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Team Members Students: Rashid Al-Mohannadi Jassim Makki Naif Alhujilan Supervisor - John Steininger (EE) Academic Advisors: - Professor Ali Pezeshki.

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Presentation on theme: "Team Members Students: Rashid Al-Mohannadi Jassim Makki Naif Alhujilan Supervisor - John Steininger (EE) Academic Advisors: - Professor Ali Pezeshki."— Presentation transcript:


2 Team Members Students: Rashid Al-Mohannadi Jassim Makki Naif Alhujilan Supervisor - John Steininger (EE) Academic Advisors: - Professor Ali Pezeshki. - Professor Rocky Luo.

3 Introduction - COMET: NATO’s Military use. (COmmunication by MEteor Trail) -Meteor Scatter:.Uses the ionized Trails of Meteors.. When Meteor enters the upper atmosphere ….. Relatively low cost reliable form of radio communication.

4 Our Motivation SNOTEL -Operated by : Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) of the United States Department of Agriculture -( SNowpack TELemetry): To measure snow from inaccessible remote site.

5 Approach and Goals Transmit signal from a remote site to Fort Collins Measure the Propagation. Measure the noise. Measure the SNR for the Modems.

6 TEST BENCH Automated beacon station  4-element Yagi antenna  Repeatedly transmit WB9DUN/B. Receiver Station  Loop antenna connected to a transceiver. µCTransmitterAmplifier Antenna

7 Signal Strength Received Signal strength  -107dbm Need to confirm this result by a simulator Very low


9 Signal Strength Received Signal strength  -107dbm Simulation Result.  -103dbm No Variation on signal strength  No Meteor Scatter  Dominated by Tropospheric scatter.  Similar experiment in UK provided similar result. Measured Noise is high Very low

10 Signal Strength Analysis Radiation Pattern of antennas above ground 4 –element Yagi antenna loop antenna Ground Reflection because of antenna height

11 Signal Strength Analysis Tropospheric scattering:  Scatter angle must be small  Each degree costs 9-12 dB

12 Signal Strength Analysis

13 No low angle radiation

14 Noise Analysis House Noise = -105 dBm SNR is 1.5 Need at least 20dB SNR to use AFSK modems

15 Options: (1) continue with meteor scattering at 50 MHz:  Increase the radiation angle of the antenna.  Increase the transmitted power.  Change the modems to work with lower SNR.

16 Options: (2) build a tropospheric scattering link at higher frequency:  Operating at 44o MHz.  Use corner antenna instead of yagi antenna.

17 The New Approach Use troppspheric scattering. Benefits:  higher frequency, so lower man made noise.  higher gain antenna.  lower radiation angle.


19 AFSK modem Bits 1 and 0 are represented with two different frequencies. BER vs. SNR.

20 Next semester’s Plans Building the new antenna. Measuring BER and SNR. Establish the link between the two ends. Study the propagation and build the mathematical model. Establish a communication link using the modified modems.

21 Budget

22 Acknowledgment


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