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LC-3 Computer LC-3 Instructions

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1 LC-3 Computer LC-3 Instructions
Chap 4 & 5 LC-3 Computer LC-3 Instructions Chap 4 Homework – due Monday October 27 Chap 5 Homework – due Wednesday October 29 Project 2 Designs (Working Schematics) – due Wednesday October 29 Project 2 Reports – due Wednesday November 5 Project 1 Feedback – I would like to see more clarification/discussion of what you did and observed, especially linking the timing traces to the circuits. Note: Alt PrintScreen is a good way to get a 1 page schematic with timing traces

2 Chapters 4 & 5: The LC-3 Computer
Architecture Machine Instructions Programming in Machine Language (Binary or Hex Code) (One word per instruction) Programming in Assembly Language (Symbolic Code) (One statement per instruction) LC-3 Editor & Simulator Go to: Download: LC-3 Simulator (Either Windows or Unix version) Simulator Download includes LC-3 (Simulator) & LC-Edit Download: Simulator Lab Manual

3 LC-3 Memory Map (64K of 16 bit words) 256 words 23.5 K words

4 The LC-3 Computer a von Neumann machine
The Instruction Cycle Fetch: Next Instruction from Memory (PC)  (points to) next instruction PC (PC) + 1 Decode: Fetched Instruction Evaluate: Instr & Address (es) (find where the data is) Fetch: Operand (s) (get data as specified) Execute: Operation Store: Result (if specified) PSW Memory PSW (Program Status Word): Bits: | S| |Priority| | N| Z| P|

5 Computer Machine Instruction Formats
What is IN an instruction? Operation code – what to do Input Operand(s) – where to get input operands (memory, registers) Output Operand(s) – Where to put results (memory, registers) What are the major instruction types? Data Movement (load, store, etc.) Operate (add, sub, mult, OR, AND, etc.) Control (branch, jump to subroutine, etc.)

6 The LC-3 Instruction Addressing Modes
Register (Operand is in one of the 8 registers) Immediate (Operand is in the instruction) PC-relative (Operand is “offset” from the (PC) ) Indirect (The “Operand” actually points to the real Operand – rather than being the operand) Base + Offset (Base relative) (Operand is “offset” from the contents of a register) Note: no Direct Addressing defined in the LC-3

7 LC-3 Instructions (Fig 5.3 – Appendix a)
Addressing Modes Register (Operand is in one of the 8 registers) PC-relative (Operand is “offset” from where the PC points) Base + Offset (Base relative) (Operand is “offset” from the contents of a register) Immediate (Operand is in the instruction) Indirect (The “Operand” points to the real address of Operand – rather than being the operand)

8 Operate Instructions Only three operate Instructions: ADD, AND, NOT
Source and Destination operands are: Registers

9 ADD/AND (Register)

10 NOT (Register) Note: Src and Dst could be the same register.

11 ADD/AND (Immediate) Note: Immediate field is sign-extended to 16 bits.

12 Data Movement Instructions
Load - read data from memory to register LD: PC-relative mode [0010 DR PCoffset9] LDI: indirect mode [1010 DR PCoffset9] LDR: base+offset mode [0110 DR BaseR offset6] Store - write data from register to memory ST: PC-relative mode [0011 DR PCoffset9] STI: indirect mode [1011 DR PCoffset9] STR: base+offset mode [0111 DR BaseR offset6] Load effective address – address saved in register LEA: immediate mode [1110 DR PCoffset9]

13 LD (PC-Relative)

14 ST (PC-Relative)

15 LDI (Indirect)

16 STI (Indirect)

17 LDR (Base+Offset)

18 STR (Base+Offset)

19 LEA (Immediate)

20 Branch Instruction BR [0000 nzp PCoffset9]
Branch specifies one or more condition codes Program Status Word (PSW): Bits: | S| |Priority| |N|Z|P| If the set bit is specified, the branch is taken: PC is set to the address specified in the instruction - Target address is made by adding SEXT(IR[8:0]) to the PC If the branch is not taken: - the next sequential instruction (PC) is executed.

21 BR + If all zero, no CC is tested, so branch is never taken. (See Appendix B.) If all one, then all are tested. Since at least one of the CC bits is set to one after each operate/load instruction, then branch is always taken. (Assumes some instruction has set CC before branch instruction, otherwise undefined.) SEXT

22 Jump Instruction JMP BaseR [1100 000 BaseR 000000]
Jump is an unconditional branch -- always taken. BaseR Address is contents of the register Allows any target address.

23 Example LC-3 Program Write a program to add 12 integers and store the result in a Register.

24 Compute the Sum of 12 Integers Program
Program begins at location x3000. Integers begin at location x3100. R1  x3100 R3  0 (Sum) R2  12(count) R2=0? R4  M[R1] R3  R3+R4 R1  R1+1 R2  R2-1 NO YES R1: “Array” index pointer (Begin with location 3100) R3: Accumulator for the sum of integers R2: Loop counter (Count down from 12) R4: Temporary register to store next integer

25 Sum integers from x3100 – x310B Address Instruction Comments x3000
R1  x3100 x3001 R3  0 x3002 R2  0 x3003 R2  12 x3004 If Z, goto x300A x3005 Load next value to R4 x3006 Add to R3 x3007 Increment R1 (pointer) X3008 Decrement R2 (counter) x3009 Goto x3004 R1: “Array” index pointer (Begin with location 3100) R3: Accumulator for the sum of integers R2: Loop counter (Count down from 12) R4: Temporary register to store next integer

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