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Prof. John Nestor ECE Department Lafayette College Easton, Pennsylvania 18042 ECE 313 - Computer Organization Pipelined Processor.

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Presentation on theme: "Prof. John Nestor ECE Department Lafayette College Easton, Pennsylvania 18042 ECE 313 - Computer Organization Pipelined Processor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prof. John Nestor ECE Department Lafayette College Easton, Pennsylvania 18042 ECE 313 - Computer Organization Pipelined Processor Design 2 Feb 2004 Reading: 6.3-6.6, 6.8 Portions of these slides are derived from: Textbook figures © 1998 Morgan Kaufmann Publishers all rights reserved Tod Amon's COD2e Slides © 1998 Morgan Kaufmann Publishers all rights reserved Dave Patterson’s CS 152 Slides - Fall 1997 © UCB Rob Rutenbar’s 18-347 Slides - Fall 1999 CMU other sources as noted

2 Feb 2005Pipelining 22 Pipelining Outline  Introduction  Pipelined Processor Design   Datapath  Control  Dealing with Hazards & Forwarding  Branch Prediction  Exceptions  Performance  Advanced Pipelining  Superscalar  Dynamic Pipelining  Examples

3 Feb 2005Pipelining 23 Pipelining in MIPS  MIPS architecture was designed to be pipelined  Simple instruction format (makes IF, ID easy) Single-word instructions Small number of instruction formats Common fields in same place (e.g., rs, rt) in different formats  Memory operations only in lw, sw instructions (simplifies EX)  Memory operands aligned in memory (simplifies MEM)  Single value for writeback (limits forwarding)  Pipelining is harder in CISC architectures

4 Feb 2005Pipelining 24 Pipelined Datapath with Control Signals

5 Feb 2005Pipelining 25 Next Step: Adding Control  Basic approach: build on single-cycle control  Place control unit in ID stage  Pass control signals to following stages  Later: extra features to deal with:  Data forwarding  Stalls  Exceptions

6 Feb 2005Pipelining 26 Control for Pipelined Datapath Source: Book Fig. 6.29, p 469 RegDst ALUOp[1:0] ALUSrc MemRead MemWrite Branch RegWrite MemtoReg

7 Feb 2005Pipelining 27 Control for Pipelined Datapath Source: Book Fig. 6.25, p 401

8 Feb 2005Pipelining 28 Datapath and Control Unit

9 Feb 2005Pipelining 29 Tracking Control Signals - Cycle 1 LW

10 Feb 2005Pipelining 210 Tracking Control Signals - Cycle 2 SWLW

11 Feb 2005Pipelining 211 Tracking Control Signals - Cycle 3 ADDSWLW 0 01 1

12 Feb 2005Pipelining 212 Tracking Control Signals - Cycle 4 SUBADD SW LW 1 0 0

13 Feb 2005Pipelining 213 1 1 ADD Tracking Control Signals - Cycle 5 SUB SW LW

14 Feb 2005Pipelining 214 Pipelining Outline - Coming Up  Introduction  Pipelined Processor Design  Datapath  Control  Dealing with Hazards & Forwarding   Branch Prediction  Exceptions  Performance  Advanced Pipelining  Superscalar  Dynamic Pipelining  Examples

15 Feb 2005Pipelining 215 Data Hazards Revisited…  Data hazards occur when data is used before it is stored (Fig. 6.28)

16 Feb 2005Pipelining 216 Data Hazard Solution: Forwarding  Key idea: connect data internally before it's stored (Fig. 6.29)

17 Feb 2005Pipelining 217 Data Hazard Solution: Forwarding  Add hardware to feed back ALU and MEM results to both ALU inputs (Fig. 6.32)

18 Feb 2005Pipelining 218 Controlling Forwarding  Need to test when register numbers match in rs, rt, and rd fields stored in pipeline registers  "EX" hazard:  EX/MEM - test whether instruction writes register file and examine rd register  ID/EX - test whether instruction reads rs or rt register and matches rd register in EX/MEM  "MEM" hazard:  MEM/WB - test whether instruction writes register file and examine rd (rt) register  ID/EX - test whether instruction reads rs or rt register and matches rd (rt) register in EX/MEM

19 Feb 2005Pipelining 219 Forwarding Unit Detail - EX Hazard if (EX/MEM.RegWrite and (EX/MEM.RegisterRd ≠ 0) and (EX/MEM.RegisterRd = ID/EX.RegisterRs)) ForwardA = 10 if (EX/MEM.RegWrite and (EX/MEM.RegisterRd ≠ 0) and (EX/MEM.RegisterRd = ID/EX.RegisterRt)) ForwardB = 10

20 Feb 2005Pipelining 220 Forwarding Unit Detail - MEM Hazard if (MEM/WB.RegWrite and (MEM/WB.RegisterRd ≠ 0) and (MEM/WB.RegisterRd = ID/EX.RegisterRs)) ForwardA = 01 if (MEM/WB.RegWrite and (MEM/WB.RegisterRd ≠ 0) and (MEM/WB.RegisterRd = ID/EX.RegisterRt)) ForwardB = 01

21 Feb 2005Pipelining 221 EX Hazard Complication  What if we a register is changed more than once?  add $1, $1, $2;  add $1, $1, $3;  add $1, $1, $4;  Answer: forward most recent result (in MEM stage)

22 Feb 2005Pipelining 222 Forwarding Unit Detail - MEM Hazard Revised if (MEM/WB.RegWrite and (MEM/WB.RegisterRd ≠ 0) and (EX/MEM.RegisterRd ≠ ID/EX.RegisterRs) and (MEM/WB.RegisterRd = ID/EX.RegisterRs)) ForwardA = 01 if (MEM/WB.RegWrite and (MEM/WB.RegisterRd ≠ 0) and (EX/MEM.RegisterRd ≠ ID/EX.RegisterRt) and (MEM/WB.RegisterRd = ID/EX.RegisterRt)) ForwardB = 01

23 Feb 2005Pipelining 223 Fig (6.33) Forwarding Elaboration  Extra 2-1 mux needed for immediate instructions Added Mux

24 Feb 2005Pipelining 224 Data Hazards and Stalls  We still have to stall when register is loaded from memory and used in following instruction (Fig. 6.34)

25 Feb 2005Pipelining 225 Data Hazards and Stalls  Add a hazard detection unit to detect this condition and stall (Fig. 6.35) Typo: Should read AND

26 Feb 2005Pipelining 226 Pipelined Processor with Hazard Detection (Fig. 6.36)

27 Feb 2005Pipelining 227 Hazard Detection Unit - Control Detail if (ID/EX.MemRead and ((ID/EX.RegisterRt = IF/ID.RegisterRs) or ((ID/EX.RegisterRt = IF/ID.RegisterRt))) stall

28 Feb 2005Pipelining 228 Hazard detection unit - what happens  MUX zeros out control signals for instruction in ID  "squashes” the instruction  “no-op” propagates through following stages  IF/ID holds stalled instruction until next clock cycle  PC holds current value until next clock cycle (re- loads first instruction)

29 Feb 2005Pipelining 229 Branch Hazards  Just stalling for each branch is not practical  Common assumption: branch not taken  When assumption fails: flush three instructions (Fig. 6.37)

30 Feb 2005Pipelining 230 Reducing Branch Delay  Key idea: move branch logic to ID stage of pipeline  New adder calculates branch target (PC + 4 + extend(IMM) << 2)  New hardware tests rs == rt after register read  Add flush signal to squash instruction in IF/ID register  Reduced penalty (1 cycle) when branch taken  Example: Figure 6.38, p. 420

31 Feb 2005Pipelining 231 Pipelined Processor - Branch Hardware in ID (Old Fig. 6.51)

32 Feb 2005Pipelining 232 Pipelining Outline  Introduction  Pipelined Processor Design  Datapath  Control  Dealing with Hazards & Forwarding  Branch Prediction   Exceptions  Performance  Advanced Pipelining  Superscalar  Dynamic Pipelining  Examples

33 Feb 2005Pipelining 233 Branch Prediction  Key idea: instead of always assuming branch not taken, use a prediction based on previous history  Branch history table: small memory index using lower bits instruction address save “what happened” on last execution –branch taken OR –branch not taken  Use history to make prediction

34 Feb 2005Pipelining 234 More about Branch Prediction  Consider nested loops: for (i=1; I<M; i++) oloop:... for (j=1;j<N; j++) { iloop:......... } bne $1,$2, iloop } bne $3,$4, oloop  Prediction fails on first and last branch  More history can improve performance

35 Feb 2005Pipelining 235 Branch Prediction w/2-Bit History  Key idea: must be wrong twice before changing prediction

36 Feb 2005Pipelining 236 Pipelining Outline  Introduction  Pipelined Processor Design  Datapath  Control  Dealing with Hazards & Forwarding  Branch Prediction  Exceptions   Performance  Advanced Pipelining  Superscalar  Dynamic Pipelining  Examples

37 Feb 2005Pipelining 237 Pipelining and Exceptions  Exceptions require suspension of execution  Complicating factors  Several instructions are in pipeline  Exception may occur before instruction is complete  Must flush pipeline to suspend execution, but may lose information about the exception

38 Feb 2005Pipelining 238 Pipelining and Exceptions (cont’d) (Fig. 6.42)

39 Feb 2005Pipelining 239 Pipelining and Exceptions (cont’d)  Operation: Figure 6.43 (p. 508)  Exceptions make life difficult - take a computer architecture course to learn more.

40 Feb 2005Pipelining 240 Pipelining Outline  Introduction  Pipelined Processor Design  Datapath  Control  Dealing with Hazards & Forwarding  Branch Prediction  Exceptions  Performance   Advanced Pipelining  Superscalar  Dynamic Pipelining  Examples

41 Feb 2005Pipelining 241 Performance of the Pipelined Implementation  Use “gcc” instr. mix to calculate CPI lw25%1 cycle (2 cycles when load-use hazard) sw10%1 cycle R-type52%1 cycle branch11%1 cycle (2 when prediction wrong) jump2%2 cycles  Assmptions:  50% of load instructions are followed by immed. use  25% of branch predictions are wrong  Calculating CPI  CPI = (1.5 cycles * 0.25) + (1 cycle * 0.10) + (1 cycle * 0.52) + (1.25 cycles * 0.11) + (2 cycles * 0.02)  CPI = 1.17 cycles per instruction

42 Feb 2005Pipelining 242 Performance of the Pipelined Implementation (cont’d)  Calculate the average execution time: Pipelined1.17 CPI * 200ps/clock= 234ps Single-Cycle 1 CPI * 600ps/clock=600ps Multicycle4.12 CPI * 200ps / clock=824ps  Speedup of pipelined implementation  2.56X faster than single cycle  3.4X faster than multicycle  “Your mileage may differ” as instruction mix changes

43 Feb 2005Pipelining 243 Pipelining Outline  Introduction  Pipelined Processor Design  Datapath  Control  Dealing with Hazards & Forwarding  Branch Prediction  Exceptions  Performance  Advanced Pipelining   Superscalar  Dynamic Pipelining  Examples

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