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Week 4-5 1.Real time state machines 2.LTI systems– the [A,B,C,D] representation 3.Differential equation-approximation by discrete- time system 4.Response–

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Presentation on theme: "Week 4-5 1.Real time state machines 2.LTI systems– the [A,B,C,D] representation 3.Differential equation-approximation by discrete- time system 4.Response–"— Presentation transcript:

1 Week 4-5 1.Real time state machines 2.LTI systems– the [A,B,C,D] representation 3.Differential equation-approximation by discrete- time system 4.Response– total response = zero-input response + zero-state response 5.Convolution-zero-state response = convolution of impulse response and input signal 6.Impulse response

2 Recall function-and-set description of state machines States, Inputs, Outputs, initialState, update function s(0) = initialState s(n+1) = nextState(s(n), x(n)) y(n) = output(s(n), x(n)) } (s(n+1), y(n)) = update(s(n),x(n))

3 Real time state machines Above (Ch 4) n represents step We now consider machines in which n represents real time, eg. seconds, micro-seconds, etc. The only difference this makes is that we cannot have the absent input We consider machines in which inputs, outputs and states are represented as tuples of real numbers

4 Delay3 D DD x(n)x(n-1)x(n-2)x(n-3) s 1 (n)s 2 (n)s 3 (n) y(n) nextState s 1 (n+1) = x(n) s 2 (n+1) = s 1 (n) s 3 (n+1) = s 2 (n) y(n) = s 3 (n) output

5 4pt Moving average D DD x(n)x(n-1)x(n-2)x(n-3) s 1 (n)s 2 (n)s 3 (n) y(n) 1/4 + nextState s 1 (n+1) = x(n) s 2 (n+1) = s 1 (n) s 3 (n+1) = s 2 (n) y(n) = s 1 (n) + s 2 (n) + s 3 (n) + x(n) output 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4

6 x 1 (n) x M (n) s 1 (n) s N (n) y 1 (n) y K (n)............ x(n)  R M s(n)  R N y(n)  R K MIMO system SISO system if M = K =1 LTI systems

7 Infinite state systems with linear update function System = (R N, R M, R K, update, initialState) States = R N, Inputs = R M, Outputs = R K, initialState = s(0) update: R N  R M  R N  R K is a linear function so there are matrices A (N  N), B (N  M), C (K  N), D(K  M) such that s(n+1) = A s(n) + B x(n) y(n) = C s(n) + Dx(n)

8 v(t) i(t) q(t) R C Differential equations

9 Response to input signal x = (x(0), x(1), … )  [Ints 0  R] State response is s = (s(0), s(1), … )  [Ints 0  R] s(0) = initialState s(n+1) = a s(n) + b x(n), n  0 s(1) = as(0) + bx(0) s(2) = as(1) + bx(1) = a 2 s(0) + abx(0) + bx(1) … s(n) = a n s(0) + a n-1 bx(0) + a n-2 bx(1) + … + bx(n-1)

10 Output response y = (y(0), y(1), … )  [Ints 0  R] is obtained from state response and y(n) = cs(n) + dx(n) zero-input response zero-state response (total) response =+

11 Zero-state response is Define Then the zero-state response is the convolution sum h: Integers 0  R is the (zero-state) impulse response

12 The Kronecker delta or impulse at time k is the input signal n k graph of impulse at k

13 Notes/Responses/Echo

14 v(t) i 1 (t) q 1 (t) R1R1 C1C1 R2R2 C2C2 q 2 (t) i 2 (t)

15 Define a state machine by Substitute from differential equation above to get Note: A is 2  2, b is 2  1, c T is 1  2, d is 1  1

16 Recall Zero-state response is Define Then the zero-state response is the convolution sum h: Integers 0  R is the (zero-state) impulse response

17 The Kronecker delta or impulse at time k is the input signal n k graph of impulse at k The impulse signal 1 If k = 0, write  instead of  0, and call it the impulse

18 Recall the general formula for the zero-state response to any input signal x: So the response to the impulse is obtained by setting x = , which gives That is why h is called the (zero-state) impulse response.

19 Suppose the input signal is  k, impulse at k. Substitution in the general formula gives its (zero-state) response as which is the impulse response delayed by k 0-state response 0 n 0 k k+n k Time- invariance

20 5 0 1 graph of m  h(m) m 0-5 m 10-4 m graph of m  h(4- m) 40 m graph of m  h(-m) flip graph of m  h(1- m) flip & drag

21 Convolution mechanics by flip and drag 01 23 x(m) m 01 2 h(m) m 1 2 1/3 2/3 1 0 -2 m h(0-m) y(0) = 1/3 x 1 = 1/3 10 m h(1-m) y(1) = 2/3 x 1 + 1/3 x 2 = 4/3 21 0 m h(2-m) y(2) = 1 x 1 + 2/3 x 2 + 1/3 x 1= 8/3

22 Convolution, time-invariance and linearity

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