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Physical conditions & Bowen’s Reaction Series (Fo then Fa) (Ens then Aug & Di) (An) (Ab) Mafic Felsic.

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Presentation on theme: "Physical conditions & Bowen’s Reaction Series (Fo then Fa) (Ens then Aug & Di) (An) (Ab) Mafic Felsic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physical conditions & Bowen’s Reaction Series (Fo then Fa) (Ens then Aug & Di) (An) (Ab) Mafic Felsic

2 Igneous Rocks & Bowen’s Reaction Series Mafic Felsic

3 Composition of Igneous Rocks

4 Heat Sources in the Earth 1. Heat from the early accretion and differentiation of the Earth u still slowly reaching surface 2. Heat released by the radioactive breakdown of unstable nuclides

5 Preference for mineral phase Preference for melt Plot of ionic radius vs. ionic charge for trace elements of geological interest. Ionic radii are quoted for eight-fold coordination to allow for comparison between elements. From Rollinson (1993). Ionic charge vs. radius

6 Heat flow and geothermal gradients 10°C/km 16°/km 24°C/km

7 Heat flow and geothermal gradients 10°C/km 16°/km 24°C/km Base of crustal root in the Sierra ~30km (=300°C), in the Basin & Range ~20km (=480°C)

8 Estimating pressure increases Figure 1-9. Estimated ranges of oceanic and continental steady-state geotherms to a depth of 100 km using upper and lower limits based on heat flows measured near the surface. After Sclater et al. (1980), Earth. Rev. Geophys. Space Sci., 18, 269-311. Estimate ~3.33 kbar/km (1 GPa = 10 kbar) ~6 kb ~12 kb

9 zTzT k = q (q) k, thermal conductivity constant (medium- dependent) To calculate A geothermal gradient from heat flow:

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