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Motivation and Design Issues

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1 Motivation and Design Issues
Interest in exhibiting advantage of CMOS based digital control Very low standby power feasible in PFM (low power) mode Dramatic power saving in PWM mode due to internal power management

2 System Block Diagram Two modes: PWM and PFM digital controller SVDD
FB SW PFM control PWM digital dither ring osc. MUX soft start counter ring ADC clk De Dc comparator PVIN PGND MODE EN SGND SVDD digital controller REF Two modes: PWM and PFM

3 Berkeley Switcher Specifications
Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Units fsw Switching Freq 500 1500 kHz Io,max Max Output Current mA VIN Input Voltage 2.8 5.5 V Ilim Switch Peak Current Limit 1000 ΔVADC PWM Mode ADC Quantization Bin 16 mV ton PFM Fixed On-time 1.3 μs NDPWM PWM Resolution 5 + 5 Bit NDITH PWM Digital Dither Resolution 5 Tsoft-start Soft start duration 1100 IPFM Quiescent current in PFM mode 3 μA

4 Power Train Problem: high input voltage vs low voltage process
Solutions: 1. Cascoded stucture 2. Lateral drain extension structure

5 Power Train: Cascoded Structure
Drain VBias VIN Source VOX Drain Source VOX VIN Gate oxide breakdown voltage ~5V Working voltage ~ 2.5V

6 Power Train: LDD Structure
p-LDD layout Rdson: Vgs=1.4V Vgs=2.5V n-LDD (Ω) 0.27 0.22 p-LDD (Ω) 1.03 0.51 Measured break down voltage n-LDD layout n-LDD: 7.5~8V p-LDD: 6.5~7.2V ID (mA) ID (mA) VDS (V) VDS (V)

7 Cascoded Structure Test Results
Rdson: Rdson: Vgs=1.4V Vgs=2.5V NMOS (Ω) 0.33 0.25 PMOS (Ω) 0.60 0.35 PVIN PVIN/2 GND NMOS break down voltage: 7.7V PMOS break down voltage: 7.9V SW ID (uA) VDS (V)

8 Internal Power Management
Scavenges power from gate drive discharge Offers safe supply voltage for controller circuitry NFET signal PVIN PVIN/2 GND PFET signal SW Digital controller Voltage regulator 80A 40A 40A PWM Make picture larger to show denotes.

9 Internal Voltage Regulations
PVIN PGND V Cext PVIN PGND V/2 Cext Total current consumptions: 1A BW of each amplifier: 40kHz

10 Control Law PFM Mode (low power, low quiescent curr.) PWM Mode
Fixed on-time control  avoids ripple jitter due to discrete sampling of comparators at rising Vout in hyst ctrl ton = 0.8 Tsw = 1.33 s  Vripp,max = 90 Vin = 5.5 V, Iout = 0.1 mA At high output loads, still jitter due to sampling PWM Mode PID control with digital dither Saturated controller response (for large transients)

11 PFM (Fixed On-time) Mode
Use a table to show power !!!

12 ADC and DPWM Resolution
VADC = 16 mV =  0.8% Vout = 1V VDPWM = 5.4 Vin = 5.5 V 5 bit ring osc + 5 bit digital dither no limit cycling in steady state Sampled at fsw

13 PWM Mode: DPWM Module Isupply Level Shifter Ring-MUX Structure VDDL
PWM off VDD VSS 5-bit Differential Ring 5-bit MUX 5 1 pair of differential signals VDDL Isupply Ring-MUX Structure Level Shifter Dc Make Isupply denote larger.

14 Protection Mode  Soft Start
Build into digital control loop Disable PD control Make error signal slew the digital integrator to the appropriate level corresponding to Vout = Vref Gain of error signal set to effect desired duration of soft-start sequence, tsoft-start = 1100 s

15 Digital processing core
Int Fully on From ringADC De Dc PD Dc_calc Go to DPWM Dither en Pin: EN Soft start counter Soft_start Fully off Comb Logic Clamp

16 Ring ADC Basics Frequency of ring oscillator has linear relation with Itot when voltage swing is below threshold: Simulated oscillator frequency versus supply current Supply Current (A) Frequency (Hz) VDD Itot 4-stage differential ring oscillator running at sub-threshold current

17 Ring ADC Architecture Σ Digital Block Analog Block
De’ Level Shifter CounterN Counter1 N Σ VDD VSS Vo Vref D1 D2 Analog Block Digital Block Remove the equations, but don’t forget to mention them. Tell that it’s a new design, has not been put in the two application systems yet. Sampling freq=500kHz, LSB=16mV, approx 100mV window, VDD=1.5V Measured current: 36.72A, area = 0.15 mm2

18 PFM Mode: Comparator Details
CK Vin Vip Vop Von

19 PFM Mode Quiescent Current
Simulation: 600kHz sampling frequency Comparator, ring osc., level shifters(from ring voltage to internal VDD), and clock generation: 3μA (from PVIN/2) Internal voltage regulators: 1.0μA(from PVIN)

20 Berkeley Switcher Layout
Ring ADC DPWM & Clk Gen Digi Core PFM Mode Comparator Power Train Gate Drives PFET NFET 500μm 2.6mm 1.7mm

21 Comparison between Analog and Digital Controllers
For mobile phone application: Controller Total Quiescent Current PFM Mode PWM Mode (not include power train) LM2612 150A 550A Berkeley Switcher (Simulated) 3 A It’s problematic to compare simulation data with test results. Replace PFM with “quiescent”. PWMhigh load. Mismatch of Dc is small compared to power train mismatch in digital case.

22 Berkeley Switcher Pin Description
Pin Number Pin Name Function 1 FB ADC input. Connect directly to Vout 2 REF Analog voltage reference Vref 3 MP Internal Voltage Level, mid-point of PVIN & PGND 4 MODE High for PFM mode Low for PWM mode 5 EN Enable Input 6 PGND Power Ground 7 SW Switching Node connection to internal PFET & NFET 8 PVIN Power Supply Input to internal PFET switch 9 SVDD Signal Supply Input 10 SGND Analog and Control Ground Taped-out in Oct 10, 2002, packaged chip returned Jan.20, 2003 Implemented in 0.25um CMOS

23 Personnel and Roles Prof. Seth Sanders, project leader
Jinwen Xiao, PhD student (5th year), leadership on IC designs Angel Peterchev, PhD student (4rd year), leadership on architecture issues Kenny (Jianhui) Zhang, PhD student (2nd year), responsibility for power train design

24 Thanks To Y.C. Liang, visiting Nov.2001~Sep.2002 from Natl. Univ. Singapore, for advising on power train design Joe Emlano for packaging the chip It’s problematic to compare simulation data with test results. Replace PFM with “quiescent”. PWMhigh load. Mismatch of Dc is small compared to power train mismatch in digital case.

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