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2006-2007 Sim-Pooch  Renata Voorhees:  Brandon Nino:  Tim Bradney:  Kelly.

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Presentation on theme: "2006-2007 Sim-Pooch  Renata Voorhees:  Brandon Nino:  Tim Bradney:  Kelly."— Presentation transcript:

1 2006-2007 Sim-Pooch  Renata Voorhees:  Brandon Nino:  Tim Bradney:  Kelly Galloway:  Matt Cain:  Michelle Dummer:

2 Outline  Problem Statement  System Constraints and Criteria  Schematic of System  Physical System  Virtual System  Interfacing  Planned Approach  Preliminary Design and Analysis  Summary

3 Problem Statement  The 2006-2007 Sim-Pooch Team plans to create a canine head prototype which will be used as a medical tool to educate veterinarians and students in canine acupuncture. Problem Statement  System C&C  Schematic of System  Physical System  Virtual System  Interfacing  Planned Approach  Preliminary Design and Analysis  Summary

4 System Constraints and Criteria  User must be able to feel the anatomical features of a canine head  User’s movements must be able to be recorded  User must be able to be tested  Location of each cranial acupuncture point must be identified in the model accurately Problem Statement  System C&C  Schematic of System  Physical System  Virtual System  Interfacing  Planned Approach  Preliminary Design and Analysis  Summary Planned Approach  Preliminary Design and Analysis  Summary

5 Simple Diagram Physical System User Virtual System ? Problem Statement  System C&C  Schematic of System  Physical System  Virtual System  Interfacing  Planned Approach  Preliminary Design and Analysis  Summary Planned Approach  Preliminary Design and Analysis  Summary

6 Matrices for Virtual System Mechanical Data AcquistionHapticsElectrical Data Acquistion WeightPressure SensorScore Temp. SensorScore Virtual SystemScore Electr o- magne ticScore Within Needl eScore Point Connecti onScore Ease Of Use0.150.560.640.470.730.320.2 Cost0.0560.350.2580.470.3530.1520.1 Expandability0.0570.3580.410.0520.140.230.15 Sensitivty0.130.360.610.120.250.540.4 Out Sourcing0.0540.260.380.470.3550.2520.1 Accuracy0.1530.4571.0510.1520.340.650.75 Total Response0.1530.4540.610.1520.350.7560.9 Material Integration0.0540.260.310.0520.130.1550.25 Mass Production0.0560.350.2580.470.3530.1520.1 Feasibility0.2551.2561.54171.7530.7520.5 Total Score1 4.3 5.85 3.1 4.5 3.8 3.45 Rank 4 6 1 5 3 2 Continue? No Yes No Yes

7 System Schematic MRI & CT Data Audio/Visual Feedback Haptics Device User Physical Model AMIRA Solid Model Computer Processor Problem Statement  Schematic of System  Physical System  Virtual System  Interfacing  Planned Approach  Preliminary Design and Analysis  Summary

8 Criteria & Constraints  The proper location of each cranial acupuncture point must be identified and implemented in the model.  The simulator must accurately represent the contours of the canine.  Each anatomical layer must simulate the tactile response from a human perspective.  The simulator must represent the contours of the canine. Problem Statement  Schematic of System  Physical System  Virtual System  Interfacing  Planned Approach  Preliminary Design and Analysis  Summary Planned Approach  Preliminary Design and Analysis  Summary

9 Linking the Physical & Virtual Systems CT vs. MRI Problem Statement  Schematic of System  Physical System  Virtual System  Interfacing  Planned Approach  Preliminary Design and Analysis  Summary CT Scan (left): Shows bone clearly DIACOM format Mr. Womack very familiar with data MRI Scan (Right): Shows muscle/tissue very clearly DIACOM format Hard to see bone

10 Converting MRI/CT Data  AMIRA- advanced visualization, data analysis, & geometry reconstruction  Converts DIACOM data to raw data  Capable of STL data (used for prototyping) Problem Statement  Schematic of System  Physical System  Virtual System  Interfacing  Planned Approach  Preliminary Design and Analysis  Summary Planned Approach  Preliminary Design and Analysis  Summary

11 Potential Problems  Flesh does not show up on scan  Data format very complex  Some areas of bone/tissue too thin for accurate data results Problem Statement  Schematic of System  Physical System  Virtual System  Interfacing  Planned Approach  Preliminary Design and Analysis  Summary Planned Approach  Preliminary Design and Analysis  Summary

12 Physical System – Advanced Materials  Strength and Rigidity a necessity We want the prototype structure that is robust & will hold up to constant handling for acupuncturist training A MRI and CT scan will be sent to a rapid prototyping company to create a laser sintered dog skull model using nylon 12 resin Hydrated cortical bone Young’s modulus ranges from 6.9±4.3 GPa to 25±4.3 GPa [ref,1Ad] Nylon 12 modulus 1693 MPa ~to SLA’s but have higher notched impact test and heat deflection temperature numbers [ref,2Ad] Problem Statement  Schematic of System  Physical System  Virtual System  Interfacing  Planned Approach  Preliminary Design and Analysis  Summary Planned Approach  Preliminary Design and Analysis  Summary [ref,1Ad] [ref, 8Ad]

13 Physical System – Advanced Materials  Reasons for choosing Nylon 12 Laser Sintered (LS) parts are considerably more durable than the Stereolithography (SLA) created parts SLA’s resins tend to absorb moister over time which will cause them to expand and become more brittle over time [ref,2Ad] SLA’s are however more detailed than LS’s but in our case the level of detail will not be needed Nylon 12 sintered VW grill is quick to make Tested at over 100 mph SLA showing its detail [ref,4Ad] [ref, 2Ad] Problem Statement  Schematic of System  Physical System  Virtual System  Interfacing  Planned Approach  Preliminary Design and Analysis  Summary Planned Approach  Preliminary Design and Analysis  Summary

14 Physical System – Advanced Materials This company only works in stereolithography and was near $1000 to make and ship from Round Lake, Illinois This company was also expensive and was above $1795 to make and ship from Maple Plain, MN This was by far the best Company with BBB recognition, the locality and their previous donations to CU Boulder shows us their interest on helping local colleges. And currently we are working on getting a donation from them Problem Statement  Schematic of System  Physical System  Virtual System  Interfacing  Planned Approach  Preliminary Design and Analysis  Summary Planned Approach  Preliminary Design and Analysis  Summary

15 Physical Model – Advanced Materials  Biomaterials Options are: latex, stiff foam, or ballistic gelatin Need of realistic feel for trainee to palpate the dog head High Flow is formulated for added stability and a lower viscosity High flow foam [ref,7Ad] Look & feel of human tissue [ref,6Ad] Problem Statement  Schematic of System  Physical System  Virtual System  Interfacing  Planned Approach  Preliminary Design and Analysis  Summary Planned Approach  Preliminary Design and Analysis  Summary

16 Physical System - Manufacturing  Connecting the physical systems 3 Physical Systems: Haptic Canine Manikin Computer Goals of Physical Stand: Integrate all components into one unit Make system easy to use Ability to move entire system easily Lightweight Durable Problem Statement  Schematic of System  Physical System  Virtual System  Interfacing  Planned Approach  Preliminary Design and Analysis  Summary Planned Approach  Preliminary Design and Analysis  Summary

17 Physical System - Manufacturing   Possible pitfalls   Problems Haptic System has limited reachHaptic System has limited reach Linkage to stylus may cause difficulty reaching certain pointsLinkage to stylus may cause difficulty reaching certain points System may be too bulkySystem may be too bulky   Solutions Allow manikin to rotate into set positionsAllow manikin to rotate into set positions Several orientations integrated into softwareSeveral orientations integrated into software Make manikin head and Haptic system removableMake manikin head and Haptic system removable Problem Statement  Schematic of System  Physical System  Virtual System  Interfacing  Planned Approach  Preliminary Design and Analysis  Summary Planned Approach  Preliminary Design and Analysis  Summary

18 Virtual System – Real Time Systems  Desirable characteristics of a haptics interface device Proper ergonomicsProper ergonomics Proper force feedbackProper force feedback Multiple program modesMultiple program modes Suitable range of motionSuitable range of motion Problem Statement  Schematic of System  Physical System  Virtual System  Interfacing  Planned Approach  Preliminary Design and Analysis  Summary

19 Virtual System – Real Time Systems System Downfalls SensAble Omni Immersion Cybergrasp ForceDimension 3DOF Omega Relatively Small Range of Motion Expensive and cumbersome Poor Ease of use and Expensive Problem Statement  Schematic of System  Physical System  Virtual System  Interfacing  Planned Approach  Preliminary Design and Analysis  Summary

20 Virtual System – Real Time Systems Weight SensAble Omni Score SensAble Premium 1.0 Score Immersion Cyber Grasp Score Force Dimension 3 DOF Omega Score Ease Of Use0.21 20.430.640.8 Cost0.351 31.0541.420.7 Range of Motion0.240.820.410.230.6 Sensitivity0.1530.4510.1530.4520.3 Resolution0.130.320.240.410.1 Total Score1 2.1 2.2 3.05 2.5 Rank 1 2 4 3 Problem Statement  Schematic of System  Physical System  Virtual System  Interfacing  Planned Approach  Preliminary Design and Analysis  Summary Planned Approach  Preliminary Design and Analysis  Summary

21 Virtual System – Real Time Systems  Possible problems Limited range of motionLimited range of motion Multiple programs or modesMultiple programs or modes Extensive programmingExtensive programming Dampened punctual responseDampened punctual response Problem Statement  Schematic of System  Physical System  Virtual System  Interfacing  Planned Approach  Preliminary Design and Analysis  Summary Planned Approach  Preliminary Design and Analysis  Summary

22 Virtual System – Physical System Interfacing MRI data  AMIRA  Virtual Dog Problem Statement  Schematic of System  Physical System  Virtual System  Interfacing  Planned Approach  Preliminary Design and Analysis  Summary

23 Virtual System – Physical System Interfacing  AMIRA Supports over 20 standard file formatsSupports over 20 standard file formats Raw data interface – Developer PackRaw data interface – Developer Pack Open Inventor – standard file format for 3D modelsOpen Inventor – standard file format for 3D models Problem Statement  Schematic of System  Physical System  Virtual System  Interfacing  Planned Approach  Preliminary Design and Analysis  Summary Planned Approach  Preliminary Design and Analysis  Summary

24 Virtual System – Physical System Interfacing  Open Inventor Built on top of OpenGLBuilt on top of OpenGL C++ object oriented 3D graphics APIC++ object oriented 3D graphics API API between AMIRA data and C++ programAPI between AMIRA data and C++ program Problem Statement  Schematic of System  Physical System  Virtual System  Interfacing  Planned Approach  Preliminary Design and Analysis  Summary Planned Approach  Preliminary Design and Analysis  Summary

25 Virtual System – Physical System Interfacing  Possible Problems AMIRA added nodes to Open InventorAMIRA added nodes to Open Inventor Some geometries cannot be saved in Open Inventor file format.Some geometries cannot be saved in Open Inventor file format. Problem Statement  Schematic of System  Physical System  Virtual System  Interfacing  Planned Approach  Preliminary Design and Analysis  Summary Planned Approach  Preliminary Design and Analysis  Summary

26 Budget Sim-Pooch is sponsored by Dr. Narda Robinson and Dr. Regina Schoenfeld Wants a working device to teach students with Available funds may change Problem Statement  Schematic of System  Physical System  Virtual System  Interfacing  Planned Approach  Preliminary Design and Analysis  Summary

27 Budget We have the $2,000 Omni SystemWe have the $2,000 Omni System May be inadequateMay be inadequate Budget Based on Purchasing $20,000 Haptic SystemBudget Based on Purchasing $20,000 Haptic System Problem Statement  Schematic of System  Physical System  Virtual System  Interfacing  Planned Approach  Preliminary Design and Analysis  Summary Planned Approach  Preliminary Design and Analysis  Summary

28 Project Plan

29 Summary  In conclusion, it is the goal of this project to design an operating, yet preliminary system, to educate students on the techniques of acupuncture. The system will have separate modes to both instruct and test the students. It will also be design such that it can be expanded to other medical fields or disciplines Problem Statement  Schematic of System  Physical System  Virtual System  Interfacing  Planned Approach  Preliminary Design and Analysis  Summary

30 Reference  Advanced Materials  1Ad.) Elastic Modulus and Hardness of Bone J Biomech.1999 Oct 18; 32-10,1005-1012  2Ad.)  3Ad.)  4Ad.)  5Ad.)  6Ad.)  7Ad.)  8Ad.)  Real Time Systems  Salisbury, K., Conti,F., Barbagli, F. (2004). Haptic Rendering. IEEE journal, March April

31 References  Biomedical   Images courtesy of: neuro/procedures4.html neuro/procedures4.html   Images courtesy of Mr. Womack (from CT scan in AMIRA)

32 Questions? MRI & CT Data Audio/Visual Feedback Haptics Device User Physical Model AMIRA Solid Model Computer Processor

33 SensAble Systems OmniDesktop Premium 1.0 Range 6.4 Wx4.8 Hx2.8 D in (86 in^3) 6.4 Wx4.8 Hx4.8 D in (147.5 in^3) 10 W x 7 H x 5 D in (350 in^3) Price$2,160$11,700$18,405

34 MRI  Magnetic Resonance Imaging  Lay in the isocenter of magnetic field  Goes through subject, creating a map of tissue types— puts images together to create 2-D or 3-D model  DIACOM format

35 CT Scan  Computerized Tomography  Several x-rays sent through body simultaneously at different angles  Strength of x-ray measured—detects relative density of the tissues—create map  DIACOM format

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