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UniS 16 th Bled Electronic Commerce Conference eTransformation June, 9-11, 2003 Modelling digital content markets.

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Presentation on theme: "UniS 16 th Bled Electronic Commerce Conference eTransformation June, 9-11, 2003 Modelling digital content markets."— Presentation transcript:

1 UniS 16 th Bled Electronic Commerce Conference eTransformation June, 9-11, 2003 Modelling digital content markets

2 2 Prototyp A demonstration SimWeb 05/06 2003 Principles  Objectives Understanding the market -Identification of the components and participants of the market: Who are the content providers, what do consumers want.. Simulating -Creating scenarios and simulations enables decision makers to better understand the market and learn about its dynamics  Principle Abstraction -The complexity of a real market must be translated into an object model that can be manipulated by using a computer Simplification -Actions, decisions and relations between market participants must be simplified for a representation in a formal model

3 3 Prototyp A demonstration SimWeb 05/06 2003 Method  Iterative approach Design – Prototyping – User feedback Market analysis, expert interviews, surveys Because of the degree of uncertainty and imprecise knowledge about online markets, a series of prototypes is being developed. In each iteration insights of the former steps are integrated and more complex models constructed Market analysis, interviews Prototype User panel / Evaluation Design Workshop

4 4 Prototyp A demonstration SimWeb 05/06 2003 Development stage  Prototype A (End of first iteration): Aims: -Decide what software components to use -Implement a first version of the core process of the program -Create something concrete to start from and to talk about Model: -A simple, general model of a market consisting of providers, consumers and products -The user defines a model by specifying products, providers and consumers for a certain market Each provider has a set of offers he wants to sell in a market, and each consumer has a set of preferences Simulation: -Only a single step is simulated -In this step consumers evaluate available offers and buy from a provider whose offer matches best to their preference

5 5 Prototyp A demonstration SimWeb 05/06 2003 Example: Online news in Portugal Participants and products traded  Products: Breaking news Business news Weather news …  Providers: Diario de Noticias Lusa …  Customers: Internet Service Providers Mobile phone companies …

6 6 Prototyp A demonstration SimWeb 05/06 2003 Example: Online news in Portugal Definition of the dimensions  Providers are defined by attributes related to their reputation and credibility. Example attributes: Credibility Offline brand Editorial staff  Products are defined by attributes related to quality and price. Example attributes: Price Subscription period Quality of sources  Costumers are by now defined only by their preference.

7 7 Prototyp A demonstration SimWeb 05/06 2003 Example: Online news in Portugal Definition of supply and demand  An offer is a product that has certain values for its attributes Example: Breaking news for 5000 €/month  A preference consists of provider and product attributes that a customer wishes to have certain values or value ranges Example: Breaking news for 4000-5000 € a month from the market leader

8 8 Prototyp A demonstration SimWeb 05/06 2003 Future work  Objectives for the next iteration Simulating several steps (months, years..) Introduction of behaviours and strategies: Providers can apply different strategies and change them depending on success. Different groups of consumers can be defined with certain purchase behaviours. Methods for analysis  How to achieve this Expert interviews (defining strategies and behaviours) User feedback and demonstrations (refining the model and adapting the software to user requirements)

9 Thank you! Stephan Schuster Dpt. of Sociology, University of Surrey, Guildford GU2 7XH, UK +44-1483-683965

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