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GEOG 442 Day 7: Commercial and Industrial Users (with a bit on Institutional)

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1 GEOG 442 Day 7: Commercial and Industrial Users (with a bit on Institutional)

2 2 Commercial & Industrial Users It’s not that easy to get information about current or prospective firms as it is about population. However, there are a number of possible sources: n the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) categorizes businesses in terms of products or services, but doesn’t tell us about their “process” needs. n applications for development will give us some information, but may not be specific about actual uses/ activities.

3 3 Commercial & Industrial Users n It’s difficult to get information for firms that already exist in place or which have recently expanded/ redeveloped. n Property assessment records may of some use (assessed property value as a proxy for size), but they are usually out-of-date. A common indicator for space requirements is number of employees. However, one should take into account (ideally) seasonal shifts, fluctuations, and office staff.

4 4 Commercial & Industrial Users n more easy to obtain rough numbers for larger firms than small. One possible source for the former is annual reports. Otherwise one will have to conduct specific surveys. n The general trend is that space needs per worker have been rising over the past few decades. According to Arthur Nelson, “Generally, space needs of most major employment groups are reasonably constant across regions, different-sized cities, and different-sized firms.”

5 5 Commercial & Industrial Users n Commercial and industrial “archetypes” will be formed from a combination of product/ service and employment size. n In considering firms’ space needs, one must also consider their “efficiency ratios” (the percentage of net to gross square feet, the latter including halls, lavatories, and lobbies, etc.).

6 6 Commercial & Industrial Users

7 7 In addition to these specific land uses, there are also more complex land uses that can combine more than one activity. Examples include: n retail and commercial centres with a mix of cultural, entertainment and civic uses n CBDs with office and retail structures, and often major cultural and entertainment venues

8 8 Commercial & Industrial Users n mixed use developments with retail, office, hotel, and public/ civic and/or residential uses n highway commercial precincts or big box “power centres” n industrial or office parks, some of the latter having a “campus-like” atmosphere n each type of land use has its own spacing and activity requirements (see p. 55).

9 9 Commercial & Industrial Users n There is literature on what the space requirements and activity patterns are of different types of firms. n Key things to consider are structure (floor area, construction type, adequacy of utilities for present and future needs), site (parking, loading, storage, circulation, landscaping and buffering, drainage issues, access to transport routes), and...

10 10 Commercial & Industrial Users n environment (building maintenance, issues re vandalism and vacancies, street cleanliness, access to markets/ suppliers or buying public, adequacy of amenities and open space for employees). n In surveying firms, we will want to know whether they plan to expand or modernize, their preferences and priorities, possible changes in technology, marketing, or consumer behaviour. Some can be gotten from informant interview, some from other sources.

11 11 Commercial & Industrial Users n Intentions of governments re investment in infrastructure or policies vis-à-vis the private sector are also important to know. n One can also evaluate the needs of institutional users, two archetypes of which are human development (educational, recreational, religious, and political), and public service (health, protective services, and public works).

12 12 Commercial & Industrial Users n Number of employees is key, and similarity of on-site and off-site requirements are similar to service or retail sector. n How much meeting space is required, and what size and frequency of meetings? n How big is the catchment area for the target group? n What about structure, site, and environment and internal linkages? What out future expansion?

13 13 User Surveys n In addition to combing the literature for information, which may or may not adequately reflect or shed light on local conditions, one can conduct user surveys. n Two approaches to user surveys: observation, and direct communication. William H. Whyte, for instance, pioneered the use of direct observation note-taking, picture-taking, and other means for understanding how people use public space (in social science, this is called a “behaviour setting”), and what kinds of spaces work best for them. One can also observe traffic patterns, as is often done.

14 14 User Surveys n One can also survey people on the phone, or with mail-in surveys, or with in-person interviews (structured or open-ended, each of which has its virtues). However, people may be influenced in their responses by self- presentation issues. n Surveys can be expensive, and challenging to interpret; one may need to go beneath the surface of what’s being said without introducing one’s own bias.

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