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Introduction Chapter 1
Definition of a Distributed System (1)
A distributed system is: A collection of independent computers that appears to its users as a single coherent system.
Definition of a Distributed System (2)
1.1 A distributed system organized as middleware. Note that the middleware layer extends over multiple machines.
Goals of a Distributed System
Accessibility: A distributed system should easily connect users to resources. Groupware is software for collaborative editing, teleconferencing, and so on. Transparency: It should hide the fact that resources are distributed across a network. Openness: It should be open. An open distributed system is a system that offers services according to standard rules that describe the syntax and semantics of those services. Scalability: It should be scalable.
Transparency in a Distributed System
Description Access Hide differences in data representation and how a resource is accessed Location Hide where a resource is located Migration Hide that a resource may move to another location Relocation Hide that a resource may be moved to another location while in use Replication Hide that a resource may be shared by several competitive users Concurrency Failure Hide the failure and recovery of a resource Persistence Hide whether a (software) resource is in memory or on disk Different forms of transparency in a distributed system.
Openness Problems In distributed systems, services are generally specified through interfaces, which are described in an Interface Definition Language (IDL). Interoperability characterizes the extent by which two implementations of systems or components from different manufactures can co-exist and work together by merely relying on each other’s services as specified by a common standard. Example: Mobile phones Portability characterizes to what extent an application developed for a distributed system A can be executed, without modification, on a different system B that implements the same interface as A. Example: Java Flexibility means that it should be easy to configure the system out of different components possibly from different developers.
Scalability Problems Scalability of a system can be measured in three dimensions: Size Geographically scalable Administratively scalable
Examples of scalability limitations.
Scalability Problems Concept Example Centralized services A single server for all users Centralized data A single on-line telephone book Centralized algorithms Doing routing based on complete information Examples of scalability limitations.
Scalability Problems Decentralized algorithms have the following characteristics: No machine has complete information about the system state. Machines make decisions based only on local information. Failure of one machine does not ruin the algorithm. There is no implicit assumption that a global clock exists. There are basically three techniques for scaling: hiding communication latencies, distribution, and replication.
Scaling Techniques (1) 1.4 The difference between letting (reduce the server workload): a server or a client check forms as they are being filled Example: Java applets
An example of dividing the DNS name space into zones.
Scaling Techniques (2) 1.5 An example of dividing the DNS name space into zones.
Hardware Concepts Computers that have shared memory are called multiprocessors. Computers that do not have shared memory are called multicomputers. Two types of interconnection network are used: bus and switched. In multicomputers, a further distinction can be made between homogeneous and heterogeneous systems. Examples of switched homogenous multicomputers: Massively Parallel Processors (MPPs) are huge, multimillion dollar supercomputers consisting of thousands of CPUs. Clusters of Workstations (COWs) are basically a collection of standard PCs connected through off-the-shelf communication components such as Myrinet boards. Heterogenous multicomputers need distributed system as a software layer.
Hardware Concepts 1.6 Different basic organizations and memories in distributed computer systems: multiprocessors vs. multicomputers
Multiprocessors (bus-based)
1.7 A bus-based multiprocessor. The problem: More CPUs will overload the bus. The solution is to add a high-speed cache. It causes the incoherent memory. Limited scalability.
Multiprocessors (Switch-based)
1.8 A crossbar switch An omega switching network
Homogeneous Multicomputer Systems
1-9 Grid Hypercube
Software Concepts Operating systems for distributed systems:
Act as resource managers. Hide the intricacies and heterogeneous nature of the underlying hardware. Operating systems for distributed computers can be divided into two categories: In tightly-coupled systems, the operating system tries to maintain a single, global view of the resources (e.g. Distributed Operating System - DOS). Loosely-coupled systems can be thought of as a collection of computers to make their own services and resources available to the others (e.g. Network Operating System - NOS).
Software Concepts An overview between
System Description Main Goal DOS Tightly-coupled operating system for multi-processors and homogeneous multicomputers Hide and manage hardware resources NOS Loosely-coupled operating system for heterogeneous multicomputers (LAN and WAN) Offer local services to remote clients Middleware Additional layer atop of NOS implementing general-purpose services Provide distribution transparency An overview between DOS (Distributed Operating Systems) NOS (Network Operating Systems) Middleware
Uniprocessor Operating Systems
The operating system is a virtual machine offering multitasking facilities to applications. Applications are protected from each other. Two modes of operation In kernel mode, all instructions are permitted to be executed, and the whole memory and all registers are accessible. In user mode, memory and register access is restricted. Having all operating system code to be executed in kernel mode results in a monolithic operating system that is not a good idea from the perspective of openness, software engineering, reliability, or maintainability. A flexible approach is to have a module for managing devices executed in user mode and a microkernel containing the code for hardware access. Advantages: flexibility Disadvantages: different from the current operating system and extra communication.
Uniprocessor Operating Systems
1.11 Separating applications from operating system code through a microkernel.
Multiprocessor Operating Systems
Multiprocessor Operating Systems aim to support high performance through multiple CPUs. Protection against simultaneous data access is done through synchronization primitives: semaphores and monitors. A semaphore can be thought of as an integer with two operations, down (wait) and up (signal). down (S): while Sï‚£ 0 do no-op; S--; up (S): S++; Semaphore operations need to be atomic (once it starts, no other process can access it.)
Multiprocessor Operating Systems
The use of semaphores can easily lead to unstructed code. A monitor is a programming-language construct. A monitor is an object that allows only a single process at a time to execute a procedure. A monitor can block a process based on condition variables. Condition variables are special variables with two operations wait and signal.
Multiprocessor Operating Systems (1)
monitor Counter { private: int count = 0; public: int value() { return count;} void incr () { count = count + 1;} void decr() { count = count – 1;} } A monitor to protect an integer against concurrent access.
Multiprocessor Operating Systems (2)
monitor Counter { private: int count = 0; int blocked_procs = 0; condition unblocked; public: int value () { return count;} void incr () { if (blocked_procs == 0) count = count + 1; else signal (unblocked); } void decr() { if (count ==0) { blocked_procs = blocked_procs + 1; wait (unblocked); blocked_procs = blocked_procs – 1; } else count = count – 1; A monitor to protect an integer against concurrent access, but blocking a process.
Multicomputer Operating Systems
Communication for multicomputer operating systems is through message passing. Each node has its own kernel containing separate modules for managing local resources and interprocessor communication.
Multicomputer Operating Systems (1)
1.14 General structure of a multicomputer operating system
Multicomputer Operating Systems (2)
1.15 Alternatives for blocking and buffering in message passing.
Multicomputer Operating Systems (3)
Synchronization point Send buffer Reliable comm. guaranteed? Block sender until buffer not full Yes Not necessary Block sender until message sent No Block sender until message received Necessary Block sender until message delivered Relation between blocking, buffering, and reliable communications.
Distributed Shared Memory Systems
The goal is to provide a virtual shared memory machine, running on a multicomputer, for which applications can be written using the shared memory model even though this is not present. A pageÂbased distributed shared memory (DSM) is to use the virtual memory capabilities of each individual node to support a large virtual address space. Having data belonging to two independent processes in the same page is called false sharing. If a page contains data of two independent processes on different processors, the operating system may need to repeatedly transfer the page between those two processors.
Distributed Shared Memory Systems (1)
Pages of address space distributed among four machines Situation after CPU 1 references page 10 Situation if page 10 is read only and replication is used
Distributed Shared Memory Systems (2)
1.18 False sharing of a page between two independent processes.
Network Operating System
In network operating system, the machines and their operating systems may be different, but they are all connected to each other in a computer network. Services available in NOS are: Remote login: rlogin Remote copy: rcp machine1:file1 machine2:file2 File servers are used to provide a shared, global file system. Different clients can have different a view of the file system based on different file mounting.
Network Operating System (1)
1-19 General structure of a network operating system.
Network Operating System (2)
1-20 Two clients and a server in a network operating system.
Network Operating System (3)
1.21 Different clients may mount the servers in different places.
Middleware Middleware is an additional layer of software that is used in network operating systems to more or less hide the heterogeneity of the collection of underlying platforms but also to improve distribution transparency. Middleware models: File: Everything is treated as a file. Distributed file systems: Only traditional files are concerned. Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs): A process can call a procedure located on a remote machine like a local call. Distributed objects: Objects are invoked through the interface. Distributed documents: Information is orgainzed into documents (WWW).
Positioning Middleware
1-22 General structure of a distributed system as middleware.
Middleware Middleware services:
Communication facilities Naming Persistence storage Distributed transactions Security Middleware interoperability can be only achieved by the same protocols and interfaces.
Middleware and Openness
1.23 In an open middleware-based distributed system, the protocols used by each middleware layer should be the same, as well as the interfaces they offer to applications.
Comparison between Systems
Item Distributed OS Network OS Middleware-based OS Multiproc. Multicomp. Degree of transparency Very High High Low Same OS on all nodes Yes No Number of copies of OS 1 N Basis for communication Shared memory Messages Files Model specific Resource management Global, central Global, distributed Per node Scalability Moderately Varies Openness Closed Open A comparison between multiprocessor operating systems, multicomputer operating systems, network operating systems, and middleware based distributed systems.
The Client-Server Model
In the basic client-server model, processes are divided into two groups: A server is a process implementing a specific service. A client is a process that requests a service from a server. The client-server interaction is known as request-reply behavior. Communication between a client and a server can be implemented by means of a simple connectionless protocol based on the hypothesis that the underlying network is reliable. Many client-server systems use a reliable connection-oriented protocol.
General interaction between a client and a server.
Clients and Servers 1.25 General interaction between a client and a server.
An Example Client and Server (1)
The header.h file used by the client and server.
An Example Client and Server (2)
A sample server.
An Example Client and Server (3)
1-27 b A client using the server to copy a file.
Layering Client-Server Model
Client-server applications can be made distinct among the following three levels: The user-interface level: the programs that allow end users to interact with applications. The processing level: the core functions of applications. The data level: the programs that maintain the actual data.
Processing Level 1-28 The general organization of an Internet search engine into three different layers
Client-Server Architectures
Multitiered Architecture is to distribute the programs in the application layers across different machines. Two-tieried architecture distribute programs to two kinds of machines: clients and servers. Three-tired architecture divides applications into a user-interface, process components, and a data level. This type of distribution is referred as vertical distribution.
Multitiered Architectures (1)
1-29 Alternative client-server organizations (a) – (e).
Multitiered Architectures (2)
1-30 An example of a server acting as a client.
Client-Server Architectures
In horizontal distribution, multiple clients or servers, each of which has its own data set, work together to share the load. Example: Multiple Web servers For simple collaborative applications, there could be no server but only peer-to-peer distribution.
An example of horizontal distribution of a Web service.
Modern Architectures 1-31 An example of horizontal distribution of a Web service.
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