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Telecommunications Project Management Week 1. Introduction Who I am Why is a student teaching this class? My qualifications What I hope the students and.

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Presentation on theme: "Telecommunications Project Management Week 1. Introduction Who I am Why is a student teaching this class? My qualifications What I hope the students and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Telecommunications Project Management Week 1

2 Introduction Who I am Why is a student teaching this class? My qualifications What I hope the students and myself will accomplish

3 Syllabus Course Description Objectives Required Text Group Project Introduction Class Schedule Grading Policy

4 Pre-Test

5 Kerzner, H. (2006). Project Management. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.. What is Project Management? “Project management is the art of creating the illusion that any outcome is the result of a series of predetermined, deliberate acts when, in fact, it was dumb luck.”

6 Kerzner, H. (2006). Project Management. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.. So… what really is Project Management? “Project management is the planning, organizing, directing, and controlling of company resources for a relatively short-term objective that has been established to complete specific goals and objectives. Furthermore, project management utilizes the systems approach to management by having functional personnel (the virtual hierarchy) assigned to a specific project (the horizontal hierarchy).”


8 Kerzner, H. (2006). Project Management. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.. What defines a successful project? Within the allocated time period Within the budgeted cost At the proper performance or specification level With acceptance by the customer/user With minimum or mutually agreed upon scope changes Without disturbing the main work flow of the organization Without changing the corporate culture

9 Project Manager Role Executive when asked if company was looking externally for project managers and expectations of technical savvy: “You give me an individual who has good communicative skills, and I’ll give that individual a job.

10 Telecom Projects Factors Nature of the network Public, private, or virtual private Target Market Consumer, business, government, military, emergency services, etc. Nature of Installation Permanent or temporary Types of Services Voice, entertainment, mission critical applications, etc. Sherif, M. (2006). Managing Projects in Telecommunications Services.

11 Examples of Telecom Projects Upgrade capabilities of existing public network (Digital Telephony) Establishment of a specialized business network (NYSE) Installation and dismantling of temporary networks (World Cup) Sherif, M. (2006). Managing Projects in Telecommunications Services.

12 Telecom Projects Characteristics 1.Complexity of Interfaces (internally & externally) 2.International orientation 3.Multidisciplinary 4.No mass production 5.Diversity of user requirements 6.Relatively long planning stage Sherif, M. (2006). Managing Projects in Telecommunications Services.

13 Required Reading Chapter 1 and Chapter 7 from Sherif text Unit 1 – Project+ Certification 0-471-71343-0 1-4239-1447-3

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