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Judges Leaders of the Promised land after Joshua.

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1 Judges Leaders of the Promised land after Joshua

2 Characteristics of this Time Period No Central Authority as the population grew Caused a spiritual decline Pattern of Lifestyles that many Israelites would fall into in Canaan was a cycle – Infidelity: – Punishment: – Repentance: – Deliverance:

3 The Judges Charismatic Leaders Ruled from about 1250 B.C. to 1020 B.C. Judges: a ruler or a military leader, as well as someone who presided over legal hearings during this period in the Promised land 4 major Judges – Deborah – Gideon – Samson – Samuel

4 Deborah Prophetess and judge – Issued rulings while standing under a palm tree Song of Triumph – Might be earliest form of Hebrew poetry – With the help of Barak, defeated the forces of Jabin and his military commander, Sisera Women of Trust – One of the earliest instances of woman fighting – Jael, a tentmaker’s wife killed Sisera

5 Gideon Man of faith Story is found in the Book of Judges Chapters 6 to 8 3 Miracles to know – Angel appeared to him – Left a fleece to be covered in dew but nothing else – The next day the opposite Defeated the Midianites – Prayed to God for Answers – Defeated with the help of the Lord. His army surrounded the Midianites and together they blew shofars.

6 Samson Man of contrasts: – Obedient-victorious/ disobedient-defeated – Physically strong/ morally weak – Fought the Philistines Loss of Strength – Born a Nazirite, Samson was never suppose to cut his hair – It gave him the strength because it followed the orders of the Lord – Temptation of Delilah Death of Samson – Found favor with the Lord for repenting and destroyed a Philistine temple

7 Samuel Dedicated his life to God Prophet, priest, and judge Last and considered to be the greatest judge God’s revelation to Samuel More detail found in Religion book

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