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The Rhetoric of Religion “The Name of the Rose” The Church came to control every aspect of public an even private life. (H, p. 127-128)

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Presentation on theme: "The Rhetoric of Religion “The Name of the Rose” The Church came to control every aspect of public an even private life. (H, p. 127-128)"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Rhetoric of Religion “The Name of the Rose” The Church came to control every aspect of public an even private life. (H, p. 127-128)

2 Rhetoric and Christianity An Introduction--THE LETTER TO DAN

3 The Christian Era 300AD-1300AD Effected Public and Private Life Rhetoric Viewed with Suspicion

4 Martianus Capella The Marriage of Philology and Mercury (429AD) Most successful book ever written. Seven studies of medieval curriculum.

5 The Seven Liberal Arts The trivium(three roads) and the quadrivium(four roads) Trivium--grammar, rhetoric, logic Quadrivium--arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy Assignment--read Dorothy L. Sayers’ The Lost Tools of Learning.The Lost Tools of Learning

6 St. Augustine The Architect of the Christian Era His conversion Apologetics

7 Augustine A mistress and a child Augustine Viewed Rhetoric with suspicion Yet loved the study of Rhetoric A double conversion: Rhetoric to Sophistry to Plato from paganism to Christianity. Conversion--Burgoon Judaism?

8 Augustine’s Confessions “O Lord, how long? How long, O Lord! Will you stay angry forever?” Great and deep personal psychology. Nietzsche

9 Augustine on Preaching Rhetoric offers a means of discovering the Truth in scripture and then it is presented to the audience.

10 Augustine’s Formula God (Ideal Truth) Divinely illuminated idea is symbolized in the mind of sender= the sender translates the Idea into signs= the Idea is transmitted as sermon= the Idea is decoded into signs in mind of receiver=

11 Ideal Truth (continued) the idea changes the understanding of the receiver= the receiver captures the Idea+ the Idea influences the will= RESULT=CONVERSION

12 Augustine On Preaching/ Communication Truth is immutable Communicating to Heathens: Preacher must select signs that the heathens will understand. Must imitate Christ

13 Augustine on Jesus and Audience Four Audiences Those with faith (apostles)--straight talk Those against Jesus (you)--dialectical The multitudes--(stories) The children--(pure)

14 Aquinas( 1225-1274) Wealth Scholar Speech alone is not sufficient (Reason) The Aristotle of Religion--Reason over other methods such as experience, emotion, etc The Theistic Proofs from reason

15 The Theistic Proofs Ontological (Copernicus “words only) Cosmological Teleological Moral Aesthetics--love Answer with the least Difficulties (John Edward Carnell) Faith

16 The Religious Rhetorical Formula (What is Done) Actually a circle with three tangents Power in position(expert) Stories (testimonies of the saved) Sacred Texts and Traditions with power in the words and truth by face value (remember THE LETTER or in the name of JESUS)

17 The Religious Rhetorical Formula (How it’s Done) Form--declarative, clear, direct, no refutation God says The line between God and Man

18 How to Counter Religious Rhetoric By the Word and dialectic (me and Dr. Burdick and the Greek and Hebrew) By experience (but let me tell you what happened to me--the homosexual Christian)

19 So, on Rhetoric and Religion Augustine the heart of religion through experience Aquinas the mind of religion through reason The paradigm shifts Propagation--hymns –steal away to Jesus –just as I am –a worm –in the garden, alone

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