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United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization School of Education Global Perspectives on Education Policy & Research Staff Research Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization School of Education Global Perspectives on Education Policy & Research Staff Research Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization School of Education Global Perspectives on Education Policy & Research Staff Research Conference 17 th July 2008 9.45-10.55 UNESCO Centre for Comparative Education Research

2 United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization School of Education Introduction wide range of projects in UCCER reflecting range of interests of staff and special professors Peace Education Further & Higher Education Lifelong Learning Education & Civil Society European Identity & Citizenship Labour Market & Intercultural Experiences Non-formal Education & Civil Society

3 United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization School of Education Introduction Wide range of projects in UCCER reflecting range of interests of staff and special professors Key Themes Further Education & Training Comparative Higher Education Peace Education Intercultural Learning & Lives Adult and Non-Formal Education Adult Basic Education European Identity, Citizenship, Inclusion & Social Cohesion & Lifelong Learning

4 United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization School of Education Further Education & Training South Africa - Building South African Capacity Phase 1 of Department for Innovation Universities and Skills (DIUS)- funded England-Africa partnership completed in June; phase 2 under development Developing a strategy for vocational teacher education Building research capacity in the college sector Facilitating a new network of FET with colleges, universities, government and other stakeholders

5 United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization School of Education Comparative Higher Education Development Discourses: Higher Education & Poverty Reduction in South Africa Funded by ESRC and DfiD in third phase of Poverty Reduction programme Seeks to explore ‘human development professional capabilities’ and the role of universities in social transformation Higher Education and the Labour Market in China In collaboration with Institute for Economics of Education, Peking University, Institute for Educational Research, Tsinghua University Funded by Sino British Fellowship Trust Seeks to explore graduate destinations in the labour market of Chinese students from different sectors of H.E.

6 United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization School of Education Peace Education Peace Education in Jordan, Palestine & Israel Funded by the British Academy and by the UNESCO PEACE Programme. Seeks to explore the philosophy and practice of Peace Education and Dialogue in Conflict Situations Education for Community Cohesion – Rwanda & the UK Funded by the DELPHE Programme of DfID-British Council. Seeks to explore through a partnership between KIE & SoE teacher educators & trainees development of dialogue about sensitive and controversial issues in schools & communities Teaching about the Holocaust – Lithuania, Romania & the UK. Seeks to evaluate in partnership with Beth Shalom cross-national use of an interactive Holocaust Education website and related teaching and learning of sensitive issues in classroom settings

7 United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization School of Education Intercultural Learning & Lives International Students’ Intercultural Experiences in UK HE Funded by ESRC Seeks to explore the nature of international students’ change and adaptation over time Rethinking the Needs of International Students: Critical Perspectives on the Internationalisation of UK Higher Education Institutions Funded by ESRC: Seminar series 2008-09 Impact of UK Educational Experiences on Chinese Returnees’ Lives & Careers Funded by the British Academy Seeks to explore how and why overseas educational and intercultural experiences may (or may not) contribute to the personal and professional development of Chinese returnees

8 United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization School of Education Adult and Non-Formal Education Adult Education and the Development of Civil Society in Britain and India Funded by the British Academy-Association of Commonwealth Universities Seeks to explore the relationship through comparative case studies Non-formal Education, NGOs and the Development of Civil Society in Russia In collaboration with the Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences Seeks to explore the relationship in post-Soviet Russia through historical and comparative case studies

9 United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization School of Education Adult Basic Education What works in Adult Learning? Adult Learning in Rural Areas – Practitioner Research Funded by the Learning Skills Council Seeks to explore adult learning pedagogies in Lincolnshire and Rutland through Action Research projects

10 United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization School of Education European Identity, Citizenship, Inclusion & Social Cohesion & Lifelong Learning Developing European Identity & Citizenship Strategies for Inclusion & Social Cohesion in Europe through Education (EU-FP6) Towards a Lifelong Learning Society in Europe: The Contribution of the Education System (EU-FP6)

11 United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization School of Education Future Research Developments in UCCER Over the next three years, the core themes will continue, although fresh aspects will be considered in partnership with colleagues elsewhere in the University, such as the China Policy Institute, the Leverhulme Globalisation Centre and the Human Rights Law Centre, as well as internationally, and as a contribution to global development goals. Comparative Higher Education Vocational and Technical Education and Skills’ Development Adult Basic Education European Identity, Citizenship, Inclusion & Social Cohesion & Lifelong Learning Peace Education and Education for Dialogue and Conflict Resolution Education, Training and International Migration

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