C ategorize Objects to add value C ontent For marking up objects C onvert To other formats C onnect To other applications
11 C Point Version 0.9.2 New Features New Features: –CPoint Graphs: Visualization of the knowledge structure by graph layout for collections, presentations, theories –Project Files: Moving one or several annotated ppt shows from one computer to another without losing the validity of references is made possible by using project files –PPT Emplacement Change in CPoint Collections: Move a ppt in a CPoint collection to another collection or replace one ppt in a CPoint collection by another one by the new PPT Emplacement Change button in the CPoint Manager
12 C Point Installation Premise MSXML4 Version 0.9.1: –The library MSXML4 has to be installed Free download of “msxml4.msi” from Microsoft XML Core Services 4.0 Service Pack 1 (accessible from list/xmlgeneral.asp list/xmlgeneral.asp )
13 C Point Installation Premise GraphViz Version 0.9.2: –The library WinGraphviz.dll has to be installed if you want to use the CPointGraphs module: Free download of “WinGraphviz.dll” from Just follow the download instructions! To the folks of GraphViz: Big Thanks for an easy to use graph layout tool!
14 C Point Installation The C Point PowerPoint Add-In can be installed by clicking – Tools Add-Ins … – Add New … And selecting CPoint.ppa (and OK the forms…).
15 C Point Goal What is it for? –The objective of C Point consists in the conversion of the content of a PowerPoint presentation to the semantic, XML-based data format OMDoc e.g. as input for computer- supported education systems like ActiveMath.
16 C Point PPT Content What is the content of a PPT show? –(Obviously,) the text and pictures (generally the objects themselves) –The given textual, presentational, and placeholder structure –Grouping of objects
17 C Point Semantic Markup Semantic Markup of objects –The quality of content is much higher if it is categorized. Naturally, this has to be done (mostly) manually. –The categorization provides additional information for each object. –The semantic markup information can be manipulated with C Point
18 PowerPoint Document Structure The top-level structure of a PowerPoint presentation is given by slides. Each slide contains objects, e.g. – Textboxes – Shapes – Images – Tables
19 PowerPoint Object Properties An object is assigned certain properties like text structure, e.g. –Lists 1.Ordered lists 2.Unordered lists Or presentational structure, e.g. –Colors, bold fonts, italic fonts Or a special predefined placeholder slot, e.g. –Title –Subtitle
20 PowerPoint Additional Information Within a slide the user can group objects. –Press the Shift button and select objects (at least two and no title object…) –Rightclick and select Grouping Group Every object can store additional information with the help of a VBA (Visual Basic) program. C Point
21 C Point Architecture C Point is –a collection of VBA macros which allow the user to semantically markup slide objects. –A conversion tool to migrate the content of a PowerPoint presentation (either annotated information or intrinsic structure) to other data formats like OMDoc. And from here to HTML or HTML Slides. – A connection tool to other applications
22 C Point Objects –“Object” Any element in a PowerPoint show –“PPT Object” Any element in a PowerPoint show pertaining to its presentation –“Abstract Object” Any element of a PowerPoint show not pertaining to its presentation. These are created by the C Point Macros in behalf of the semantic markup. They can be changed from visible to invisible via “Visualize” button. –“Semantic Object” Any annotated PPT object or abstract object. Theories, Definitions, Assertions, ProofSteps, Examples, and Exercises are considered the main semantic objects. These are universal, interdisciplinary terms even though they sound mathematical (see the main semantic objects model)! First, let us determine our terminology :
23 C Point Collections A (CPoint) collection is a group of PowerPoint presentations with an associated namespace. Each presentation has a collection wide unique id. Once a presentation is contained in a collection, CPoint has access to it. With the CPoint manager the user can define collections.
24 C Point Overview Semantic Markup Categorize Categorize the objects e.g. as example or theorem Metadata Supply meta information for the (categorized) object Content Provide Details for a classified object
25 C Point Overview OutsideWorld Convert Translate the PPT show to Connect Open and view the generated documents or user- predefined applications OQMath OMDoc HTML Slides HTML OMDoc HTML Slides HTML MBases ActiveMath OMDoc OQMath OMDoc
26 C Point Overview CPoint Manager CPoint Manager Manage your tools and presentations MBase Locations of MBases Collection Definition of PPT Groups Tools Locations of Tools Project PPT Exchange
27 C Point Overview CMath CMath Drop Down menu Selected text Is marked as math region mark (visualized Or hidden) Assign a presentation, i.e. the presentational defining properties, to a certain symbol (like “infinity”) either via selection or via manual input
28 C Point Overview CTools Visualize/Hide the semantic objects: label each one with a yellow box in the upper right corner of the object Hide them if you don’t want to see them any longer ( ). CPoint Manager allows the user to define Collections Tool and MBase Locations Refresh Local References Empowers the user to heal broken references within the active presentation.
29 C Point Overview Markup Tools GoTo: Go to any semantic object in the active presentation. You may use the automatic close feature of the box with the object id or title. Chopper: Chop text into smaller pieces (almost without changing its appearance) Shaper: Shape text into bigger pieces (almost without changing its appearance)
30 C Point The Navigator Button: Scope The value of the Navigator Button for Selection Boxes determines the scope of the elements in the adjoining selection box. Possible Values are: –Home theory –Imported theories –Local presentation –Collections –MBase (still to come)
31 C Point The Navigator Button: Navigating The Scope Order is defined to be H < I < L < C < M The Navigator Button allows 3 actions: –Clicking Moves the scope one up and starts at the beginning if being at the end. –DoubleClicking Moves the scope one down and goes to the end if being at the start. –RightClicking Opens a Search Restriction Interface (if available)
32 C Point The Navigator Button: Search Restriction by Categories Manipulate the selection in the adjoining selection box by using the Search Restriction Interface for Categories, I.e. restrict the search space by filtering those objects out which category wasn’t selected. Move your mouse over the Selected Categories List and it will open automatically
33 C Point The Navigator Button: Search Restriction by Collections (I). List of Collections to choose from List of Presentations to choose from List of Selected Collections List of ALL Selected Presentations Manipulate the selection in the adjoining selection box by using the Search Restriction Interface for Collections, I.e. restrict the search space by filtering those objects out which location (and category) wasn’t selected.
34 C Point The Navigator Button: Search Restriction by Collections (II) If the user selects a collection in the ‘List of Selected Collections’, then he can search this specific collection for the presentations he wants to be in the final ‘List of ALL Selected Presentations’. List of Selected Collections List of Selected Presentations List of ALL Selected Presentations
35 C Point Categorize How? –Select ONE object –Click the “Categorize” button –Rightclick the ‘Category’ Combobox –Select a category or a subcategory What else? – Provide basic information: title and description - Determine the Content Type – Have a look at the already supplied detailed and meta information
36 C Point Categories (I) … Theory (primitive) Definition (defined) Symbol
37 C Point Categories (II) Assertion –Theorem –Proposition –Lemma –Corollary –Postulate –Conjecture –FalseConjecture –Obligation –Assumption –Formula ProofStep … Axiom
38 Didactics –Question –Answer –Rhetorical Question –Warning –Comment –Note –Remark –Motivation –Introduction –Claim –Conclusion Exercise –Exercise –Solution –Hint NoOMDoc Example –Example –CounterExample C Point Categories (III)
39 Finding the Right Category Category = categorization and role assignment Finding “the best” correct category is not as easy as you might think (e.g. there are lots of correct categories to choose from). Finding “the most important” categories might be easier –Look for the main semantic objects!
40 Main Semantic Objects Model = Symbol Assertions/ Proofs Example Exercise apply Axioms Theory
41 Categorization Process 1.Find the theories and categorize them, determine their range (“largest” main semantic objects). 2.Find the existing symbols, then define or declare them (“smallest” main semantic objects). 3.Find the assumed theories and symbols, import the according theories in the resp. theory details form. 4.Pick the PPT objects you can clearly identify as semantic objects and categorize them accordingly (“intermediate” main semantic objects). 5.By now you have a starting list of the main semantic objects. Try to find the semantic objects they belong to. If you can’t find it, decide whether you need to create an abstract object for this superordinate concept. Categorize the remaining PPT objects with their according assignment to a semantic object if sensible.
42 Categorization Tricks and Tips The actual assignment to a superordinate semantic object is in fact a classification, a putting-in-place procedure (“Where does the object belong in the course structure?”,”Built a semantic object tree!”); the actual category is the assignment of a role for the semantic object (“What am I using this object for?”, “What is its functionality?”)
43 C Point Content How? –Select ONE object –Click the “Content” button –Depending on the categorization the user can supply additional information for the selected object. – Comment this object (e.g. write down the things you say when giving the talk) What else? –Update basic information: title and description –Check or update the meta information
44 Content Forms Each object on this slide is categorized. Select one and click the Content button! Theory Example Question Counter Example Answer Rhetorical Question CommentNote ExerciseSolutionHint DefinitionAssertion Proof Step Remark Moti- vation Warning Intro- duction No OMDoc Axiom Claim Con- clusion , in R
45 Content Reference System Some objects relate to other objects, e.g. an answer should belong to a certain question, but it should not pertain to a code object. Those relationships are explained in more detail on the following slides…
46 Content Reference System : Theory and Primitive Symbols A theory is a collection of concepts and their properties. It can cover any kind of object. Definitions, axioms, and assertions must either have an assigned theory or a covering theory. The theory area is determined by a given slide range: All objects on the slides in the given range belong to this theory. Theory ranges may not overlap. Primitive Symbols can be created from within a theory details form or manually. Often, in a PPT presentation concepts are not defined, but rather introduced by their properties (stated in axioms).
47 Content Reference System : Definition and Defined Symbols A definition always defines a symbol. The user doesn’t have to select a PowerPoint object for a symbol. It is created on request from within the Definition content form if it doesn’t exist yet. Several symbols maybe defined by one definition. A symbol belongs to a definition and is thereby assigned a theory. The content form of a definition object will list all (defined) symbol objects for it. Similarly, the content form of a theory will list all the defined symbols belonging to this theory.
48 Content Reference System : Symbol Declaration For a defined symbol the theory is inherited from the definition’s theory Symbol name may not contain spaces
49 Content Reference System : Symbol Presentation (I) Symbol Syntax Move forward in character string For character format level Respective formats for character string Loads the existing format information for selected symbol PPT Format Level
50 Content Reference System : Symbol Presentation (II) PPT Character Format Defining Property Check Box Character string or text
51 Content Reference System : Symbol Presentation Properties
52 Content Reference System : Assertion and ProofSteps An assertion may have an assigned proof. The proof may consist of several proof steps. The first of these should reference the assertion, which it will prove (it is therefore called the “proof”). Each subsequent proof step has to reference a preceding one to complete the proof.
53 Content Reference System : Exercise – Solution - Hint An exercise can be accompanied by one or more hints for solving it or even a solution. Clearly, these belong together. Therefore a solution or a hint object can reference an exercise.
54 C Point Metadata The metadata form allows the user to input metadata according to the Dublin-Core standard ( The default language is English, but if you declare the custom tag language for the PPT show (in the properties), then this will be taken. LastUpdate Dates are updated –when an object is annotated or annotailed, –But not automatically when metadata are updated. This allows the user to update dates manually. Creators and Contributors can be added by overwriting the current text and either using the enter key or leaving that input field.
55 C Point Convert: To OMDoc (What is it?) CPoint’s ‘Convert To OMDoc’ is a conversion macro PowerPoint (PPT) OMDoc OMDoc is an XML-based interlingua for mathematical communication. See for more information. OMDoc is used in computer-assisted education systems like ActiveMath and searchable Mathematical Knowledge Base
56 If an object is assigned a category (= role), then that information will be used to create an OMDoc element for it (in the OMDoc file). The intrinsic structure (given by PowerPoint) is preserved as much as possible. If an object is not assigned a role, the best-fit OMDoc structure will be heuristically determined by CPoint honoring the possibly annotated (= assigned in categorize form) content type. C Point Convert: To OMDoc (What does it?)
57 PPT presentation Linked images If the PPT presentation contains linked images, the user will be asked whether the program shall break the link or not (naturally just for the OMDoc document). If the link is kept, then the linked image should be made available. Its path information in the resulting OMDoc is the same as it was in the PowerPoint presentation. If it was relative, then it might be wrong in the OMDoc (check it!). C Point Convert: To OMDoc (Input)
58../capsule/.omdoc If the folder../capsule doesn’t exist, it will be created. JPG-files for objects used in the presentation One copy of each slide as JPG-file C Point Convert: To OMDoc (Output)
59 For the creation of special symbols like “ ”(=alpha) there are (at least) two ways to go in PPT: –Using the Symbol Font –Using “Insert Symbol” with a specified font, e.g. “Symbol” These have different effects on the OMDoc output: –OMDoc output as OpenMath object with reference to a migration theory “Symbol” –OMDoc output as character reference (e.g. “&x3B1;”). Depending on the font this character reference might or might not be a Unicode character reference! C Point Convert: To OMDoc (Fonts)
60 Where Not to Use Categories … On the following slides we supply examples for PPT objects which carry content by themselves. Categorizing these objects might result in information loss: –charts –tables –embedded OLE objects The red box indicates the category in each example and is itself categorized as ‘Warning’!
61 Example: Chart No category! If you categorize a chart, then the “chart” information is lost to the OMDocize macro.
62 Example: Table 1a1B1D 2A2B2C 3A3B 4a No category! If you categorize this object, the table structure is lost.
63 Where to Use Categories … On the following slides we give categorized examples: Please, don’t use the ResetAll button on this documentation (as this results in the destruction of the example annotations). Don’t be scared now: if you accidentally hit the button, you will be asked for confirmation! ResetAll is helpful for learning the categorization process. Please, use the other buttons! We recommend not to save these changes as they might be inconsistent with the adjoining text. The yellow box indicates the category in each example and is itself categorized as Comment!
64 Example: Theory (I) Union Find Thinking about Programs Objects Union Find algorithm Categorized as Theory
65 Example: Theory (II) OMDoc OMDoc Conversion Annotated PPT
66 Example: Didactics A widely useful algorithm –Solves the Dynamic Equivalence Problem The 211 Way of Thinking Code and complexity Why look at union-find? This would have been originally the title and therefore wouldn’t becategorized! Categorized as Answer Categorized as Question
67 Example: Example & more Services provided –Abstract operations Add edge Move node Clear Grid snap Show length Loop detect A graph-drawing program Categorized as Graphics Cate- gorized as Example Remark If it weren’t categorized, it would appear as simple text (with its structure) in the OMDoc file.
68 Example: Definition and Symbol The relation “~” is an equivalence relation if (for all a, b, and c) a ~ areflexive a ~ b iff b ~ asymmetric a ~ b & b~ c a ~ ctransitive Equivalence relations Categorized as Definition “==” transitive, reflexive, symmetric “connected”transitive, reflexive, symmetric Examples Categorized as Example Visible/Invisible defined Symbol ‘~’
69 Example: Assertion The set of equivalence classes are a partition of U. { {2,3,4,6,7,8,9}, {1,5} } In general –i j implies P i P j ={}. –For each a U, there is exactly one i such that a P i. Categorized as Lemma Categorized as Example for the above lemma
70 Example: Theorem with Content Type Code class UnionFind { int[] u; UnionFind(int n) { u = new int[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) u[i] = -1; } int find(int i) { int j,root; for (j = i; u[j] >= 0; j = u[j]) ; root = j; while (u[i] >= 0) { j = u[i]; u[i] = root; i = j; } return root; } void union(int i,int j) { i = find(i); j = find(j); if (i !=j) { if (u[i] < u[j]) { u[i] += u[j]; u[j] = i; } else { u[j] += u[i]; u[i] = j; } } Categorized as Theorem with content type code
71 Example: TextBox with Content Type Graphics Blue Red violet White + Grey box has no category, but the content type ‘graphics’
72 Example: TexPoint Insert Unfortunately, I don’t have LaTex, so I can just produce this LaTex Error. Categorized as Formula, but look at the OMDoc! The underlying LaTex Code will be found by the OMDoc Conversion macro, even if you annotate it.
73 C Point Known Bugs See the bug list for CPoint at (It is too much work to keep this and the bug list up to date …)
74 C Point Wish List for Next Version See the wish list for bug #760 “CPoint Version 0.9.n” at (Again: It is too much work to keep this and the wish list up to date …)
75 C Point Roadmap VersionDescription 0.9.n First Round Tripping features MBase Integration –This allows to reference external theories and other objects in an MBase 1.0 General Round Tripping, I.e. generate PPT from an OMDoc document An OpenMath or content MathML editor is embedded. –This allows to enliven Math formulae by content markup.
76 C Point Tell us …. What you wish for in a new C Point (see bugzilla) What bugs you find (see bugzilla) What comments you have Your input is greatly appreciated! Contact:
77 C Point Version 0.81 Bug Fixes Bug fixes: –Missing annotation ‘Axiom’ added –“Heisenbug” cleared –Assertions are provided with theory slot in OMDoc
78 C Point Version 0.81 Logical Changes Logical Changes (but compatible with 0.8) –Annotation ‘Symbol’ added, definition has theory slot (instead of symbol) –Symbol Declaration Form for primitive and defined symbols
79 C Point Version 0.81 New Features New Features: – Chopper ( ) – New semantic object: primitive Symbols – Theorem slide range is preset – Theory slots are preset by covering theory OMDocize checks theory overlaps and theory context – GoTo ( )
80 C Point Version 0.8.2 b By accident CPoint Version 0.8.2 was released with (future) macros requiring additional libraries. In CPoint Version 0.8.2 b this is corrected by removing the not-yet-used macros and the references to the not documented libraries. Sorry for the inconvenience!
81 C Point Version 0.8.2 Bug Fixes Bug fixes: – Chopper didn’t “behave” properly in last line of list Distance from bullet to text was not copied
82 C Point Version 0.8.2 Logical Changes Logical Changes –Annotations ‘Code’ and ‘Graphics’ removed (but in terms of OMDocize still functioning) –Content Types ‘text’, ‘code’, and ‘graphics’ introduced in annotation form. In particular, the user can annotate an object now as example and assign the content type ‘code’.
83 C Point Version 0.8.2 New Features (I) Layout Distinction in reference boxes between Selection boxes (Contain reference options for list boxes) Select-1 boxes (User may select one reference) List boxes (User may select list of references) ‘imports’ slot in theory details form can be filled by using an adjoining theory selection box. In all references boxes the title is displayed instead of the id iff the title exists, otherwise the id.
84 C Point Version 0.8.2 New Features (II) CPoint Bar is now free floating, i.e. the user can decide where it resides. Annotation Labels (by Visualize) contain title iff existent. GoTo enhanced: user can decide to look for id or for title in automatic close feature of the select1-box
85 C Point Version 0.9 New Appearance CPoint Menu –Name changes: Annotation Categorize Annotails Content Omdocize OMDoc in Convert Drop Down Menu –Regrouping of CPoint Controls: CTools Drop Down Menu contains (i.a.) Visualize, ResetAll, ReplCharCode
86 C Point Version 0.9 New Feature: Collection Group several PPT presentations in a collection, so that their objects are available in C Point. In particular, reference objects in other presentations from within the current one.
87 Navigator for Selection Boxes : Search for objects in The current Home theory, its Imported theories, the Local presentation, other presentations in Collections with the Navigator Button. C Point Version 0.9 New Feature: Navigator Button
88 C Point Version 0.9 New Feature: Convert Menu Convert the current PPT presentation To OMDoc (not exactly new …) To OQMath OMDoc To HTML (based on the generated OMDoc) To HTML Slides (based on the generated OMDoc)
89 C Point Version 0.9 New Feature: Connect Menu Connect To the Outside World. I.e. with your chosen Windows editor View the –converted OMDoc or OQMath OMDoc –generated HTML (based on gen. OMDoc) –generated HTML Slides (based on gen. OMDoc) Open the –MBases you defined with the CPoint Manager –connection to ActiveMath on the web –Migration Report (if available)
90 C Point Version 0.9 New Feature: CPoint Manager Tell CPoint what tools to use –MBase Locations –Collection Manager –Tool Locations (OMDoc DTD, Catalogue, XSLT stylesheets, engine)
91 C Point Version 0.9 New Feature: CMath Menu –Define or undefine, find, visualize or hide Math Regions in your text objects. –Define PPT presentation for symbols as well as their presentation in HTML, LaTex, or QMath format They are uniquely marked and output in the generated OQMathOMDoc as such, so that external programs like OQMath can parse the expressions via QMath into OpenMath.
92 C Point Version 0.9 Logical Changes The internal data format has changed. Shapes are now identified by Collection Namespace|PPTId|SlideId|ShapeId (see the new feature “Collection”) As a consequence CPoint Version 0.8n marked up PPT presentations have to be migrated (simply open the PPT and use the Migrate Button under the CTools menu).
93 C Point Version 0.9.1 New Polish Polish: –Input check for symbol presentation input (no semicolon allowed) –Special characters (,’,&) are replaced by character entities in generated OMDoc –Introduction of Conversion Report (I.e. collection of all non-decisive messages in one report) –Suggested theory slide range (on theory content form) is shown in blue, saved theory slide range is shown in black.
94 C Point Version 0.9.1 Resolved Bugs Resolved Bugs: –More empty omtext/omgroup expressions in generated OMDoc avoided –Axiom combobox in theory content form corrected (had shown all existent axioms) –CMath -> Find Next MathRegion improved –Groups can be categorized now (but if so then this categorizatin takes precedence over the underlying categorizations). –Changing the PPTId of current presentation in the CPoint Manager doesn’t result any longer in invalid references. –Metadata for omtext elements are generated (e.g. for didactics and solution objects)
95 C Point Version 0.9.1 New Features New Features: –‘Cancel’ button in conversion form, I.e. interruption of conversion processes is now possible –Extension of GoTo form: Search restriction by content type code and goto action for non-semantic objects. –New CTools ->Refresh References: “Save As” operation for presentation results possibly in invalid references (if the presentation had been beforehand or afterwards in a collection). With this tool the references are saved. –Groups were integrated (much better) into selection boxes, search functions, and visualize functions
96 C Point Version 0.9.1 Alpha Feature Round Tripping: Export Convert a PowerPoint presentation into an OMDoc document with presentation markup (= Presentation OMDoc). –Conserve Location Size Shape color Font name Font size This feature is still in the experimental phase, so it isn’t yet documented!
97 C Point Version 0.9.1 Alpha Feature Round Tripping: Import Convert a Presentation OMDoc document into a PowerPoint presentation translating the OMDoc information into CPoint content markup –Conserve Categorization Content Metadata Math Regions This feature is still in the experimental phase, so it isn’t yet documented!
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