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Multidimensional Access Methods

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1 Multidimensional Access Methods
Volker Gaede IC-Parc, Imperial College, London Oliver Gunther Humboldt-Universitat, Berlin ACM Computing Surveys, June 1998 Mohammad Reza Kolahdouzan,

2 Outline Organization of Spatial Data Basic Data Structures
What is Special About Spatial? Definitions and Queries Basic Data Structures One-Dimensional Access Method Main Memory Structures Point Access Methods Multidimensional Hashing Hierarchical Access Methods Space Filling Curves for Point Data Spatial Access Methods Transformation Overlapping Regions Clipping Multiple Layers Comparative Studies, Conclusion

3 What is special about Spatial Data?
Basic properties: Complex structure object could be point or thousands of polygons variable tuple size Dynamic different operations (insert, delete, update) are interleaved Large e.g.: gigabytes for geographic maps Integration of secondary and tertiary memory Several proposals but no standard algebra no standard set of operators operators depends of domain (application specific) Not closed operators result of an operator can return any kind of object Expensive computational costs

4 What is special about Spatial Data? ...
Special physical layer support is required for “Search” operators (for search, update, … ) Multidimensional access methods required. Hard to do: no total ordering for spatial objects that preserves spatial proximity (i.e., no mapping from 2,3,... to dimensions to 1) One solution: single key structure, per dimension problem: each index is traversed independently of others

5 What is special about Spatial Data? ...
Requirements for multidimensional access methods: Dynamic: keep track of changes (inserts, deletes, updates, ... ) Secondary/tertiary storage management: not possible to have everything in main memory Broad range of supported operations: not sacrifice one for others Independence of the input data (distribution) and insertion sequence Simplicity Scalability Time efficiency of search: goal is to meet one-dimensional B-tree: logarithmic worst case Space efficiency Concurrency and recovery: multiple concurrent accesses minimum impact for integration

6 Definitions Multidimensional access method: support search in spatial DB Point access methods (PAMs): designed to perform spatial search in point DBs point could have 2,3,… dimensions, but no extension. Spatial access methods (SAMs): can manage extended objects (lines, polygons, ...) Universe, Original Space: a d-dimensional Euclidean space, E(d) Any point has a unique location, defined by its d coordinates d-dimensional polytope, P: intersection of some finite number of closed half-spaces in E(d), such that the dimension of the smallest affine subspace containing P is d. D-dimensional polyhedron: union of some polytopes. Divides the points in space to: its interior, boundary, and exterior (mutually disjoint)

7 Definitions ... Examples for polyhedron:
line (polyline) = 1-dimensional polyhedron region (polygon) = 2-dimensional polyhedron A set of k-dimensional polyhedra forms a data type, (e.g., {point, line, region, … } Spatial attribute of a spatial data describes its extension o.G synonyms: geometry, shape, spatial extension shape descriptor, shape description, shape information, geometric description

8 Definitions ... Simple solutions for indexing:
Abstracting complex object with simpler shape, like bounding box or sphere, and providing a link to actual data produces candidate solutions based on application, refinement may be necessary Decomposition, represent a shape with union of simpler shapes (e.g., convex polygons with bounded number of vertices).

9 Definitions ... What is efficiency?
Space: minimize number of occupied bytes Time: not clear! We care about elapsed time, but it depends on implementation, hardware, … Solution: number of disk accesses for a search. Based on assumption that search is I/O bound (B-tree) May not be true for spatial objects Should still minimize number of disk accesses

10 Queries No standard query language
Application domain dependent set of operators Some more common operators (intersection, … ) Queries are usually in term of extension to SQL

11 Queries ... Common Queries
Query 1: Exact Match Query EMQ, Object Query returns objects that have similar extension

12 Queries ... Common Queries ... Query 2: Point Query PQ
returns an object that contains a point

13 Queries ... Common Queries ... Query 3: Window Query WQ, Range query
returns objects that have at least one point in an interval intervals are iso-oriented (parallel to coordinate axes)

14 Queries ... Common Queries ...
Query 4: Intersection Query IQ, Region query, Overlap Query returns objects that have at least one common point with another object

15 Queries ... Common Queries ... Query 5: Enclosure Query EQ
returns objects that enclose another object

16 Queries ... Common Queries ... Query 6: Containment Query CQ
returns objects that are contained in another object contain and enclosure are dual

17 Queries ... Common Queries ... Query 7: Adjacency Query AQ
returns adjacent objects to another one

18 Queries ... Common Queries ... Query 8: Nearest Neighbor Query NNQ
returns an object that has the minimum distance to another one distance between two objects: distance between their closest points

19 Queries ... Common Queries ... Query 9: Spatial join
two collection R and S of spatial data spatial predicate θ (e.g., intersects(), contains(), adjacent(), … ) find pair of objects

20 One Dimensional Access Methods
Important foundation of mutlidimensional methods Access methods: linear hashing extendible hashing Hierarchical (e.g., B-tree) Hierarchical: scalable behave well for skewed data nearly independent data distribution Hashing: performance depends on distribution, and hashing function

21 One dimensional Access Methods ...
Linear hashing: divide universe [A,B) of possible hash values into binary intervals size of intervals: (B-A)/2^k and (B-A)/2^(k+1) if a bucket is full, split an interval (not necessarily the same bucket) to two equal subintervals no guarantee for relieving overflowed bucket put overload of a bucket in overflow page, link it to original Extendible hashing: binary intervals (cells), like linear use index in a directory for each cell, no overflow pages if a bucket at maximal depth exceeds capacity, splits all cells into two for skewed data, this may lead to different directory entries for same data region pro: exact match takes at most two page accesses con: poor space utilization, non-incremental growth (doubling) solution: bounded-index extendible hashing

22 One dimensional Access Methods ...
B-tree: organize data hierarchically balanced relate to nesting of intervals interior nodes: point to immediate mutually disjoint descendants leaf nodes: data items comparison: B-tree: adaptive (size of interval depends on data) hash methods outperform B-tree for uniformly distributed data for: exact match queries, insertion, deletion

23 Main Memory Structures
Early methods only work in main memory, not optimized for secondary memory are adapted in real methods our running example: points, polygons (their centroids, or MBBs)

24 Main Memory Structures ...
k-d-tree binary search tree can only handle points (polygons with their centroids) recursively divide the universe using (d-1)dimensional hyperplanes hyperplanes: iso-oriented contain at least on data point Interior nodes has one or two descendants, used to guide search insert and search are straight forward delete may require reorganizing a sub-tree cons: structure sensitive to ordering of insertion data is all over the tree

25 Main Memory Structures ...

26 Main Memory Structures ...
Adaptive k-d-tree solves the problems of k-d-tree tries to splits with about the same number of elements in each side hyperplanes need not contain a data point split till each subspace has some specific number of elements result: splitting points not part of the data all data in leaves interior nodes contain dimension and coordinates of split cons: difficult to keep the tree balanced (when frequent inserts and deletes) tree still depends on order of insertion pro: very well for static environments con for all k-d-trees: for some certain distributions, no hyper-plane can split the data points evenly

27 Main Memory Structures ...
Adaptive k-d-tree

28 Main Memory Structures ...
BSP-tree (binary space partitioning) like k-d-tree splits the world splits independent of other subspaces hyper-planes have arbitrary orientations (not iso-oriented) decomposes until number of objects is less than a threshold interior node: hyper-planes leaf nodes: subspaces, links to contained objects search for a point: straight forward range search: generalization of point search cons: generally not balanced, may have very deep subtress higher space requirements (info of the hyperplanes) pros: adapt well for different distributions

29 Main Memory Structures ...
BSP-tree (binary space partitioning)

30 Main Memory Structures ...
BD-tree binary tree represents subdivisions of data into interval shaped regions encode regions in bit strings (DZ expressions, z values, ST_Morton_Number) associate bit strings to nodes finding z values: left and down of hyperplanes : 0 right and up of hyperplanes: 1 splitting: make interval-shaped excision: one node is excision (interval-shaped) part, the other one is remainder of the subspace result: each data bucket contain at least 1/3 of the original entries searching: first finds full prefix then traverses the tree based on prefix

31 Main Memory Structures ...

32 Main Memory Structures ...
The quadtree closely related to k-d-tree split with iso-oriented hyperplanes difference: not binary tree any more each node has 2^d descendants (in d dimensional space) each node is interval shaped partitions partitions don’t have to be equal size decompose till a threshold many variants search is similar to k-d-tree for point query: traverses one subtree for region query: goes to often more than one subtree cons: not necessarily balanced deeper subtrees for dense regions

33 Main Memory Structures ...
point quadtree constructed by inserting points one by one how to insert: search for a point if not found, add it to the leaf node which search is stopped at divide corresponding partition to 2^d subspaces, new point in center deletion: requires reconstructing subtree

34 Main Memory Structures ...
region quadtree regular decomposition of the universe result: 2^d subspaces are equal very good for search operations

35 Point Access Methods Previous access methods designed for main memory
Can be used for secondary memory, but performance is very below optimum (no control over how OS accesses disks) PAMs: organize points in to buckets, buckets in to subspaces Different approaches for PAMs: hashing (extended, linear) hierarchical (tree based) space-filling curves lots of hybrid methods are also available

36 Point Access Methods ... Another taxonomy for PAMs: based on properties of buckets: disjoint of overlapped cover complete universe, or partial cover interval (box), or arbitrary shapes

37 Point Access Methods ... Multidimensional Extended Hashing Grid File:
Heuristics: hashing functions that preserves ordering to some extend idea: objects close in space should be stored close in disk Grid File: superimposes d-dimensional orthogonal grid on the universe. Grids not regular, different shapes and sizes for cells grid directory links cells to data buckets grid directory stored in disk, grid is in main memory result: no more than 2 disk accesses for exact match queries insert data: if bucket is full, requires cell splitting

38 Point Access Methods ... Grid File
con: super-linear growth even for uniformly distributed data (lower left part, 4 cells are pointed to one bucket) exact match point query: use scales to locate cell containing search point if not in memory, one disk access to get it retrieve bucket that have the objects in cell, and compare to search point (one more access) range query: test all cells that overlap the search region

39 Point Access Methods ... EXCELL like grid file
splits the universe regularly if insert require cell splitting, splits all cells (double the directory size)

40 Point Access Methods ... Two level Grid file
idea: use a second grid file to manage grid directory first level is root directory (coarsened level of the second level) second level, actual grid directory first level points to second, second to data pro: splits are confined to subdirectory regions, not effecting their surroundings: slower directory growth. Second level in main memory: still 2 accesses for exact match

41 Point Access Methods ... Two level Grid file

42 Point Access Methods ... Twin Grid File
idea: second grid file: increase space utilization objective: reduce total number of buckets (or cells) in two files relation between files not hierarchical (like two-level) both files spans the whole universe data is distributed between two files dynamically pro: space utilization: 90% (original grid 69%) superior to original grid for larger search spaces con: inferior to original grid for smaller query ranges inserting data: if bucket overflows, first try to redistribute the data between files could lead to bucket overflow or underflow in one make the shift permanent if the number of buckets is minimized otherwise split the bucket search requires checking both files

43 Point Access Methods ... Twin Grid File

44 Point Access Methods ... Multidimensional Linear Hashing
no directory (unlike extended), or very small directory result: relatively little storage requirements can keep the related information in main memory early techniques: fail to support range queries multidimensional order-preserving linear hashing with partial expansions (MOLHPE)! idea : partially extending the buckets without expanding the file size at the same time guarantees modest file growth very good for uniformly distributed data, fails for nonuniform distributions

45 Point Access Methods ... Hierarchical Access Methods
based on binary of multiway tree structure like hashing, stores data in bucket each bucket is leaf of a node, and a disk page interior nodes of the tree guide search search: top-down tree traversal difference between different methods: characteristics of the regions

46 Point Access Methods ... Hierarchical Access Methods: k-d-B-tree
combination of adaptive k-d-tree and B-tree partition the universe like adaptive k-d associates subspaces to tree nodes interior nodes are intervals nodes in same level are mutually disjoint perfectly balanced (like B-tree) search straightforward, like k-d-tree insert: search, find the right bucket, if required split and move half the data to it. Deletion: search, remove, if necessary merge node with siblings con: no minimum space utilization can be guaranteed

47 Point Access Methods ... Hierarchical Access Methods: k-d-B-tree

48 Point Access Methods ... Hierarchical Access Methods: LSD tree (??)
directory is organized same as adaptive k-d-tree better adaptation to data distribution (in compare to fixed binary partitioning) external balancing property: heights of external subtrees differ at most by one (??) combines two split strategies to accommodate skewed data: data-dependent : based on data, tries to achieve most balanced structure (equal number of data in both sides of split) distribution-dependent: split at fixed dimension and position (know distribution is assumed)

49 Point Access Methods ... Hierarchical Access Methods: LSD tree (??)

50 Point Access Methods ... Hierarchical Access Methods: Buddy tree:
dynamic hashing scheme with tree structure (hybrid) tree is made by consecutive insertions cut the universe equally with iso-oriented hyperplanes interior nodes: a partition and an interval (MBB of points or intervals below node) intervals in same level nodes are mutually disjoint leaves are data (like other trees!!) each directory node has at least two entries so: may not be balanced when a node splits, MBB of two intervals are computed to reflect the current situation so: tries to achieve high selectivity at directory level except for root, only one pointer refers to each directory page. so: guarantees linear growth

51 Point Access Methods ... Hierarchical Access Methods: Buddy tree:

52 Point Access Methods ... Hierarchical Access Methods:
BANG file (Balanced and Nested Grid) a hybrid method divides the univers to intervals (boxes), similar to grid difference: buckets regions may intersect can form nonrectangular bucket regions by taking geometric difference of two intervals (nesting) (?) increased storage utilization: redistributes data between bucket during insertion balanced search tree to manage directory

53 Point Access Methods ... Hierarchical Access Methods:
BANG file (Balanced and Nested Grid) first 3 rectangles: R1: R2, R5, R6 then R3 and R4 in R2 and R5 representation as bit interleaving * = universe a point search may require traversal of entire directory in depth-first manner

54 Point Access Methods ... Hierarchical Access Methods: hB-tree (?)
utilizes k-d-B-tree to organize the space represented by interior nodes difference in splitting: based on multiple attributes region not boxed shape

55 Point Access Methods ... Hierarchical Access Methods: BV-tree (?)
tries to solve d-dimensional B-tree idea: maintain major strengths of Btree, by relaxing balancing and space utilization BV-tree not balanced at least 33% space utilization (50% for B-tree)

56 Space Filling Curves for Point Data
Reason that multidimensional is harder than one-dimensional: No total ordering that preserves spatial proximity work around: heuristic methods: total orders that preserves proximity at least to some extend idea: objects that are close in original space, should also be close in total order (one-dimensional image space) maybe good for point queries, not good for region queries all methods: divide the space to grids assign unique numbers for each grid index the original data based on that number

57 Space Filling Curves for Point Data ...
Peanu = Quad codes = Bentley = N-trees = Location codes = z ordering z-order and Hilbert are most suitable for multidimensional access, Hilbert better! pro: insensitive to dimension con: incompatible index partitions can not be joined without recomputing the codes of at least one of the indices (??)

58 Spatial Access Methods
Previous methods are for points, not for objects with extension How to do objects with extension? modifying point access methods classification of methods: based on different techniques: transformation (object mapping) overlapping regions (object bounding) clipping (object duplication) multiple layers based on “base type”: primarily supported spatial data type, mostly intervals

59 Spatial Access Methods ...

60 Spatial Access Methods ...
Transformation transform object to different representation then use PAMs or one-dimensional access methods possible options: transform each object to higher dimensional point transform object to one-dimensional intervals using space-filling curves

61 Spatial Access Methods ...
Transformation … mapping to higher dimensional space e.g., four numbers ( = to a point in four dimensional space) for a rectangle use one of the PAMs for this new point options: x and y coordinates of two diagonal corners, endpoint transformation x and y coordinates of center, and height and width, midpoint transformation more complex objects: approximate with rectangle or sphere! result: PAM provide partial result

62 Spatial Access Methods ...
Transformation (mapping to higher dimensional space )… endpoint transformation for range query with search range [l,u] a) any point in shade areas corresponds to an interval in original space that overlaps the search interval [l,u] b) containment/enclosure with interval [l,u] map into general region query c) point query maps to range query

63 Spatial Access Methods ...
Transformation (mapping to higher dimensional space )… midpoint transformation for range query with search range [l,u] a) any point in shade areas corresponds to an interval in original space that overlaps the search interval [l,u] b) containment/enclosure with interval [l,u] map into general region query c) point query maps to general region query

64 Spatial Access Methods ...
Transformation (mapping to higher dimensional space ) … cons: formulation of point and range queries is more difficult in new (dual) space finite search regions may map to infinite search regions in dual space more complex queries with spatial predicates may not be expressible at all depending on the mapping, the distribution of point in dual space may be highly non-uniform, even if data in original space is uniform image of two close objects may be far in dual space

65 Spatial Access Methods ...
Transformation … Space-Filling Curves for Extended Objects has less drawbacks represent extended objects with grid cells equal to: represents extended object with union of several simpler objects equal to: list of one-dimensional intervals that define position of the grids. variations: z-ordering, Hilbert R-tree, UB-tree

66 Spatial Access Methods ...
Transformation (Space-Filling Curves for Extended Objects) … z-order: Peano curve recursively splits universe to equal subspaces with iso-oriented hypeplanes assign z-values to z-regions store z-values in standard one-dimensional index an approximation of the original object more z-regions = more accuracy = increase the size and complexity of approximation : conflicting objectives!!

67 Spatial Access Methods ...
Transformation (Space-Filling Curves for Extended Objects) … z-order: example: 9 regions, different shapes and sizes if peano code z1 if a previx of z2, then region corresponding to z1 is enclosed in z2

68 Spatial Access Methods ...
Overlapping regions idea: different data buckets correspond to mutually overlapping subspaces can put any object to one bucket extends regions to accommodate new data increase search paths (due to overlap), even for point problem: performance, specially when objects are large in compare to universe very large objects lead to ineffective index, the whole index should be searched !! minor problem: ambiguity during insertion any subspace could be picked to enlarge solution: pick subspace that causes minimal additional overlap or the one that requires least enlargement or takes less time

69 Spatial Access Methods ...
Overlapping regions R-tree: hierarchy of nested intervals nodes correspond to intervals intervals of descendant of a node are contained in interval of that node ! Same level nodes may have overlap leaf node: MBB and reference of the actual data Each node has between m (lower threshold) and M (upper threshold) entries m ensures efficient storage R-tree is height-balanced search is similar to B-tree, but several intervals in each level may satisfy the search provides candidate search results, requires refinement insertion: only one path is traversed, at each node pick the child which requires least enlargement to cover the object deletion, may require adjustment in size of the covering interval

70 Spatial Access Methods ...
Overlapping regions R-tree

71 Spatial Access Methods ...
Overlapping regions R*-tree: similar to R-tree forced reinsert policy: if a node overflows, don’t split right away remove some (30% of M) nodes from the node, and reinsert them deletion and search are same as R-tree splitting policy: all R-tree policies minimize overlap between same level nodes (less probability for multiple search paths) minimized region perimeters (regions should become squares) maximize storage utilization pro: 50% performance improvements con: cpu overhead for reinsert

72 Spatial Access Methods ...
Overlapping regions R*-tree:

73 Spatial Access Methods ...
Overlapping regions P-tree (Jagadish), JP-tree: idea: approximations of objects are not MBBs introduces m orientation (m > d) e.g., for d=2, m=4: two parallel to coordinate axes, two parallel to diagonals. Polytopes are parallel to these orientations quality of approximation is related to m. interior nodes are nested polytopes (not intervals) polytopes in same level overlap pro: better approximation con: larger size experimental results: m=10 good for d=2 (5 times more space)

74 Spatial Access Methods ...
Overlapping regions P-tree (Jagadish), JP-tree:

75 Spatial Access Methods ...
Overlapping regions P-tree (Schiwietz), SP-tree: combine advantages of R*-tree and cell tree similar to R-tree, but interior nodes are nested polytopes instead of rectangles idea: number of vertices of polytopes are not bounded good: more vertices, better approximation bad: should be bound to guarantee minimum fanout of interior nodes (?) so: pentagon and hexagon offer best tradeoff if insertion or splitting leads to more vertices for bounding rectangles, surplus vertices are moved one by one.

76 Spatial Access Methods ...
Overlapping regions P-tree (Schiwietz), SP-tree:

77 Spatial Access Methods ...
Overlapping regions SKD-tree a variant of k-d-tree, capable of storing spatially extended object allows regions to overlap keep upper and lower bound for discriminators, representing maximal extent of the objects in two subtrees insertion: define centroid and MBB of the object. Compare centroid with discrimination lines to decide for next child to be inspected may need to adjust lower and upper bound of extended objects if overflows node, split and insert new discriminators in SKD search as usual, start from root, at each node decide for child to visit next deletion: if underflow, save remained data in siblings, remove splitting hyperplane. if insertion, do insert !

78 Spatial Access Methods ...
Overlapping regions SKD-tree

79 Spatial Access Methods ...
Overlapping regions GBD tree (Generalized BD) GBD: balanced multi-way tree stores as hierarchy of MBBs interior nodes: MBB of (usually overlapping) MBBs of its descendants leaf node: MBB of the objects whose centroids are contained in corresponding bucket region. Intervals coded using DZ-expression (z-values) pro: faster insert and delete in compare to R-tree, because of encoding scheme and placement by centroid but no advantage for search

80 Spatial Access Methods ...
Overlapping regions GBD tree (Generalized BD)

81 Spatial Access Methods ...
Overlapping regions PLOP hashing (piecewise linear order-preserving) a variant of hashing allows storage of extended objects without transforming into points partition the universe same as grid file extended objects may span more than one cell uses d binary trees interior nodes: (d-1) dimensional iso-oriented hyperplane leaf nodes: d-dimensional subspaces forming the universe pro: superior to R-tree and R+-tree for uniformly distributed data

82 Spatial Access Methods ...
Overlapping regions PLOP hashing (piecewise linear order-preserving) (??)

83 Spatial Access Methods ...
Clipping no overlap between bucket regions (mutually disjoint) example: R+-tree: a variant of R-tree, no overlap between nodes in same level result: point queries follow single path cons: insertion: any data that spans more than one bucket has to be subdivided along the partitioning hyperplanes. (several bucket entries for same object) deletion: has to delete from several buckets if a method doesn’t partition complete data space, a new object may lead to enlargement of several buckets deadlock: has to enlarge a bucket, but this may lead to overflow splitting: there might be cases that a bucket has to be split, but there is no hyperplane that splits none of the objects in the bucket (triggers other splits, problem for large files)

84 Spatial Access Methods ...
Clipping Extended k-d-tree: extension of adaptive k-d-tree based on clipping (SKD based on overlapping) interior nodes: (d-1) dimensional partitioning hyperplanes, represented by dimension and discriminator leaf node: rectangular subspace, and address of data page data page may be referenced by different leaf nodes insert: start from root test intersection with stored hyperplane either go to one direction, or clip the object and go in both directions overflow case, split page by new hyperplane (dimension perpendicular) delete: visit all subspaces intersecting with object underflow, merge with siblings

85 Spatial Access Methods ...
Clipping Extended k-d-tree:

86 Spatial Access Methods ...
Clipping R+-tree: idea: resolve problems for overlapping regions in R-tree same as other clippings: no overlap in same level nodes, if intersect more than one index interval, has to be stored on different pages … point search: single path (faster than R-tree) range searches: usually more than one path insert: depending on number of intersection, may follow different paths may place different fragments in different leaf nodes may need to enlarge interval for a corresponding leaf node, which may overlap with other intervals, then split and reinsert delete: remove all fragments if underflow, merge with siblings (not always possible!!)

87 Spatial Access Methods ...
Clipping R+-tree:

88 Spatial Access Methods ...
Clipping Cell tree goal: facilitate search for arbitrary shaped objects decomposes universe to disjoint convex subspaces interior node: hierarchy of nested polytopes leaf node: one of the subspaces convex polyhedra are subspaces of BSP (binary space partitioning) cell tree = combination of BSP and R+-tree non-convex objects are decomposed into convex components whose union is original object components don’t have to be disjoint may have to subdivide component to several cells (clipping!) overflow, split subspace and cell tree, distributed data between two nodes. Split may propagate up the tree (?) search: start from root, specify subspaces (using BSP partitioning), go to corresponding sub-branch .

89 Spatial Access Methods ...
Clipping Cell tree

90 Spatial Access Methods ...
Multiple Layers a variant of overlapping data regions in different layers may overlap difference: layers are organized in a hierarchy each layer partitions the complete universe in different way data layers within layers are disjoint data regions do not adapt to the spatial extensions of the corresponding data objects inserting object: find lowest layer that its hyperplanes don’t split the object if there is any, insert in to it if overflow, split the data region by introducing new hyperplane and distributes the entries accordingly object intersect with hyperplane are moved to a higher layer result: large object in higher layers, close objects in lower layers

91 Spatial Access Methods ...
Multiple Layers pro: possibly higher selectivity during searching due to restricted overlap of different layers (?) con: suffers from fragmentation, bad for some distributions certain queries require inspection of all layers don’t know how to cluster object that are close, but in different layers some ambiguity for the layer that should place the object

92 Spatial Access Methods ...
Multiple Layers Multilayer Grid file consists of ordered sequence of grid layers each layer corresponds to separate grid file each layer cover the whole universe insert: into first grid file in the sequence that does not imply any clipping of the object size of the bucket regions typically increase within the sequence (larger object go to later layers) if a new object can not be stored in any of the current layers without clipping, a new layer has to be allocated. Exact query: determine from scales which grid file in supposed to hold the search interval other search queries: traversing sequence of layers, performing search on each grid file pro: superior to original grid file cons: low space utilization, expensive directory maintenance

93 Spatial Access Methods ...
Multiple Layers Multilayer Grid file

94 Spatial Access Methods ...
Multiple Layers R-File: idea: avoid problems of multilayer grid file uses a single directory universe cut same as BANG file (equal parts) z-ordering to encode resulting bucket regions bucket regions may overlap, but there is no clipping (?) splitting algorithm: instead of cutting to two halves, keep the original region, make one for one of the two halves, move data intervals to new bucket if they are completely contained in the region pick the half that distributes data between two halves most even (?) pro: competitive to R-tree con: partitions the whole space, R-tree partitions the part that contains object so: poor performance for non-uniformly distributed data

95 Spatial Access Methods ...
Multiple Layers R-File (?)

96 Comparative Studies Experimental Results
Results confusing ! Why? uniformly distributed? data type? a lot of overlaps? real data? different variant (R+, R+ with bla, … ) different queries ...

97 Comparative Studies Experimental Results
Search performance for: R-tree, k-d-B-tree, R+-tree (10,000 uniformly distributed rectangles of varying size) k-d-B-tree can never compete with R-tree variants. Not much difference between R and R+ (R+ is significantly more difficult to code) R+ performs better when there is less overlap between rectangles Performance for point access methods: hB-tree, BANG file, two-level grid file, buddy tree. Buddy tree and BANG outperform two others Performance varies with data distribution and query range size for clustered data and query range of size 10%, no difference between buddy and BANG query range of 0.1% of size of the universe, buddy performs twice as fast

98 Comparative Studies Experimental Results ...
For extended objects: R-tree and PLOP hashing with buddy tree and BANG file (enhanced with transformation technique to handle rectangles) buddy and BANG outperformed for all data distributions (measurement for number of pages accessed, and not cpu time) R*-tree with several variants of R-tree (performance for point, intersection and enclosure queries, also spatial join, for different data distributions) R* is the winner for queries, best storage utilization and insertion time. (again, only disk access was measured) Another similar benchmark: Hilbert R-tree even better than R*-tree

99 Comparative Studies Experimental Results ...
Performance of clipping, overlapping and transformation on top of buddy-tree, R*-tree and two-level grid file buddy with clipping and grid file failed completely (huge files) Transformation technique: fast insertion, low storage utilization. R*-tree: long insertion times, good storage utilization. Buddy with overlapping superior to buddy with transformation for intersection and containment queries. Performance of overlapping techniques decreases with large query regions, still better than buddy with transformation. Buddy with overlapping better than R* for some queries.

100 Comparative Studies Experimental Results ...
Static and Dynamic variants of skd-tree with packed R-tree for large page sizes, skd-tree outperforms r-tree for page access per search operation Space requirements of skd-tree is higher than R-tree Containment queries are answered faster in skd-tree skd-tree with extended k-d-tree enhanced with overflow pages: skd-tree is superior k-d-tree performs well for uniformly distributed data R-tree with cell tree and R+-tree (two clipping-based access methods) (convex polygons used instead of polygons) Cell tree requires twice as much space. Average number of page accesses per search is less for cell tree (even better with increase in size of the DB and query region)

101 Comparative Studies Experimental Results ...
Original cell tree with cell tree with oversize shelves, R*-tree and hB-tree (real catographic data): slight performance advantage of cell tree with oversize shelves in compare to R* and hB-tree, but much better from original cell tree query time of KD2B-tree (paged version of KD2-tree) and R-tree for different queries: KD2B-tree outperforms R-tree for all queries PMR-quadtree with R*-tree and R+tree for indexing line segments: performance for all is about the same R+: best insertion performance (but depends on page size) R*: occupies the least space, inferior to R+ for seacrhing line segments PMR-quadtree not dependent to page size

102 Comparative Studies Experimental Results ...
Similar benchmark to previous one, two quadtree variants with R*-tree and R+tree, but used polygons instead line segments (and on top of a commercial object-oriented system): R+ and quadtrees outperform R* for point queries. A variant of zkdB+-tree with grid file, R-tree and R+-tree (for insertion, deletion, search operations and storage utilization): z-ordering and grid file good for insertion and deletion, but poor for search. R and R+: moderate insertion and deletion, superior search R+ slightly better than R, but very poor space utilization (not goor choice for general purpose applications) R-file and R-tree: R-file 10-20% performance advantage for highly overlapped rectangles

103 Comparative Studies Experimental Results ...
Different space-filling curves: z-order, Gray coding, Hilbert coding: Hilbert mapping (form multidimensional to line) is superior to all SUMMARY: Best performers: buddy cell tree with oversize shelves Hilbert tree KD2B-tree PMR-quadtree R+-tree R*-tree But still hardly comparable

104 Comparative Studies Theoretical Results
Very difficult to perform if stick to all modeling assumptions So very few results links to different studies are in the paper, good luck.

105 Conclusions Different spatial access methods
No one is superior to others in whatever sense A method is a clear winner by a benchmark, inferior by another benchmark! Reason: So many different criteria for optimality So many parameters to define performance Example: A good access method for iso-oriented rectangles, may not be good for arbitrarily oriented lines. A good access method for dense data may not be good for sparse data. An optimized index method for point queries may be inefficient for region query A good method for static environment may not be good for an environment which has too many insertion/deletion.

106 Conclusions ... Technology transfer
Pick the method that is easy to understand and implement and robust. Performance not that much important Try to optimize performance by highly tuned implementation. Examples: Quadtree for SICAD and SmallWorld GIS. R-tree by Informix Z-ordering by Oracle.

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