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Charlie Rush Zheng Wang Brandon Wedde Greg Wilson Stephen Beirne Miles Hatem Chris Kester Jim Radtke Preliminary Design Review AAE 451 Team V The Flying.

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Presentation on theme: "Charlie Rush Zheng Wang Brandon Wedde Greg Wilson Stephen Beirne Miles Hatem Chris Kester Jim Radtke Preliminary Design Review AAE 451 Team V The Flying."— Presentation transcript:

1 Charlie Rush Zheng Wang Brandon Wedde Greg Wilson Stephen Beirne Miles Hatem Chris Kester Jim Radtke Preliminary Design Review AAE 451 Team V The Flying V Barn Owl

2 4/18/2006AAE 451 Team V2 Outline 1.Market 2.Design Requirements 3.Present Concept 4.Sizing 5.Aerodynamics 6.Performance 7.Structures 8.Weight and Balance 9.Stability 10.Propulsion 11.Cost 12.Summary

3 4/18/2006AAE 451 Team V3 GA Market Review ProductProduct –4 Seat Single Engine Piston Aircraft for Hobbyists, Training Fleets, and Fixed Base Operators Powered by an Alternative FuelPowered by an Alternative Fuel Customer NeedsCustomer Needs –100LL Replacement Current staple fuel for GA piston enginesCurrent staple fuel for GA piston engines Production uncertain after 2015Production uncertain after 2015 Provides opportunity to be first to marketProvides opportunity to be first to market –Petroleum fuel alternative for post peak oil

4 4/18/2006AAE 451 Team V4 Design Requirements Team V Plane T/O Distance <1500  1499 600 lb Payload  600 150 kts cruise speed  153 600 nm range  600 48”x46” cabin dim.  50”x50” <2800 lb GTOW  2705 Acq. Cost <$300k  $298,400

5 4/18/2006AAE 451 Team V5 Current Design The “Barn Owl”

6 4/18/2006AAE 451 Team V6 Design point Carpet Plot Stall (57 kts) Cruise (150 kts) Climb (1300 fpm) Takeoff (1500 ft) Aspect Ratio (increments of 0.5) Turn (n=2) AR=6 AR=10 Note: Sizing was done with a predetermined 200 hp engine Design Space

7 4/18/2006AAE 451 Team V7 I/O for Carpet Plot Notable Inputs Cd0=0.026 Payload Weight = 600 [lbs] CL_max=1.6 Cruise Altitude = 8000 [ft] L/D=10 B hp SFC =.439 [ lb / hp*hr ] Stall Speed = 57 [kts] Oswald efficiency factor =0.65 Prop Diameter = 74 [in] Prop efficency (cruise) =0.86 Prop efficency (climb) =0.76 Notable Outputs GTOW= 2705 [lbs] W/S=17.7 AR=7.5 Takeoff (50 ft obs.) = 1499 [ft] Power / Weight =0.074 Sea Level Climb Rate = 1351 [fpm] Wing Area = 153 [ft 2 ] Turn Load Factor =2.06 Cruise Speed = 153 [kts] Fuel Weight = 463 [lbs] Fuel Volume = 63 [gal]

8 4/18/2006AAE 451 Team V8 FVGA 5121-12.1% thick Designed using Genetic Algorithm Laminar flow Large Laminar bucket Performance comparable to 2412 when tripped 30% less drag at cruise commpared to 2412 Low penalty at high Cl New Airfoil Design

9 4/18/2006AAE 451 Team V9 Wing Planform Design Span = 33.87Span = 33.87 Taper ratio = 0.7Taper ratio = 0.7 Polynomial twistPolynomial twist Close to elliptical lift distributionClose to elliptical lift distribution 1.51 degrees total twist1.51 degrees total twist

10 4/18/2006AAE 451 Team V10 Cmarc Analysis Used to acquire an accurate prediction of induced drag and parasite drag.Used to acquire an accurate prediction of induced drag and parasite drag. Detailed fuselage shaping to minimize interference dragDetailed fuselage shaping to minimize interference drag Bathtub style wing joint utilized, with smooth LE/TE junctions, possible with composite skin layoverBathtub style wing joint utilized, with smooth LE/TE junctions, possible with composite skin layover 8 deg tail upsweep to minimize wake interference8 deg tail upsweep to minimize wake interference

11 4/18/2006AAE 451 Team V11 C D0 Determination C D0 = 0.022 (Sref = 153) Lower than Cessna 172 @ 0.027Lower than Cessna 172 @ 0.027 The FVGA5121 airfoil is laminar at low CLThe FVGA5121 airfoil is laminar at low CL Incompressible flight envelopeIncompressible flight envelope No wing strutsNo wing struts Aerodynamic fuselageAerodynamic fuselage Close to elliptical loadingClose to elliptical loading

12 4/18/2006AAE 451 Team V12 L/D MAX Determination L/D MAX = 10.4 This is because the FVGA5121 airfoil is laminar at low CLThis is because the FVGA5121 airfoil is laminar at low CL Most efficient cruise at 185 ft/s (109 kts)Most efficient cruise at 185 ft/s (109 kts)

13 4/18/2006AAE 451 Team V13 3D Lift Curve Wings oriented to have a level fuselage at max cruise speed.

14 4/18/2006AAE 451 Team V14 Performance Design Limit Load 3.8 g per FAR 23.337 FAR Gust Velocities Under 20,000 ft 50 ft/s @ V Cruise 25 ft/s @ V Dive Design Loading Gust Loading

15 4/18/2006AAE 451 Team V15 Performance

16 4/18/2006AAE 451 Team V16 Structure Material SelectionMaterial Selection –Aluminum frame with fiberglass skin selected –Cost savings expected –Slight weight savings achieved FrameFrame –“Big bones” approach –Manufacturing cost reduced due to fewer components and advanced joining SkinSkin –Fiberglass cured in large segments –Segments bonded to frame

17 4/18/2006AAE 451 Team V17 Structural Layout C-Channels I-Beam Spar Ribs

18 4/18/2006AAE 451 Team V18 Spar Carrythrough Spar located at front of rear seatsSpar located at front of rear seats Spar does not hinder cabin comfortSpar does not hinder cabin comfort

19 4/18/2006AAE 451 Team V19 Component Weights Began with Raymer’s Statistical Group Weights methodBegan with Raymer’s Statistical Group Weights method Replaced with known or calculated weightsReplaced with known or calculated weights –Engine –Propeller –Wings –Fuselage

20 4/18/2006AAE 451 Team V20 Component Weights EngineEngine –Total installed weight from DeltaHawk –Includes all pumps, turbocharger, lines, exhaust, and mount –390 lbs PropellerPropeller –Off the Shelf –51 lbs 20

21 4/18/2006AAE 451 Team V21 Wing Sizing Cross-sectional optimization along spanCross-sectional optimization along span Design Variables:Design Variables: Constrained by:Constrained by: Allowable Stresses Upper Skin Buckling Spar Web Buckling Damage Tolerance Skin Thickness Spar Web Thickness Spar Cap Size Stringer Area Spar Cap Thickness Rib Spacing

22 4/18/2006AAE 451 Team V22 Wing Sizing Validation of sizing algorithmValidation of sizing algorithm –Raymer statistical weight:302 lbs –All-aluminum wing optimization:300 lbs Our designOur design –S2-glass/epoxy skin –New weight:286 lbs –Difference due to minimum gauge skin over outer 1/3 span

23 4/18/2006AAE 451 Team V23 Fuselage Preliminary model created and analyzed with I-DEASPreliminary model created and analyzed with I-DEAS Ability to sustain limit load verifiedAbility to sustain limit load verified

24 4/18/2006AAE 451 Team V24 Weight and Balance Design gross weight from sizingDesign gross weight from sizing –2705 lbs Detailed gross weight predictionDetailed gross weight prediction –2694 lbs

25 4/18/2006AAE 451 Team V25 C.G. and Static Stability Static Margin with full load10.6%Static Margin with full load10.6% Static Margin with no fuel, 1 pilot19.6%Static Margin with no fuel, 1 pilot19.6% GF E D A C B H 20% S.M.10% S.M.

26 4/18/2006AAE 451 Team V26 Fuel Selection Bio-diesel chosen as alternative fuelBio-diesel chosen as alternative fuel Reasons chosen:Reasons chosen: –BSFC of 0.439 lbs/(hp*hr) is bested only by hydrogen –Most developed technology of all of the proposed alternative fuels –Requires only minor modifications to available piston engines

27 4/18/2006AAE 451 Team V27 Engine Design Engine Requirements:Engine Requirements: –No more than 200 hp to remain “low performance” –Meet dimension constraints for the nose of the aircraft –Powerful enough to meet cruise speed target An existing diesel aircraft engine meets our requirementsAn existing diesel aircraft engine meets our requirements –Development cost savings

28 4/18/2006AAE 451 Team V28 Engine Design Deltahawk V4 DH200V4Deltahawk V4 DH200V4 Rated PowerRated Power –200 hp Total installed WeightTotal installed Weight –390 lbs Dimensions:Dimensions: –30x23x32 (inches) CostCost –$32,450 Meets all desired requirementsMeets all desired requirements

29 4/18/2006AAE 451 Team V29 Propeller Existing PropellerExisting Propeller –2 Blade, constant Speed – Hartzell HC-C2YK-1 ( )/7666A-2 Same Propeller as Piper ArrowSame Propeller as Piper Arrow –HP 200 –RPM 2700 –Cruise 145 kts Specs.Specs. –Max constant HP = 250 –Max constant RPM = 2700 –Diameter = 74”

30 4/18/2006AAE 451 Team V30 Three cost estimating relationships:Three cost estimating relationships: –GA Plane Library –Modified RAND DAPCA –Airframe Weight Relationship Weighted average yields purchase price of ~$298,400.00Weighted average yields purchase price of ~$298,400.00 RTD&E Break-Even set by DAPCA model at ~5 years (~2000 planes)RTD&E Break-Even set by DAPCA model at ~5 years (~2000 planes) –Reasonable with market that breakeven would be met. Acquisition Cost

31 4/18/2006AAE 451 Team V31 Acquisition Cost Barn Owl

32 4/18/2006AAE 451 Team V32 Compiled data from web resources (Company websites; Plane Quest)Compiled data from web resources (Company websites; Plane Quest) Allows for current fuel pricesAllows for current fuel prices –100LL ~ $4.27/gal –B100 ~ $3.00 - $3.25/gal Gives Total Operating Cost of ~$81/hr (2006 USD) Gives Total Operating Cost of ~$81/hr (2006 USD)  Operating Costs

33 4/18/2006AAE 451 Team V33 Operating Costs Barn Owl

34 4/18/2006AAE 451 Team V34 Operating Costs How does ~$81/hr compare?How does ~$81/hr compare? *Determined using DOC v. GTOW Relationship Plane Type DOC/hr variable DOC/hr fixed Total Cost/Hr Diamond DA 40 $ 55.00 $ 15.00 $ 70.00 Flying V Barn Owl $ 55.00 $ 26.00 $ 81.00 Cessna 172S $ 64.00 $ 26.00 $ 90.00 Cessna 182s $ 87.00 $ 44.00 $ 131.00 Cirrus SR 22* $ 99.00 $ 41.00 $ 141.00

35 4/18/2006AAE 451 Team V35 Life Cycle Cost Estimate Est. Cost for Owner over 12 year span of time?Est. Cost for Owner over 12 year span of time? Purchase Price $ 298,400.00 Notes: RTD&E/unit $ 53,712.00 ~20% purch./1.1 Production/unit $ 217,832.00 ~80% purch./1.1 O&M (total over yrs.) $ 767,426.67 ~500 FH/yr. Fuel $ 234,000.00 B100=$3/gal; 13 gal/FH Maintenance $ 240,000.00 MMH/FH=0.5; $/MMH=80.00 Insurance $ 24,866.67 ~0.7% purch price/year Depreciation {f(age)} $ 268,560.00 (purch/12 *age), for age <12 Disposal $ (29,840.00) Life Cycle Cost $ 1,035,986.67 Saves Owner over $100,000 than if same plane were powered by 100LL at current prices! (LCC $1,136k)Saves Owner over $100,000 than if same plane were powered by 100LL at current prices! (LCC $1,136k)

36 4/18/2006AAE 451 Team V36 Design Requirements Team V Plane T/O Distance <1500  1499 600 lb Payload  600 150 kts cruise speed  153 600 nm range  600 48”x46” cabin dim.  50”x50” <2800 lb GTOW  2705 Acq. Cost <$300k  $298,400

37 4/18/2006AAE 451 Team V37 Comparison to Current Competition

38 4/18/2006AAE 451 Team V38 Summary The Barn Owl will be a successful alternative fuel aircraftThe Barn Owl will be a successful alternative fuel aircraft The current design is feasible and meets all requirementsThe current design is feasible and meets all requirements Next steps:Next steps: –Controls sizing & dynamic stability –Refine and consolidate structure, aerodynamic, and layout models –Detailed production cost estimation

39 Charlie Rush Zheng Wang Brandon Wedde Greg Wilson Stephen Beirne Miles Hatem Chris Kester Jim Radtke Preliminary Design Review AAE 451 Team V The Flying V Barn Owl This Concludes the…

40 4/18/2006AAE 451 Team V40 Slide left intentionally blank… except for this.

41 4/18/2006AAE 451 Team V41 References Hartzell Propeller Data. “TYPE CERTIFICATE DATA SHEET NO. P-920 Available.Hartzell Propeller Data. “TYPE CERTIFICATE DATA SHEET NO. P-920 Available. Plane Quest. Plane Quest Website. Cited 4/1/06. Available.Plane Quest. Plane Quest Website. Cited 4/1/06. Available. Raymer, Daniel. Aircraft Design a Conceptual Approach. 3 rd Ed. 1999. AIAA. Reston, VA.Raymer, Daniel. Aircraft Design a Conceptual Approach. 3 rd Ed. 1999. AIAA. Reston, VA.

42 4/18/2006AAE 451 Team V42 CFD

43 4/18/2006AAE 451 Team V43 CFD

44 4/18/2006AAE 451 Team V44 Wing Structure Sizing Results

45 4/18/2006AAE 451 Team V45 Wing Structure Sizing Results

46 4/18/2006AAE 451 Team V46 Wing Structure Sizing Results

47 4/18/2006AAE 451 Team V47 Wing Structure Sizing Results

48 4/18/2006AAE 451 Team V48 Wing Structure Sizing Results

49 4/18/2006AAE 451 Team V49 Propeller

50 4/18/2006AAE 451 Team V50 Propeller

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