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COAST Norway v.2002 (COmputer Assisted Shipping Traffic Database) Bjørn Øygarden.

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Presentation on theme: "COAST Norway v.2002 (COmputer Assisted Shipping Traffic Database) Bjørn Øygarden."— Presentation transcript:

1 COAST Norway v.2002 (COmputer Assisted Shipping Traffic Database) Bjørn Øygarden

2 2 COAST Background COAST ? Development Areas of Use

3 3 Background It has been registrated an increased number of incidents in the North Sea between passing merchant vessels and offshore installations during the 1990’s. HSE-UK/ DoT: Introduced a general requirement to carry out collision risk studies. (Later followed up by NPD) No reliable data was available or possible to collect within short time. 1995: The COAST project was kicked-off to establish a comprehensive shipping movement database in order to obtain a more accurate and cost effective mean to obtain information on shipping.

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5 5 Background Cont. 1996: COAST UK V.1 (HSE-UK, DoT) 2002: COAST Norway v2002 (OLF) 2002: COAST Singapore Strait 2003: COAST Venezuela/ Gulf of Paria (ConocoPhilips) 2003: COAST Brazil (Petrobras), Pending The COAST databases are subject to ongoing updates to maintain the databases as a ”live” and accurate tool. (COAST Fund)

6 6 COmputer Assisted Shipping Traffic Database Runs in MapInfo (GIS) Easy search and display function Presents details on shipping movements in the North Sea: - Route Description - CPA to a predefined location - Vessel Type - Vessel Size - Volume of vessels - Port To/From - Standard deviation of routes - Age and Speed of vessels COAST ?

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10 10 COAST Output Report Route Distribution Size Distribution

11 11 COAST Development COAST Database Port Log Data Radar/ Manual Data Collection Other Traffic Data

12 12 Oseberg/ Troll: 7 days Example Plot COAST Norway - Raw Data Plot

13 13 Ekofisk Valhall COAST Norway - Raw Data Plot Ekofisk Area: 40 days radar survey

14 14 Example of radar plots from Navtek, 6 days in April 2002

15 15 Areas of Use: Ship to Installation Collision Frequency and Impact Studies - Platforms - Wind Farms - Fish Farms Ship to Ship Collision Risk Studies Power Cable and Oil/Gas pipeline laying studies Grounding Assessments Ship Traffic Management Cost-Benefit Analysis, Navigational Aid Chart Update Analysis Oil Spill Contingency Plan Studies SAR/ SBV response time plots Trend/ Sensitivity Analysis

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18 18 Ship To Ship

19 19 Vessel Density Plot

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