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Unmanned Aircraft Systems

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Presentation on theme: "Unmanned Aircraft Systems"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Enhancing ISR for Unmanned Aircraft Systems October 2009

2 Introductions Matt Malek Director, Strategic Operations
Mike Bruchanski Business Development Manager 2

3 Mission Why are we here? How can AGI software support your needs?
Optimize the air system Improve mission effectiveness Enhance situational awareness How can AGI software support your needs? 3

4 AGI basics COTS software for analysis and visualization
AGI User's Conference AGI basics October 2005 COTS software for analysis and visualization Models object in space over time Analyze and understand relationships Constrain relationships

5 Aircraft and ISR focus Global Navigation Satellite Systems
Real-Time Data Feeds Terrain & Cityscape Modeling Antenna Modeling Imagery & Map Data Radar Analysis Sensor Modeling Constraints for Visibility Spacecraft Design & Operation Communications Link Analysis Weather & Atmospheric Effects System Performance Analysis Ground Facility Modeling 5

6 Differentiators and benefits
Right answers, Right now Open architecture Scalable Lower cost Reduces risk Increase efficiency 6

7 Flexible and scalable Engineering and analysis ISR planning Operations
Desktop Engine Components

8 AGI software capabilities implemented
U.S. DoD U.S. Marines U.S. Air Force AMMP Coalition Warrior U.S. Navy HS - 5 U.S. Army

9 AGI software capabilities

10 Engineering and analysis ISR Planning Operations Model route and
Conduct trade studies define requirements Model route and missions through interactive 3D display Fuse data into 3DCOP for decisions 10 10 10

11 Foundation of capabilities
Accurate visualization Position and time 3D visualization Geometry engine Model systems Interaction between multiple objects

12 Engineering and analysis ISR planning

13 UAS capabilities Intervisibility (line of sight) Route modeling
Payload analysis (sensors) Communication analysis Urban environments

14 Case study – U.S. Navy Background: Solution: Benefits:
US Navy Integrated Battlespace Arena Lab needed ISR mission planning tool Broad Area Maritime Surveillance (BAMS) program “Above and beyond typical mission planning software” Solution: Purchase AGI desktop software to validate UAS systems Modeled various UAS platforms and payloads in a single integrated environment Benefits: Expanded analysis capabilities Reduced analysis time Significant cost savings

15 Intervisibility – line of sight

16 Intervisibility - line of sight
What can my UAS “see?” Position and time Consider constraints Geometry Time Terrain/Body Masking Lighting Multiple objects in chain Report, display and graph data

17 Intervisibility - line of sight
Application highlights Access between UAS and ground target Report and graph data Create body mask for aircraft Comparing potential locations for LOS antenna placement

18 Intervisibility - line of sight
Benefits Visualize complex analysis Validated and verified line of sight algorithm Model real world constraints Evaluate system design reducing or eliminating the need for test flights

19 Route modeling

20 Route modeling Aircraft performance Six degree of freedom modeler
Based on aircraft performance Define basic values Airspeeds Accelerations Climb/decent rates Fuel flow Landing/take off distances Vertical or standard take off Change performance based on aircraft set up

21 Route modeling Aircraft performance Create aircraft flight plan
Procedures Waypoint to waypoint Holding patterns Takeoff/Landing Terrain following Waypoints Runways Navaids Other objects 3D route editing Import external models

22 Route modeling Application Highlights Edit route in 3D
Create new waypoints Add holding pattern View restricted airspace and threat areas Calculate and display restricted area intrusions Import existing route

23 Route modeling Benefits Validated and verified flight model
Adaptable to any aircraft Flexible route editing Open architecture import routes

24 Payload performance

25 Payload performance Sensor modeling
Model field of view or field of regard Placed on any point of UAS Body masking Angle constraints Pointing information Compare sensor performance Calculate sensor swath Customize attributes with plug-ins

26 Payload performance Coverage Modeling Analyze multi-asset interactions
Across region Along a route Instantaneous or cumulative Apply constraints for higher-fidelity modeling Generate quality figures of merit Standard AGI calculations Plug-in capabilities Calculate satisfaction stats for each figure of merit

27 Payload performance Application highlights Define search region
Import aircraft routes Model sensor zoom levels Range and time coverage calculations NIIRS Plug-in coverage calculations View satisfaction report

28 Payload performance Benefits
Evaluate multiple sensors in a controlled environment Develop concept of operations for sensor use Combine with other capabilities for full ISR planning support

29 Case Study - U.S. Marines Background: Solution:
United States Marine Corps (USMC) needed evaluate different UASs’ sensors Needed a quick assessment Solution: Purchased AGI software Assess UAS systems and candidate sensors Determine communication link capabilities Compared electro- optical/infrared (EO/IR) sensors Benefits: Expanded analysis capabilities Reduced analysis time Significant cost savings

30 Communication analysis

31 Communication analysis
Communication system modeling Define transmitter and receiver Set power, frequency and modulation type Specify antenna Dynamic link performance Add to object Inherit object properties Physical environment Terrain masking and reflection Atmospheric properties Weather Sun effects

32 Communication analysis
Communication systems modeling Interference effects Friendly and enemy Calculate jamming capabilities Create reports and graphs Link budget View losses Similar capabilities for radar

33 Communication analysis
Model urban environments Multipath diffraction model Considers actual geometry of surrounding buildings Higher fidelity and greatly reduced computational times Multiple applications including: Tactical mobile communications Net-centric ISR architectures Analysis of urban tactics

34 Communication analysis
Application Highlights Import urban terrain Develop building mask Model line of sight link Gain pattern visualization Received power for aircraft route Analysis of urban area Multipath calculations

35 Communication analysis
Benefits Better prediction of operational performance Better understanding of mission impact Model system within a system Consider complex constraints Adjust mission based on constraints

36 Case study – Global defense contractor
Background: Evaluating communication systems for airborne platforms Specifically concerned with antenna coverage, due to impacts from aircraft keel Solution: Used AGI software to model “as installed” antenna patterns Allowed customer to understand the coverage and blockage of various flight paths reducing the number flight tests Benefits: Saved millions of US dollars by reducing the number of flight tests Delivered system on time, earning additional award fees 36

37 Development Software for ISR Planning and Operations

38 ISR planning and operations
Rapid development ISR optimization 3D visualization and situational awareness Sensor visualization Imagery searching and retrieval

39 Rapid development

40 Software to meet your needs
COTS applications Out-of-the-box GUI Cross-functional tool System, platform, payload design Systems engineering Mission analysis Real-time analysis Unrestricted workflows Integrated map and globe Integrated graphs and reports COTS development tools Out-of-the-box API Develop and deploy solutions Mission operations Enterprise integration Thin or thick clients Server & desktop applications Web Services Mission specific workflows Create new applications Embed into existing applications Discover Develop Deploy

41 Develop or extend Create new applications

42 Develop or extend Extend existing applications

43 Rapid development Move from idea to application at the speed of battle
Leverage AGI technology Avoid deployment costs and development risk Faster delivery

44 Case study – U.S. Government
Background: Classified US DoD customer Need to improve sensor and aircraft mission planning Customer needed faster delivery Solution: Used COTS development software and delivered a capability in 90 days Benefits: Mission planning from 2 days to 2 hours Dynamic replanning from hours to minutes Plan more missions Improved data collection Significant cost savings

45 Case study – Software developer
Background: Flight system testing for UAVs challenging Telemetry loss or interruption the mission may fail Solution: RT Logic selects AGI software to complement its Telemetrix product line Assessed coverage and blockage of various flight paths reducing the number flight tests Benefits: Improved time to market Reduced development costs Simplified analysis

46 ISR optimization

47 Develop ISR plan Where should I fly my UAV and when?
Typical planning problem What do you want to see? When do you want to see it? Where is it located? What are the constraints? Complicated by real world issues Large target deck with different constraints Complicated geometry Dynamic replanning

48 Develop an ISR plan Target scheduling Airspace navigation
Ordering of objectives Airspace navigation Avoiding no-fly zones Aircraft routing Vehicle characteristics

49 Develop an ISR plan Application Highlights
Import geometry Specify targets Re-task aircraft Implementation of AGI Components Dynamic Geometry Library Terrain Analysis Library Routing Library

50 3D visualization and situational awareness

51 Improve your situational awareness
Effectively present decision aids 2D and 3D view Terrain and imagery Airspaces and regions Deconfliction Incorporate many real time feeds Cursor on target Blue Force Tracking Link 16 Collaborate and annotate Manage handovers Mark targets

52 Sensor visualization

53 Effectively employ your sensor
Remove the “soda straw” (limited view) Video provides narrow view No location context Limited coverage awareness Reporting near real-time data Aircraft and sensor position Project video on terrain and imagery Video position is often incorrect Correct metadata Software only solution

54 Effectively employ your sensor
Use historical imagery to correct metadata

55 Effectively employ your sensor
Application Highlights Real time data showing aircraft and sensor position Project the image to fill the sensor Turn on correction Add mosaicing

56 Effectively employ your sensor
Benefits Improved situational awareness Faster analysis Implementation of AGI Components Dynamic Geometry Library Terrain Analysis Library Insight3D Video on Terrain

57 Case Study – U.S. DoD Reduced analysis time Benefits: Background:
Situational awareness needed for multiple UAVs When do assets enter areas of interest Solution: AGI software ingests key data, performs analysis and then sends alerts when events or points of interest are identified Benefits: Reduced analysis time More effective missions Expanded dynamic replanning capabilities

58 Exploit the surveillance

59 Exploit the surveillance
What do I do with all of this imagery? Post-mission video and metadata Review flight data Review video data Reconstruction of image collection Where was the asset? Where was the sensor pointed? Were there any other assets that may better support the mission?

60 Exploit the surveillance
Traditional Image Request Based on geography Date Scale of image AGI Calculated Information Sun position Azimuth and elevation angle constraints Image quality estimation Other available assets Result Quicker image retrieval More accurate image(s) returned based on request Image Archive

61 Exploit the surveillance
Application highlights Import aircraft data Search video graphically View synchronized video and mission data Benefits Improved analysis Better use of intelligence data

62 Reported Benefits of AGI Software*
Summary Ready now Benefits Lower cost Lower risk Speed to market Apply to Engineering and analysis ISR planning Operations Flexible business model Reported Benefits of AGI Software* Customer Benefit Result Speed to market > 3x faster Productivity > 50% increase Reduced cost > 50% cost reduction Return on Investment Over 100% *David Fishering, Frost & Sullivan, “An Assessment of the Benefits Associated with Software by Analytical Graphics, Inc. (AGI),” August 2008

63 Getting started Discover Develop Deploy

64 Next steps Discover, design and deploy
                                                                                                                  Discover, design and deploy Contact local AGI resources and partners                                             64

65                                                                                                                   Thank you 65 65

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