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At California State University Long Beach
GENERAL EDUCATION At California State University Long Beach
Major, Unchanged aspects of Current GE Policy (PS 00-00)
Categories from EO 595 Sections 5 & 7 of the policy
A – Communication in the English Language and Critical Thinking – 9 units B – Natural Sciences and Mathematics (New title and change in units) C – Humanities and the Arts (change in units) D – Citizenship and Social and Behavioral Sciences and History E – Self-Integration – 3 units Dave, Are these really unchanged since you are indicating that some of them have changes in title and number of units? Maybe remove the units and keep only the titles. Or, remove entire slide???? The categories and their contents are unchanged; some of the titles and unit requirements have changed. I intend to explain this somewhat verbally.
Additional Requirements
Required separately from GE Section in Title 5 and EO 405 United States History 3 units Constitution and American Ideals But, EO 338 (=595) allowed inclusion in 48 units since 1980 Now considered part of Category D
At CSULB, GE consists of 3 sequential phases
Section 3 of policy Foundation – all of “A” and Mathematics (B.2.) Explorations – rest of “B” and all of “C”, “D”, & “E” Global Issues Human Diversity in the U.S. (new title) Capstone Final three courses Double count within Explorations Advanced Skills Service Learning Interdisciplinary (I)
Major Changes from Current GE Policy (PS 00-00)
Required Outcomes and Assessment
Learning Outcomes are provided (Sec. 2) All courses must address at least one learning outcome All departments must provide evidence of assessment of learning outcomes for course re-approval for GE The entire program must be assessed by the GEGC (Section ) Who will assess the entire program? GEGC
Policy Clarification/Organization
Sections numbered using convention Sections moved and/or combined to clarify requirements Combined all general requirements into one single section Eliminated section on composition of GEGC; Will be in new committee charge
Reduction in Units Currently – 51, Proposed – 48, Why?
Title 5 (EO 338/595) required 48 in 1980 Since 1980 CSULB has required 51 Would count only 3 of 6 units associated with United States History and Constitution and American Ideals So, General Education required 51 units CO has requested that campuses use 48 CSULB will count all 6 units Thus, only 48 total
Reduced units in “B”, “C”, & “D”
Currently 11 in “B” (reduced by senate from 12) 12 in “C” 15 in “D” Total = 38 Proposed 9 in “B”, 9 in “C”, 12 in “D” 6 “floater” units among the three Total = 36 Why do we need to talk about major department here since we deal with it in the next slide? Ok
Counting units from major department toward GE
Currently courses in major department may not be double counted as GE, EXCEPT for certain special cases. Their number keeps growing, and result is much confusion. Proposed (Section 4.3) allow up to 10 units in the major department to count as General Education What section is this? Please quote. I did.
How many current patterns?
pre-1981 – based on earlier requirements 1981 – based on PS 81-11 introduced Categories A-E 9 UD units required, 6 of which are in “I” courses 1985 – based on PS amended 1985 required course in World Societies & Cultures in D 1993 – based on PS 91-00 HD required 1999 – based on PS 98-00 all 9 UD units must be in Capstone courses Global Issues separated from D “C” or better required in Foundation courses Praveen – I really want to add this slide. It gives important information as to when certain requirements came in and relates to the reduction of “grandparenting” shown later.
Returning students – New Requirements (Sec. 6.1.)
those who left with no more than one remaining course may graduate under earlier pattern reduced mainly for pre-1981 pattern in 00-00 All returning students must complete 9 upper division GE units 6 of which must be capstone (same as 00-00) Consider a different color for the reduced bullets. Will help. How is this?
Transfer Students – New Requirements (Sec. 6.2)
Currently all CCC transfer students with full GE certification must complete only Capstone - here (relatively easy) or elsewhere (relatively difficult) Currently all other transfer students must complete Capstone, Human Diversity in the U.S. and Global Issues As well as all remaining requirements in Categories A-E Proposed – all transfers must complete Capstone, Human Diversity in the U. S., and Global Issues here (relatively easy) or elsewhere (relatively difficult) Of 165 Interdisciplinary (I) courses 53 (32%) are Global Issues (G) 20 (12%) are Human Diversity in the U.S. (HD) CCC transfers May have already completed HD and/or G but not Capstone (Must be completed at CSULB) Dave, this is confusing. We have to make it clearer Question is what can and can not be done at CSULB? That is the central question. Do my changes make sense? Yes, but do mine?
Changes to titles of categories
EO 595 long, descriptive statements not shorter titles for categories CSULB utilizes shorter titles Titles stated 3 times in document Sections 3, 5, & 7 sometimes different titles are used Current titles may confuse naïve readers Dave, I really think you need to reduce the slides on titles to no more than 3 slides that incorporate major changes. The senators will tune out. I know that was my reaction as soon as I saw so many slides on title changes. Main point to be made is that regardless of title, the requirement for a particular category follows the long descriptive statements made in EO Rethink all slides from 15 to 30. Really!!!! I disagree but I relented and reduced it down to the ones with significant changes. I will state that the others have either no change in title or relatively minor ones.
Category A EO 595 – communication in the English language, to include both oral communication and written communication, and in critical thinking, to include consideration of common fallacies in reasoning. Communication in the English language and Critical Thinking Proposed title - Communication in the English Language and Critical Thinking
Category A.1. CSULB designation
written composition in English or written English Proposed - Written Communication in English
Category A.2. CSULB designation 00-00 - oral communication(s)
Proposed - Oral Communication in English
Category A.3. CSULB designation 00-00 - critical thinking
Proposed - Critical Thinking
Category B EO inquiry into the physical universe and its life forms, with some immediate participation in laboratory activity, and into mathematical concepts and quantitative reasoning and their applications. Physical Universe Proposed – Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Category B.1 CSULB designation Not given specific title in 00-00
Proposed – Natural Sciences
Category B.1.a. & B.1.b. CSULB designation
00-00 – Life sciences or biological sciences (B.1.a.) and physical sciences (B.1.b.) Proposed – Biological Sciences (B.1.a.) and Physical Sciences (B.1.b.)
Category B.2. CSULB designation
Mathematical Concepts and Quantitative Reasoning Proposed - Mathematics
Category B.3. CSULB designation 00-00 – no specific title
Proposed – Additional Natural Sciences and Mathematics courses necessary primarily for natural science courses lacking a laboratory component, many of which are capstone
Category C EO 595 – arts, literature, philosophy and foreign languages. Humanities and the Arts Proposed - Humanities and the Arts
Category C.1. CSULB designation 00-00 – Fine Arts Proposed – Fine Arts
Category C.2. CSULB designation
00-00 – not given title – C.2.a. – literature; C.2.b. – philosophy; C.2.c. – foreign language(s) Proposed – use same designations for C.2.a, b, and c, with plural for languages Write in Humanities as title for C.2.?
Category C.3. CSULB designation 00-00 – no specific title
Proposed – Additional Humanities and the Arts necessary for humanities courses that do not easily fit into literature, philosopy, or foreign language
Category D EO 595 – human social, political, and economic institutions and behavior and their historical background 00-00 – either Social and Behavioral Sciences and History or Social and Behavioral Sciences and their Historical Background Proposed – Citizenship and Social and Behavioral Sciences and History
Category D.1. CSULB designation; EO 405 – United States History, Constitution and American Ideals 00-00 – either U.S. History and the Constitution and American Political Institutions and Processes or Citizenship Proposed – Citizenship
Categories D.1.a. & D.1.b. CSULB designation
00-00 – U.S. History (D.1.a.); U.S. Constitution and Ideals (D.1.b.) Proposed – U.S. History (D.1.a.) and the Constitution and American Ideals (D.1.b.)
Category D.2. CSULB designation
00-00 – Social and Behavioral Science or Other Social and Behavioral Sciences Proposed – Social and Behavioral Sciences and History
Category E EO 595 – study designed to equip human beings for lifelong understanding and development of themselves as integrated physiological and psychological entities. 00-00 – Self-Integration or The Integrated Self Proposed – Self-Integration
Summary of 48 required units
Category A – 9 units Category B – minimum of 9 units Category C – minimum of 9 units Category D – minimum of 12 units Category E – 3 units Six units to “float” among B, C, and D Overlapping requirements for Global Issues Human Diversity in the U.S. Capstone
I am done! Thank you!! Questions, comments??
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