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Alternative Energy Sources. What is meant by “alternative” energy sources?  Discuss this question in small groups.  Try to come up with examples.

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Presentation on theme: "Alternative Energy Sources. What is meant by “alternative” energy sources?  Discuss this question in small groups.  Try to come up with examples."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alternative Energy Sources

2 What is meant by “alternative” energy sources?  Discuss this question in small groups.  Try to come up with examples.

3 Alternative Energy Sources  Solar – passive and active  Wind  Tidal  Geothermal – high and low temperature  Heat “pumps”

4 Alternative Energy Sources  Gasohol  Biomass/biogenic methane  Hydrogen  Coal gasification  Conservation/increased efficiency

5 Wind Generation

6 What are some advantages of Alternative Sources of Energy?  Clean  Decentralized  “Free” (?)

7 Which alternative energy source holds the most promise?  Hydrogen  Burns clean – “exhaust” is water  High energy yield

8 Which type of Alternative Energy is most likely to be implemented soon?  Conservation/increased efficiency  Technology is most readily available and is not new

9 What are some disadvantages of Alternative Sources of Energy?  Can be inconvenient  May only be available locally  Can be expensive, depending on technology

10 What barriers exist that may be preventing the widespread use of Alternative Energy Sources?  Technological  Economic  Regulatory/legal  Convenience  Habit

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