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MuonGeoModel Structure Clients Validation run-time Conditions EDM Raw geometry issues Available Tools Status Connection with the COOL Alignment (A-lines)

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Presentation on theme: "MuonGeoModel Structure Clients Validation run-time Conditions EDM Raw geometry issues Available Tools Status Connection with the COOL Alignment (A-lines)"— Presentation transcript:

1 MuonGeoModel Structure Clients Validation run-time Conditions EDM Raw geometry issues Available Tools Status Connection with the COOL Alignment (A-lines) Deformations (B-lines) Measurement surfaces Local-Global transforms Clashes Cutouts use of G4 Assemblies

2 Two layers in MuonGeoModel  Raw Geometry for use in simulation  (GeoPhys)Volume hierarchy + materials + tags/identifiers + relative transforms  some volumes (Detector Elements) cache full transforms  deepest level in detector elements is the active gas volume  some transforms are alignable  Readout Geometry for use in reconstruction  Detector Manager providing access to  Detector Elements – XxxReadoutElements  provide access to readout granularity: i.e. strip position  Xxx = Mdt [multilayer]  Csc [chamber layer]  Rpc [module]  Tgc [module]  MuonStations: group of assembled Detector Elements with a common alignable transform Structure Clients Validation run-time Conditions EDM Raw geom. issuesMuonGeoModel

3 Clients of MuonGeoModel  Simulation (Geant 4) via Geo2G4 -involves raw geometry-  translates  GeoPhysVolume tree into a G4 volume hierarchy  Geo tags and identifiers into G4 volume names and copy numbers  GeoTransforms into G4 transforms  Digitization  Data Preparation  PrepRawData from RDO or from bytestream  Services in the muon sw  exceptions: MdtCablingSvc, RpcCablingSvc  Calibration  Reconstruction  exceptions: MuonBoy & related sw, MuFast (LVL2 muon trigger) Structure Clients Validation run-time Conditions EDM Raw geom. issuesMuonGeoModel -involve readout geometry-

4 Structure Clients Validation run-time Conditions EDM Raw geom. issuesMuonGeoModel Validation Tools: Hit relocation test coherence between raw geometry and readout geometry  Simulate geantino tracks  hits hold an identifier Id (from G4 volume names + copy numbers) and local coordinates Ploc in the sensitive volume frame  Relocate geantino hits  convert Ploc into a global position Pglob using Id and MuonGeoModel readout geometry  Measure distance between Pglob and the geantino track (ideally 0)  Code and python available in MuonSpectrometer/MuonGeoModelTest 10 -12 mm 10 -6 mm

5 Structure Clients Validation run-time Conditions EDM Raw geom. issuesMuonGeoModel Validation Tools: AmdcMGM test coherence of geometry implementation in two independent models: MuonGeoModel and Amdc assuming same primary numbers and definitions the flow:  ascii amdb (primary numbers)  in oracle tables (via sql scripts) read by MuonGeoModel  in oracle “blob” (dump) read by Amdc  compute x,y,x of the centre of strips/wires  compare x,y,z from GeoModel and x,y,z from Amdc  for layout MuonSpectrometer-R-Light   0  for layout MuonSpectrometer-R-Light-Egg-Rndm mostly 0, in some cases -under investigation-  < 30 microns (Muonboy[Amdc] performance OK on data simulated with MuonSpectrometer-R-Light-Egg-Rndm)

6 Structure Clients Validation run-time Conditions EDM Raw geom. issuesMuonGeoModel Graphic Tools HepVis – very useful but with some limitations for complex shapes Volume Clash Diagnostic No built-in GeoModel diagnostic Geant4 recursive Geometry test – very heavy Inert materials:  Barrel Toroid  Endcap Toroids  Feet  Shielding  Calorimeter Saddle (work in progress) No validation tools other than graphics

7 Alignment Constants Built-in GeoModel capability: Built-in GeoModel capability: AlignableTransform = NominalTransform x DeltaTransform MuonSpectrometer-R-Light-Egg-Rndm  A-lines available in the “static” geometry DB along with P-lines;  Successful test of the implementation of DeltaTransforms from amdb conventions about A-line parameters Real life and Condition Data Challenge MuonGeoModel will get P-lines from the static geometry DB and A-lines from the Condition DB using the Interval of Validity Service; in practice  a Service (+ a Tool) in MuonConditions/MuonCondUtils provide methods to  retrieve from the Cond.DB A-lines + B-lines; store them in StoreGate  provide A-lines to the MuonGM::MuonStations which update the DeltaTransform  deployed for COOL 1.3 (atlas-rel. ≤12.0.5) under test; in dev. for COOL 2.0(13.0.0)  MuonGeoModel side ready  These methods are registered to the IoV Service for call-back  when a transition from one IoV to another occurs the methods are invoqued  Data preparation and reconstruction will always get the updated geometry Structure Clients Validation run-time Conditions EDM Raw geom. issuesMuonGeoModel

8 Deformation Constants No Built-in GeoModel capability Access to B-lines from the Cond.DB can follow the same approach as for A-lines once B-lines are read, a pointer to them is assigned to the class describing the corresponding MDT multilayer - to be done (minimal intervention) - Use of B-lines in MuonGeoModel Too heavy implementing them in raw-geometry  why simulating run-time conditions, other than for testing purposes ?  a memory saving mechanism in GeoModel/G4 assumes a regular multilayer organization  high risk of clashes Deformations must be treated in Readout Geometry  a plan (under development and test) for deformations in MDT multi-layers only  all deformations except wire sagging can be described with tilt and shift of individual tubes in the multilayer  full MDT tube transform comes from (first to last):  nominal (translations only) tube_to_multilayer  delta_deformation - add tilt and shift in the multilayer frame (B-lines)  nominal multilayer_to_station  delta_station_alignement (A-lines)  nominal station_to_global (P-lines) Structure Clients Validation run-time Conditions EDM Raw geom. issuesMuonGeoModel

9 Deformation Constants Deformations for reconstruction clients  reconstruction typically uses  tubePos() i.e. tube fullTransform applied to 0,0,0  transform(Identifier Id),  surface(Identifier Id)  normal(Identifier Id)  which all use the tube full transform  directly account for deformations  wire-sagging will be handled in the RioCreators since SaggedLineSurfaces are associated to MDT tubes (under test in the MIG nightlies) Plans for testing deformations in Readout Geometry (including wire sagging)  simulate single muons with a nominal geometry layout (R-light)  digitize by emulating chamber distortions  convert the hit local coordinates into nominal global coordinates  point belonging to the track  convert the global position into local coordinates in tilted and shifted tube (according to B-lines)  use the new local coordinates to compute drift time  reconstruct assuming B-lines  code in the digitizers  for handling wire sagging on demand available – to be tested  for other deformations on demand to be done – easy once the implementation in MuonGeoModel is fully available Structure Clients Validation run-time Conditions EDM Raw geom. issuesMuonGeoModel

10 Structure Clients Validation run-time Conditions EDM Raw geom. issuesMuonGeoModel New Tracking Geometry interfaces surfaces, bounds, normals, center, transform( tube/strip dependent methods)  Requested by generic track fitters and tracking (pattern recognition) tools  all implemented (refinements needed for TGC phi strips)  MDT  from StraitLIneSurface with cylindrical bounds (working fine)  to SaggedLineSurface (+ SaggingLineDescriptor) with cylindrical bounds per each tube  optimize the number of descriptors – needs testing  RPC  PlaneSurface with rectangular bounds per gas-gap and per view (first local coord. is the one measured) – parallel strips - OK  CSC  PlaneSurface with trapezoidal bounds – per gas-gap and per view – parallel strips – OK  TGC  PlaneSurface with trapezoidal bounds per gas-gap and per view – parallel wire-gangs BUT almost pointing phi strips  measuring phi, not local cartesian x  An option under study: use a disc surface with trapezoidal bounds for phi-surfaces  some work needed in the new tracking geometry primitives

11 Structure Clients Validation run-time Conditions EDM Raw geom. issues MuonGeoModel Volume Clashes in MuonGeoModel discussed in more detail in the Simulation Report HERE try to categorize the reasons and outline general solutions:  Wrong implementation of primary numbers: no much to do other than adding man- power  Cutouts in the station mother volume  Missing description of cutouts Cutouts in Amdb Cutouts in Amdb are described for station components  in MuonGeoModel can be implemented with boolean operations  BUT must be propagated to  the embedding station mother volume  all child volumes in the hierarchy  implemented only in BOG otherwise conflicting with the ATLAS feet  special description of the multilayers (sub-multilayers of different length)  cutouts propagated, by hand, to the station mother volume  no other station components affected

12 Structure Clients Validation run-time Conditions EDM Raw geom. issues MuonGeoModel Actions in GeoModel allow to perform some operation in a recursive way on a geometry tree:  under development a kernel action to treat cutouts (subtract recursively a shape from all volumes in a tree)  strictly needed to describe cutouts involving several components in a station BMS, BMF, etc. Geant4 Assemblies  groups of volumes linked by a common transform (without an envelop)  Geo2G4 translates GeoPhysVolumes with material “Ether” into G4 Assemblies  would be ideal for stations  no need to propagate component cutouts to the embedding station  a switch to use assemblies for (some) stations in MuonGeoModel - done  assemblies for stations need a new identification scheme to be shared by MuonGeoModel and G4 Sensitive Detectors – done  Memory allocated per event by the simulation of the Muon Spectrometer  standard (no assemblies) 390 MByte  assemblies for all stations 600 MByte (unfeasible)  assemblies for BOG with cutouts 394 MByte - done

13 MuonGeoModel general status Structure Clients Validation run-time Conditions EDM Raw geometry issues OK for active elements almost missing for dead materials work in progress no show-stoppers foreseen almost there optimize TGC phi view clean up clashes Cutouts from a general tool to do: all new dead material blocks

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