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Material Flow Analysis MFA Paul H. Brunner Vienna University of Technology Institute for Water Quality and Waste Management

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1 Material Flow Analysis MFA Paul H. Brunner Vienna University of Technology Institute for Water Quality and Waste Management

2 design: inge hengl\vorträge\br\AWAST.ppt P.H. BrunnerWorkshop Vienna, June 27 th -29 th 2001 The Vision of Material Flow Analysis Optimization of the metabolism of the anthroposphere - goals: assessment, evaluation and control - levels: production, services, consumption, waste management Materials accounting financial accounting - comparative advantage by MA - levels: enterprise, regions, nations

3 design: inge hengl\vorträge\br\AWAST.ppt P.H. BrunnerWorkshop Vienna, June 27 th -29 th 2001 What is MFA? system boundary P C R stock I RW E1E1 E2E2 P Assessment of flows and stocks in a defined system based on the mass balance principle

4 design: inge hengl\vorträge\br\AWAST.ppt P.H. BrunnerWorkshop Vienna, June 27 th -29 th 2001 Terms and definitions for MFA  substanceelement or compound  goodeconomic entity  materialsubstance or good  processtransformation, transport, stock  flow (flux)mass per time (and cross section)  systemset of flows and processes within a defined boundary

5 design: inge hengl\vorträge\br\AWAST.ppt P.H. BrunnerWorkshop Vienna, June 27 th -29 th 2001 How to establish an MFA 1.objectives 2.definition of the system 3.synthetic balance (no measurements !) 4.measurement program 5.determination of mass flows and concentrations 6.calculation of mass balances and transfer coefficients 7.analysis of uncertainty and sensitivity 8.presentation of results

6 design: inge hengl\vorträge\br\AWAST.ppt P.H. BrunnerWorkshop Vienna, June 27 th -29 th 2001 Why MFA ?  rigid method : input = output + stock  transparent results  20 years experience  incorporation into jurisdiction  easily understandable

7 design: inge hengl\vorträge\br\AWAST.ppt P.H. BrunnerWorkshop Vienna, June 27 th -29 th 2001 Example 1: „RESUB“ river STP forest soil agricult. soil urban soil import 340export 280 regional boundary landfill sewer surface water consumer goods used cars house- hold atmos- phere industry stock ~ 1 000 + 60 surface water filter dust municipal solid waste 0.5 0.6 0.2 150+0.6 240+0.9 30+0.2 7 ~600+60 5.6 >330 0.60.5 2 0.6 0.05 0.9 1.6 60 0.3 0.14 0.15 0.45 >270 lead [t/y]

8 design: inge hengl\vorträge\br\AWAST.ppt P.H. BrunnerWorkshop Vienna, June 27 th -29 th 2001 Example 2: „DANUBE“ Phosphorus 105 kt/a

9 design: inge hengl\vorträge\br\AWAST.ppt P.H. BrunnerWorkshop Vienna, June 27 th -29 th 2001 Example 3: „ASTRA“ Source: R. Fehringer, 1997 3600 3400 1400 3000 3400 530 95 1300 Mechanic- 56 [1000 t/y] atmosphere MSW incinerat. advanced APC-standard thermal treatment low APC-standard recycling mechanical biological treatment underground storage hydrosphererecycling landfill 2.3 more waste energetically utilised 43 % less emissions to air 2.6 more fuel oil substituted 80 % less landfill volume used all landfill material <3 % TOC carbon land filled decreases from 720 to 10 kt/year twice as much hazardous materials are in “appropriate sinks” goal oriented waste management results of optimization

10 design: inge hengl\vorträge\br\AWAST.ppt P.H. BrunnerWorkshop Vienna, June 27 th -29 th 2001 Example 4: „CH 4 “ com- posting system boundary mechanical biological treatment incine- ration landfill stock atmosphere 2,4 3,4 3,5 waste input = 10,4 [ 1.000.000 t/y ] 0,2 0,9 material recovery + others Reduction potential % of total GGE % of Austrian reduction goal optimized WM trend incineration trend MBT 7.5 + 1.3 3.2 + 1.8 1.3 + 2.0 44 + 8 19 + 11 7 + 11 greenhouse gas emissions from waste management

11 design: inge hengl\vorträge\br\AWAST.ppt P.H. BrunnerWorkshop Vienna, June 27 th -29 th 2001 Example 64: „AWAST“ Level 1 collection & transport of waste (CT) waste OWP system boundary "AWAST" other waste relevant pro- cesses (OWP) private house- hold (PHH) trade, industry, business, service (TIBS) waste TIBS (recycling) products waste PHH imported waste residues emissions CT resources CT untreated waste exported waste pretreated waste treated waste waste to treatment emissions TW neighbouring region (NR) treatment of waste (TW) transport of treated waste (T) landfill (L) neighbouring region (NR) supplies TW resources TW emissions T resources T emissions L resources L environment (ENV) environment (ENV) environment (ENV) environment (ENV) environment (ENV) environment (ENV) environment (ENV) environment (ENV) trade, industry, buseiness, service (TIBS) trade, industry, business, service (TIBS) supplies CT supplies L trade, industry, business, service (TIBS) supplies T trade, industry, business, service (TIBS) trade, industry, business, service (TIBS)

12 design: inge hengl\vorträge\br\AWAST.ppt P.H. BrunnerWorkshop Vienna, June 27 th -29 th 2001 collecting point for secondary materials (CPS) delivered org. waste PHH subsystem boundary "collecting point for secondary materials" private house- hold (PHH) trade, industry, business, service (TIBS) environment (ENV) delivered glass PHH plastic CP-CK cement kiln (CK) other incine- ration plant (OI) recycling (REC) delivered paper PHH delivered metal PHH plastic CP-OI metal CP-SM organic waste CP-MBT organic waste CP-OBT organic waste CP-C paper CP-SPC plastic CP-SP secondary materials CP-REC offgas CPS composting plant (C) sorting of paper and card- board sorting (SPC) mechanical bio- logical treatment plant (MBT) other biological treatment plant (OBT) sorting of plastic (SP) sorting of metal (SM) environment (ENV) private house- hold (PHH) private house- hold (PHH) private house- hold (PHH) private house- hold (PHH) private house- hold (PHH) trade, industry, business, service (TIBS) trade, industry, business, service (TIBS) trade, industry, business, service (TIBS) trade, industry, business, service (TIBS) trade, industry, business, service (TIBS) trade, industry, business, service (TIBS) delivered plastic PHH delivered textile PHH delivered org. waste TIBS delivered paper TIBS delivered glass TIBS delivered metal TIBS delivered plastic TIBS delivered textile TIBS air CPS supplies CPS Example 64: „AWAST“ Level 3 – chaos? collecting point for other waste (CPO) batteries PHH subsystem boundary "collecting point for other waste" private house- hold (PHH) trade, industry, business, service (TIBS) medicines PHH batteries TIBS medicines TIBS offgas CPO hazardous waste OI WEEE REC end of life vehicles REC supplies CPO air CPO underground storage (US) recycling (REC) environment (ENV) environment (ENV) private house- hold (PHH) private house- hold (PHH) private house- hold (PHH) private house- hold (PHH) private house- hold (PHH) trade, industry, business, service (TIBS) trade, industry, business, service (TIBS) trade, industry, business, service (TIBS) trade, industry, business, service (TIBS) fluorescent tubes PHH oil and fat PHH chemicals PHH WEEE PHH WEEE TIBS end of life vehicles PHH fluorescent tubes TIBS oil and fat TIBS chemicals TIBS end of life vehicles TIBS trade, industry, business, service (TIBS) trade, industry, business, service (TIBS) trade, industry, business, service (TIBS) private house- hold (PHH) hazardous waste US other incine- ration plant (OI) recycling (REC) separate collection of secondary materials (SCS) biowaste PHH subsystem boundary "separate collection of secondary materials" private house- hold (PHH) trade, industry, business, service (TIBS) environment (ENV) glass PHH plastic SC-CK cement kiln (CK) other incine- ration plant (OI) recycling (REC) paper PHH metal PHH plastic SC-OI metal SC-SM biowaste SC-MBT biowaste SC-OBT biowaste SC-C paper SC-SPC plastic SC-SP secondary materials REC offgas SCS composting plant (C) sorting of paper and cardboard sorting (SPC) mechanical bio- logical treatment plant (MBT) other biological treatment plant (OBT) sorting of plastic (SP) sorting of metal (SM) environment (ENV) private house- hold (PHH) private house- hold (PHH) private house- hold (PHH) private house- hold (PHH) private house- hold (PHH) trade, industry, business, service (TIBS) trade, industry, business, service (TIBS) trade, industry, business, service (TIBS) trade, industry, business, service (TIBS) trade, industry, business, service (TIBS) trade, industry, business, service (TIBS) plastic PHH textile PHH biowaste TIBS paper TIBS glass TIBS metal TIBS plastic TIBS textile TIBS air SCS supplies SCS transport of imported waste (TI) imported mixed waste subsystem boundary "transport of imported waste" neighbouring region (NR) environment (ENV) imported paper imported mixed waste MI other incine- ration plant (OI) imported organic waste imported glass imported mixed waste FI composting plant (C) mechanical bio- logical treatment plant (MBT) other biological treatment plant (OBT) trade, industry, business, service (TIBS) imported metal imported plastic imported textile imported bulky waste imported hazardous waste imported WEEE imported end of live vehicles air TI supplies TI neighbouring region (NR) neighbouring region (NR) neighbouring region (NR) neighbouring region (NR) neighbouring region (NR) neighbouring region (NR) neighbouring region (NR) neighbouring region (NR) neighbouring region (NR) neighbouring region (NR) municipal solid waste incine- ration plant (MI) fluidized bed incineration plant (FI) cement kiln (CK) landfill of municipal solid waste (LM) other incine- ration plant (OI) recycling (REC) landfill for construction waste (LC) mixed waste splitting (MWS) mechanical bio- logical treatment plant (MBT) other biological treatment plant (OBT) sorting of paper and cardboard (SPC) sorting of plastic (SP) sorting of metal (SM) recycling (REC) municipal solid waste incine- ration plant (MI) fluidized bed incineration plant (FI) cement kiln (CK) other incine- ration plant (OI) landfill for municipal solid waste (LM) other incine- ration plant (OI) underground storage (US) recycling (REC) recycling (REC) environment (ENV) imported mixed waste OI imported mixed waste MBT imported mixed waste OBT imported mixed waste MWS imported mixed waste LM imported plastic CK imported plastic OI imported organic waste MBT imported organic waste OBT imported organic waste C imported paper SPC imported plastic SP imported metal SM imported second. mat REC imported wood MI imported wood FI imported wood CK imported wood OI imported bulky waste REC imported bulky waste LM imported bulky waste LC imported haz. waste OI imported haz. waste US imported WEEE REC imported end of life vehicl.REC offgas TI

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