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Laissez-faire In the 1800s the US Gov’t. had no laws governing the sale or use of most drugs. If the buyer wanted to buy it, and the seller wanted to sell.

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Presentation on theme: "Laissez-faire In the 1800s the US Gov’t. had no laws governing the sale or use of most drugs. If the buyer wanted to buy it, and the seller wanted to sell."— Presentation transcript:

1 Laissez-faire In the 1800s the US Gov’t. had no laws governing the sale or use of most drugs. If the buyer wanted to buy it, and the seller wanted to sell it - let them do it! Both parties get what they want! This is laissez-faire.

2 As applied to drugs….. Go to the Libertarian Party web site and read what they say about “Re-Legalize Drugs.”Libertarian Party web site Then go to the DEA web site and read the debate between DEA Administrator Hutchinson and New Mexico Governor Johnson.DEA Both these links are in the “Web Sites” area of the course.

3 Victimless Crime? There is a constant argument that buying and selling drugs is a “victimless crime” because both parties get what they want and neither one complains. Is this all there is to the argument? Laws were passed because it was believed that there were victims of these transactions……

4 Three main concerns… These 3 concerns are why there are drug laws…. 1) toxicity 2) addiction 3) crime

5 Toxicity: It is not a “victimless crime because… drug sellers are endangering public health and victimizing individuals when they don’t label them or put appropriate warnings on them The addict knows that they are buying an illegal drug but they still don’t know what drug or additives they are buying

6 Addiction: It is not a “victimless crime because… they are selling habit-forming drugs, and again without the appropriate labels or warnings I know that you think that they are “getting what they ask for..” but are they? What about the young kids that often really don’t know?…..

7 Crime: It is not a “victimless crime because… the drug seller and drug abuser are harming the community because of the crimes that they are committing. I had my house robbed by some addicts - I really don’t think that their drug transaction was “victimless…” if they used the money from selling MY stuff…

8 What next? Go to the Class Discussion Board Read my instructions for the “Victimless Crime” Thread Follow those instructions

9 Then continue ….. Don’t forget to finish reading the rest of the PowerPoint presentations for Chapter 2.

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