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Precipitation Statistics! What are the chances?. Weather service collects precipitation data around the country.

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Presentation on theme: "Precipitation Statistics! What are the chances?. Weather service collects precipitation data around the country."— Presentation transcript:

1 Precipitation Statistics! What are the chances?

2 Weather service collects precipitation data around the country

3 Burlington Data (values in inches) How can you describe? TAKE MEAN= AVERAGE(##:##) 29.51.8 TAKE MEDIAN= MEDIAN(##:##) 26.31.9 STANDARD DEVIATION = STDEV(##:##) 4.10.9 % STANDARD DEVIATION = STDEV/MEAN*100 14% 47% MAXIMUM = MAX(##:##) 2.7 34.1 MINIMUM= MIN(##:##) 0.925.8

4 Probability... The past behavior of a system can help predict future behavior Assumes random behavior of climate system Consider chance that in any year precip amount will be exceed or be less than a stated value….”exceedence probability”

5 How to... Rank the data (n data points) Give the greatest precip year, a rank of n Give the lowest precip year, a rank of 1 Calculate the probability (p) that precip will be less than each ranked value...

6 Try an example Annual Precip for “Dullsville, KA” 199810.6” 199913.5” 200018.2” 200110.1” Rank “less than” Prob 2001 11/(4+1)or 20%10.1” 1998 22/(4+1)or 40%10.6” 1999 33/(4+1)or 60%13.5” 2000 44/(4+1)or 80%18.2”

7 Plotting on probability paper Extreme values +1  84% 50th percentile, median and mean if distribution is “normal” -1  1 Standard Deviation Include 68% of data

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