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Photolithography Machine Control System Ben Conrad and Mark Edwards Projects in Computer Engineering II December 9, 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "Photolithography Machine Control System Ben Conrad and Mark Edwards Projects in Computer Engineering II December 9, 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 Photolithography Machine Control System Ben Conrad and Mark Edwards Projects in Computer Engineering II December 9, 2003

2 System Overview – Solitec 8360 Used in the photolithography process to evenly apply chemicals to wafers 25 200mm wafer capacity Main components: Wafer input cartridge, wafer output cartridge, spin chuck, bake chuck, system tray Spin Chuck Vacuum Tube Bake Chuck Vacuum Tube Wafer Output Cartridge (25 wafers) Wafer Input Cartridge (25 wafers)

3 System Overview – Solitec 8360 Wafer Load Processing on Spin Chuck Bake on Bake Chuck Multipass Mode Check Wafer Egress

4 System Overview – Solitec 8360

5 System Controller Provides an interface between the operator and the control unit. Formats data for display to the user Interprets and forwards user requests and input to the control unit

6 System Controller Cont’ Control the system’s mode of operation Three operating modes Service: manual system operation Program: writing and editing of recipes Run: recipe execution/system calibration

7 Recipe Commands Seven Executable Commands PREWET: Dispense de-ionized(DI) water Dispense DEV#1: Dispense developer solution RINSE: Dispenses DI water to clean wafer N2: Dispenses Stream of Nitrogen (N 2 ) SPIN: Spin Dry the wafer WAIT: Static delay option. Parameters Time:.1 – 999.9 sec. (.1 second resolution) Speed: 0-7,999 RPM Ramp: 0 – 40 KRPM/s

8 Motivation Old controller was corroded; less elements in our design -> more reliable Cost savings to customer, Dr. Raisanen, associate director of RIT’s fab Our design ~$350, vs. $3k-$15k

9 Feasibility Motor Control Board will be reused – no digital controller need be implemented Other than 3 analog, all I/0 are TTL digital logic, no conditioning needed Sensors have been tested and functionality for most is verified Timing Budget: Asynchronous System

10 System Design- High Level The STD Bus will be replaced with a HC12-s microcontroller A HC11 will be connected to the HC12 via SPI protocol to handle UI Custom Circuits are created to multiplex numerous I/0 lines to the HC12’s limited pins

11 System Design – High Level HC12 A B P S A/D 50 Pin Input Cable 50 Pin Out Cable Keypad and LCD Servo Board 3 16-bit serial in, parallel out shift registers for output = 48 output bits 2 16-bit parallel in, serial out shift registers for input = 32 input bits 1 16-bit serial in, parallel out shifter 2 8-bit DACs HC 11

12 System Controller Hardware Input 4x4 Matrix keypad  Interrupt driven SPI bus  Three wire interface to digital controller  Used to communicate status and display information

13 System Controller H/W Cont’ Output 40x4 Character LCD display SPI bus  Forwards user input the control unit. Status Lights  Run mode  Program mode  End of Processing  Interlock

14 System Controller H/W Cont’ Processing unit Motorola 68HC11  512 bytes RAM, 512 bytes EEPROM  Synchronous peripheral interface (SPI)  Real time interrupt circuit Data aggregation Distribute workload

15 System Controller Schematic

16 System Design – System I/O Shows the detailed HC-12 Control Unit I/O connections

17 System Design – System I/O

18 System Software Design Run mode flowchart

19 System Software Design Task control block(TCB) Tracks the processing of a single wafer

20 Already Completed Parts ordered and received Hardware schematics Software flowcharts Task control design Sensor/System tests

21 Expected Difficulties Unreliability of mechanical system No ability to completely test system Servo control board - analog signals Overall system complexity

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