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Pioneer Natural Resources
Spraberry Trend Area It is a very large field in areal extent (400,000 acres) A NFR with extensive vertical fractures Poor ultimate recovery Glasscock Co Reagan Co Upton Co Midland Co Martin Co Borden Co Pioneer Natural Resources’ Spraberry Unit Position Spraberry Trend Area Investigated the waterflood performance of an old (Humble Pilot) and a new (O’Daniel Pilot) Waterflood. Find methods to extend and apply the results found from the Humble and O’Daniel Pilot simulations to all over the Spraberry Trend area Largest field in the World Its in the Midland Basin of West Texas Spraberry Is extensively Naturally Fractured Midkiff is one of the Units in spraberry where Humble Oil Company started a Waterflooding Pilot.
Presentation Outline Step 1 Step 2
Applied Simulation of tracer response from the present waterflood pilot Simulation of an old waterflood pilot (Humble Pilot) Permeability anisotropy and fracture orientation Obtained Previous Studies PVT Study Log Analysis Imbibition Study(Pc & Kr) Pressure Transient Analysis Production Data Analysis Core Analysis Outcrop Study Step 3 Field Simulation involving multiple wells Confirmed
Simulation of The Humble Pilot
Step 1 Simulation of The Humble Pilot
Assumptions For Simulation
Only two wells were included in the basic model, one is injector (SHB-10) and the other is producer (SHB-8) as shown in Humble Pilot map. The production well was located in the same line with injection well (in the on-trend direction, along the primary fracture orientation). The response of oil production rate in the SHB-8 well was only affected by water injection from the SHB-10 well. 1 MAGNOLIA “A” 3 HUMBLE “B” 10 3 2 HUMBLE “B” 4 9 5 SHACKELFORD 8 UNION 11 13 2 15 15 4 SHACKELFORD 9 HUTT 16 HUMBLE “B” 12 16 8 4 10 4 3 1 6 7 2 8 17 2 3 1 SHACKELFORD 3 1 HUMBLE “B” 2 4 1 22 SHACKELFORD 1 2 3 4 HUMBLE 1 2 21 TIPPET 2 TIPPET 20 6 TIPPET 3 TIPPET
Has 3 layers 2 thin pay zones and 1 thick non pay zone that is shale. Pay zones are not Interconnected The first layer has 1 fracture trend the bottom layer has 2 fracture orientation The average fracture spacing was obtained from the outcrop study ……...
Reservoir Properties Mention grid Dimension No. of Wells Dual porosity
Two different properties for matrix and fractures
Fracture Matrix Vugs Grid System Matrix Fracture
Comparison Between Observed and Simulated Results
Water cut vs. time BHP vs. time
Simulation of The Tracer Test Conducted in The O’Daniel Pilot
Step 2 Simulation of The Tracer Test Conducted in The O’Daniel Pilot
N Production Well Production Well Monitored During Tracer Test
1 G-1 D-1 C-2 C-1 E-1 2 30 3 24 13 Boone A-1 D-1 F-1 Boone 19 A-1 32 6 D-1 Brunson 31 26 1 12 N 34 36 8W O'Daniel B-1 47 A-5 1 C-1 O'Daniel 33 46 28 42 40 Boone E-1 50 25 A-6 Production Well Production Well Monitored During Tracer Test Water Injector CO2 Injector Logging Observation Well 49 44 39 45 41 38 29 O‘Brian 43 A-7 37 A-3 48 14 35 O'Daniel A-1 This is the CO2 pilot area of the ET O’Daniel Lease of the Spraberry Trend The Pilot consists of 3 central producers and 6 ring fence water injectors Tracer was injected into the injectors beginning from Aug 2000. The response from the far away wells means that the fracture permeability is very high Strong NE-SW response conforms with the fracture orientation obtained during the Core Analysis (Rose Diagram) 13 9 10 63 O'Daniel 5 9 7 12 B-1 8 7 O‘Brian D-1 12 Powell Floyd C-1
N Production Well Production Well Monitored During Tracer Test
Water Injector CO2 Injector Logging Observation Well N C-1 1 G-1 D-1 C-2 C-1 E-1 2 30 3 24 13 Boone A-1 D-1 F-1 A-1 Boone 19 32 6 D-1 Brunson 1 31 26 12 34 36 8W O'Daniel B-1 A-5 1 C-1 47 O'Daniel 33 46 28 42 40 Boone E-1 50 25 A-6 49 44 45 39 41 29 O‘Brian 38 43 A-7 37 A-3 14 48 35 O'Daniel These are the tracer paths where the highest concentration of tracer was observed > PPT Among these 4 tracer responses we analyzed two of them A-1 13 10 9 63 O'Daniel 5 9 7 12 B-1 8 7 O‘Brian D-1 12 Powell Floyd C-1
b) Shape of The Actual Response From WIW#47 to O’Daniel D-1
Concentration Concentration Time Time This is a typical tracer response that is obtained from any commercial simulator Only the first peak was matched with the simulation result. The second peak is due to another set of fracture or due to another pay layer contributing the producer. a) Typical Response b) Shape of The Actual Response From WIW#47 to O’Daniel D-1
Model Dual porosity with tracer option using Eclipse
47 O'Daniel Brunson D-1 Model Dual porosity with tracer option using Eclipse Grid block is 100 x 100 Number of wells 2, one injector (E.T. O’Daniel #47) and one producer (Brunson “D” 1). Rock and fluid properties from Humble Simulation model. Tracer injection concentration is ppm for hrs. O'Daniel Brunson D-1 47 25 29 37 46 45 38 39 40 48 14 A-1 35 33 32 12 8W 34 24 31 36 13 30 C-1 28 Production Well Water Injector
History Match Result (W#47-Br.D-1):
Kx/Ky= 84/15000 Orientation 43 Deg.
Fracture Orientation Obtained From The Tracer Test
O'Daniel O‘Brian Brunson Boone Powell Floyd 35 33 B-1 D-1 C-1 5 7 12 9 13 10 63 8 A-1 1 A-5 Boone E-1 A-6 A-3 A-7 32 8W 34 6 24 31 36 26 19 30 G-1 C-2 E-1 Boone A-1 F-1 3 2 47 25 29 37 46 28 45 38 39 40 48 14 41 43 49 50 44 42
Simulation of O’Daniel Unit and Surrounding Wells
Step 3 Simulation of O’Daniel Unit and Surrounding Wells
O’Daniel Unit Simulation
Model Dual porosity with tracer option using CMG simulator Grid block is 130 x 130 with 3 x 2 layers The 8,383-acre area of the model contains 15 injectors and 44 producers Rock and fluid properties were obtained from The Humble Simulation model.
Structural Map For The O’Daniel Unit Simulation Model
Building The Model The Structural map was scanned and digitized. The digitized map is then uploaded to the CMG Gridbuilder to build the geological model Structural Map For The O’Daniel Unit Simulation Model
Results Obtained From Previous Studies
There are 3 layers in the model. Only the first and the third layers contribute to the production and the middle layer is a non-producing shale layer. The Simulation Model Results Obtained From Previous Studies
Production Well Water Injector O'Daniel O‘Brian Brunson Boone Powell
Floyd 35 33 B-1 A-1 Boone E-1 A-6 A-3 A-7 32 12 8W 34 24 31 36 26 19 13 G-1 C-2 E-1 Boone A-1 D-1 F-1 C-1 47W 29 37W 46W 28 45W 38 39 40 48W 14W 10W 5W 16 21 2 7W 22 20W 1 27 23 3 4W 9W 11W McClintic E-42 E-32 8 Brown E.T. O’Daniel Unit 25W 30
Production Well Water Injector Brown G-1 E-32 E-42 C-2 C-1 10W E-1
O'Daniel O‘Brian Brunson Boone Powell Floyd 35 33 B-1 A-1 Boone E-1 A-6 A-3 A-7 32 12 8W 34 24 31 36 26 D-1 19 13 30 G-1 C-2 E-1 Boone A-1 F-1 C-1 47W 25W 29 37W 46W 28 45W 39 40 48W 14W 10W 5W 16 21 2 7W 22 20W 1 27 23 3 4W 9W 11W McClintic E-42 E-32 8 Brown E.T. O’Daniel Unit 38
The Reservoir Model With Fractures
Fracture Water Saturation
Summary (Humble Pilot)
The fracture permeability values in the on-trend and off-trend directions of and 100 md, respectively, indicate that reservoir permeability is highly anisotropic.
Summary (Tracer Test) The results obtained from this study support the previous analyses as follows: The on-trend and off-trend permeability in the O’Daniel Unit are close to the value obtained from the Humble Pilot simulation. The orientation of the fracture trend as determined by the tracer test agrees with the orientation obtained from historical production data, interference testing and horizontal core analysis.
Summary (O’Daniel Field Simulation)
For field simulation history matching, it is necessary to introduce existing fractures where there is not enough water production from off-set injectors. It is possible to match most of the wells by using the permeability anisotropy (Kx/Ky) and fracture orientation obtained from the tracer simulation in the O’Daniel field model To investigate areas of Spraberry where little or no water injection has occurred . The results of this work will provide a method to assess the economic feasibility of large-scale water injection in the remainder of the field.
Conclusions The methods described here can be used to investigate areas of Spraberry where little or no water injection has occurred . The results of this work will provide a method to assess the economic feasibility of large-scale water injection in the remainder of the field. To investigate areas of Spraberry where little or no water injection has occurred .
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