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Change in Temperature P. EN. 04.41 Demonstrate how temperature can be increased in a substance by adding energy. 4 th Grade Amy McDonald Jessica Crump.

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Presentation on theme: "Change in Temperature P. EN. 04.41 Demonstrate how temperature can be increased in a substance by adding energy. 4 th Grade Amy McDonald Jessica Crump."— Presentation transcript:

1 Change in Temperature P. EN. 04.41 Demonstrate how temperature can be increased in a substance by adding energy. 4 th Grade Amy McDonald Jessica Crump

2 “Get up and MOVE!” Activity

3 Did your temperature increase or decrease? Did you use energy?

4 Experiment

5 Terms Temperature Heat Energy Exothermic Reaction Definitions Property that enables work The degree of hotness or coldness of a body or environment Causes temperature change, process of increasing temperature. Chemical reaction that produces energy and releases heat.

6 TrialsProcedure1 st Trial 2 nd Trial 3 rd Trial Baking Soda solution 10 ml Initial Temperature Calcium Chloride 1 tsp Highest Temp Target Temp Difference between the highest and target Temperatures Is this too high, low, or just right? Outcome Does the exothermic reaction cause an increase in the temperature of the solution? Why?

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