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The Nucleus: A Chemist’s View
Chapter 21 The Nucleus: A Chemist’s View
Chapter 21: The Nucleus: A Chemists View
21.1 Nuclear Stability and Radioactive Decay 21.2 The Kinetics of radioactive Decay 21.3 Nuclear Transformations 21.4 Detection and Uses of Radioactivity 21.5 Thermodynamic Stability 21.6 Nuclear Fission and Nuclear Fusion 21.7 Effects of Radiation
Subatomic particle tracks in a bubble charger at CERN, the European particle physics laboratory in Geneva, Switzerland. Source: CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Figure 21.1: Known nuclides
Protons Neutrons Stable Nuclides % Even Even Even Odd Odd Even Odd Odd Total = 279 99.9% (like table 21.1 , P 980)
Particle Symbol Charge Mass (x Coulombs) (x10-27kg) Proton P Neutron N Electron e
NUCLEAR STABILITY Modes of Radioactive Decay
Alpha Decay - Heavy Isotopes - 42He+2- Beta Decay - Neutron Rich Isotopes - e - - Positron Emission -Proton Rich Isotopes - Electron Capture - Proton Rich Isotopes x - rays Gamma-ray emission( - Decay of nuclear excited states Spontaneous Fission - Very Heavy Isotopes
Comparison of Chemical and Nuclear Reactions
Chemical Reactions Nuclear Reactions 1. One substance is converted to Atoms of one element typically another,but atoms never change change into atoms of another. identity. 2. Orbital electrons are involved as Protons, neutrons, and other bonds break and form; nuclear particles are involved; orbital particles do not take part electrons take part. 3. Reactions are accompanied by Reactions are accompanied by relatively small changes in energy relatively large changes in and no measurable changes in mass. energy and often measurable changes in mass. 4. Reaction rates are influenced by Reaction rates are affected by temperature, concentration, number of nuclei, but not by catalysts, and the nature of the temperature, catalysts, or the chemical substance nature of the chemical substance.
Emission and Absorption of Light by Atoms
Nucleus of atom Electron Light Emission occurs when an electron drops from a higher energy level to a lower one. Light Absorption by an atom moves an electron to a higher energy level.
Absorption and Emission of Light by The Nucleus
Excited state Ground state Protons and Neutrons in the nucleus are moved up to excited states by the absorption of large amounts of energy, and they move from excited states back to the ground states by the emission of large amounts of energy! This energy is normally 106 times larger than the energy emitted by electron transfers around atoms, and is in the Gamma ray region of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Figure 12.1: Electromagnetic radiation has oscillating electric (E) and magnetic (H) fields in planes perpendicular to each other and to the direction of propagation.
Figure 12.2: The nature of waves
Figure 12.3: Classification of electromagnetic radiation
Figure 21.7: Schematic representation of a Geiger-Muller counter
Alpha Decay -Heavy Elements
238U Th + + E T1/ 2= 4.48 x 10 9 yrs 210Po Pb + + E T 1/ 2= 138 days 256Rf No + + E T1/ 2= 7 msec 241Am Np + + E T1/ 2= 433 days
Beta Decay - Electron Emission
N P+ + + Energy 90Sr Y + + Energy T1/ 2= 30 yrs 14C N + + Energy T1/ 2= 5730 yrs 247Am Cm + + Energy T1/ 2= 22 min 131I Xe + + Energy T1/ 2 = 8 days
Electron Capture - Positron Emission
P+ + e n + Energy = Electron Capture P n + e+ + Energy = Positron Emission 51Cr + e V + Energy T1/2 = 28 days 7Be Li + + Energy T1/2 = 53 days 177Pt + e Ir + Energy T1/2 = 11 sec 144Gd Eu + + Energy T1/2 = 4.5 min
Beta decay, e- 60Co 2.405 Mev 1.173 Mev Gamma ray 1.332 Mev
Gamma Ray Emission, the Nuclear Particles in the Nucleus dropping from excited states to their ground states. Example is the decay of cobalt – 60 to excited states in nickel – 60, which then decay to the ground state of 60Ni. Beta decay, e- 60Co 2.405 Mev 1.173 Mev Gamma ray 1.332 Mev 1.332 Mev Gamma ray Ground state of 60Ni
Natural Decay Series of Existing Isotopes
40K Ar T1/2 = 1.29 x 109yrs 232 Th Pb T1/2 = 1.4 x 1010yrs 235U Pb T1/2 = 7 x 108yrs 238U Pb T1/2 = 4.5 x 109yrs
Figure 21.2: Decay series
Natural Decay series for Uranium 238
238U Th 234Pa 234U Th Ra Rn Po Pb 218At Bi Tl 214Po Pb Hg = decay Bi Tl = decay Po Pb 238U decays and 6 decays leaves you with Pb
Natural Decay series for Uranium 235
235U Th 231Pa Ac Fr At Bi 227 Th Ra Ra Po Pb 215At Bi Tl 211Po Pb = decay = decay 235U decays and 4 decays leaves you with Pb
Natural Decay series for Thorium 232
232 Th Ra 228Ac 228 Th Ra Rn Po Pb 212Bi Tl 212Po Pb = decay = decay 232 Th decays and 4 decays leaves you with Pb
Figure 21.3: The decay of a 10.0 -g sample of strontium-90 over time.
Figure 21.4: change in the amount of Molybdenum - 99 with time
Figure 21.5: Schematic diagram of a cyclotron
Physicist works with a small cyclotron at the University of California at Berkeley.
Source: Corbis
CERN, the world's largest particle accelerator, lies at the foot of the Jura Mountains near Geneva, Switzerland.
Figure 21.6: Diagram of a linear accelerator
Accelerator tunnel at Fermilab, a high-energy particle accelerator in Batavia, Illinois.
Source: Fermilab Batavia, IL
Carbon-14 radioactivity is often used to date human skeletons found at archaeological sites
Source: University of Pennsylvania Photo Archives
Figure 21.8: Consumption of Na131I
Normal Thyroid An Enlarged Thyroid Source: Visuals Unlimited
Figure 21.9: Binding energy per nucleon as a function of mass number.
Units used for Nuclear Energy Calculations
electron volt - (ev) The energy an electron acquires when it moves through a potential difference of one volt: 1 ev = x 10-19J Binding energies are commonly expressed in units of megaelectron volts (Mev) 1 Mev = 106 ev = x J A particularly useful factor converts a given mass defect in atomic mass units to its energy equivalent in electron volts: 1 amu = x 106 ev = Mev
Binding Energy per Nucleon of Deuterium
Deuterium has a mass of amu. Hydrogen atom = 1 x amu = amu Neutrons = 1 x amu = amu amu Mass difference = Theoretical mass - actual mass = amu amu = amu Calculating the binding energy per nucleon: Binding Energy amu x Mev / amu Nucleon nucleons = Mev / nucleon =
Calculation of the Binding Energy per Nucleon for Iron- 56
The mass of Iron -56 is amu, it contains 26 protons and 30 Neutrons Theoretical Mass of Fe - 56 : Hydrogen atom mass = 26 x amu = amu Neutron mass = 30 x amu = amu amu Mass defect =Actual mass - Theoretical mass: amu amu = amu Calculating the binding energy per nucleon: Binding Energy amu x Mev / amu nucleon nucleons = = Mev / nucleon
Calculation of the Binding Energy per Nucleon for Uranium - 238
The actual mass of Uranium = amu, and it has 92 protons and 146 neutrons Theoretical mass of Uranium 238: Hydrogen atom mass = 92 x amu = amu neutron mass = 146 x amu = amu amu Mass defect = Actual mass - Theoretical mass: amu amu = amu Calculating the Binding Energy per nucleon: Binding Energy amu x Mev / amu mucleon nucleons = = Mev / nucleon
Mass and Energy in Nuclear Decay - I
Consider the alpha decay of 212Po T1/2 = 0.3 s 212Po Pb + Energy g/mol g/mol g/mol Products = = g/mol Mass = Po - Pb + = g/mol E = mC2 = (1.070 x 10-5 kg/mol)(3.00 x 108m/s)2 = 9.63 x 1011 J/mol 9.63 x 1011 J/mol 6.022 x 1023 atoms/mol = ____________________ J/atom
Mass and Energy in Nuclear Decay - II
The Energy for the Decay of 212Po is 1.60 x 10-12J/atom 1.60 x 10-12J/atom 1.602 x J/ev = 1.00 x 107 ev/atom 10.0 x 106 ev x 10-6 Mev atom ev x = Mev/atom !!!!! The decay energy of the alpha particle from 212Po is = 8.8 Mev !!!!
Figure 21.10: Both fission and fusion produce more stable nuclides and are thus exothermic.
Figure 21.11: Upon capturing a neutron, the 235U nucleus undergoes fission to produce two lighter nuclides, free neutrons (typically three), and a large amount of energy.
Figure 21.12: Representation of a fission process in which each event produces two neutrons, which can go on to split other nuclei, leading to a self-sustaining chain reaction.
Figure 21.13: If the mass of the fissionable material is too small, most of the neutrons escape before causing another fission event; thus the process dies out.
Figure 21.14: Nuclear power plant
Breeder reactor at a nuclear power plant in St
Breeder reactor at a nuclear power plant in St. Laurent-Des Eaux, France. Source: Stock Boston
A Uranium "button" for use as a fuel in a nuclear reactor.
Figure 21.15: Schematic of a reactor core
Neutron Induced Fission - Bombs and Reactors
There are three Isotopes with sufficiently long half-lives and a significant fission cross-sections that are known to undergo neutron induced fission, and are useful in fission reactors, and Nuclear weapons. Of these only one exists on earth ( 235U which exists at an abundance of 0.72% of natural Uranium)and that is the isotope that we use in nuclear reactors for fuel and some weapons. The three isotopes are: 233U T1/2 = 1.59 x 105 years sigma fission = 531 barns 235U T1/2 = 7.04 x 108 years sigma fission = 585 barns 239Pu T1/2 = 2.44 x 105 years sigma fission = 750 barns
Breeding Nuclear Fuel There are two relatively common heavy Isotopes that will not undergo neutron induced fission, that can be used to make other Isotopes that do undergo neutron induced fission, and can be used as nuclear fuel in a nuclear reactor. Natural Thorium is 232 Th which is common in rocks. 232 Th + 10n Th + Energy T1/2 = 22.3 min 233 Th Pa + + Energy T1/2 = 27.0 days 233Pa U + + Energy T1/2 = 1.59 x 105 yrs Natural Uranium is 238U which is common in rocks as well. 238U n U + Energy T1/2 = 23.5 min 239U Np + + Energy T1/2 = 2.36 days 239Np Pu + + Energy T1/2 = years
A schematic diagram of the tentative plan for deep underground isolation of nuclear waste.
Disposal system Source: AP/Wide World Photos
Figure 21.16: Plot of energy versus the separation distance
Hydrogen Burning in Stars and Nuclear Weapons
1H + 1H H + Mev 1H + 2H He Mev 2H + 2H He + 1n Mev 2H + 2H H H mev 2H + 3H He + 1n Mev Easiest! Highest 2H + 3He He + 1H Mev cross section! 1H + 7Li He + 4He Mev
Helium Burning Reactions in Stars
12C + 4He O 16O + 4He Ne 20Ne + 4He Mg 24Mg + 4He Si 28Si + 4He S 32S + 4He Ar 36Ar +4He Ca
Image of a portion of the Cyngus Loop supernova remnant taken by the Hubble space telescope.
Source: NASA
Positron Emission Tomography (PET) – A new and
Important Tool in Imaging Research In the technique of positron Tomography, a positron emitting isotope Is included into a molecule that is incorporated into a chemical reaction. The positron emitted during the decay of the isotope will analite with an Electron and emit two 511 kev gamma rays that can then be detected, and the location of the decaying isotope isolated accurately. B+ + e Energy Two Gamma rays at 180o 511 kev 511 kev The two gamma rays come away at 180o. e- + B+ Common Positron emitting Isotopes: 15O, T1/2 = 122s ; 18F, T1/2 = 1.83 hr 11C, T1/2= 20.3 min , 13N, T1/2 = 9.97 min , ETC
Positron Emission Tomograph
The Tomograph is an instrument that is a ring of gamma ray detectors that react very fast to gamma rays, and by measuring the time each detector receives the signal one can locate the point of origin of the gamma ray to a precision of + 1 cm in a human being or any other physical object, with out any in vivo investigation. The detectors must have a capability of measuring up to ps per pulse. _ _
Units of Radiation dose
rad = radiation - absorbed dose the quantity of energy absorbed per kilogram of tissue 1 rad = 1 x 10-2 J / kg rem = roentgen equivalent for man, the unit of radiation dose for a human: 1 rem = 1 rad x RBE RBE = 10 for RBE = 1 for x-rays, -rays, and ’s
Examples of Typical Radiation Doses
from Natural and Artificial Sources - I Source of Radiation Average adult Exposure Natural Cosmic radiation mrem/yr Radiation from the ground From clay soil and rocks ~ mrem/yr In wooden houses mrem/yr In brick houses mrem/yr In light concrete houses mrem/yr Radiation from the air (mainly radon) Outdoors, average value mrem/yr In wooden houses mrem/yr In brick houses mrem/yr In light concrete houses mrem/yr Internal radiation from minerals in tap water and daily intake of food ~ 40 mrem/yr ( 40K, 14C, Ra)
Examples of Typical Radiation Doses from
Natural and Artificial Sources - II Source of Radiation Average Adult Exposure Artificial Diagnostic x-ray methods Lung (local) rad/film Kidney (Local) rad/film Dental (dose to the skin) < 1 rad/film Therapeutic radiation treatment locally < 10,000 rad Other sources Jet flight (4 hrs) ~ 1 mrem Nuclear tests < 4 mrem/yr Nuclear power industry < 1 mrem/yr Total Average Value mrem/yr
Examples of Typical Radiation Doses from
Natural and Artificial Sources - III From Kotz & Percell, Freshman Chemistry text Smoke detectors millirem/year Smoking Tobacco(1.5 packs a day) “ 10 Airline flights “ Airline Crew “ Hazards equivalent to the radiation dose of 10 mrem/year 3250 km travel by car 600 km travel by velocipede 150 km motorcycle 25 liters of wine 100 cigarettes smoked 1 diagonistic x-ray
Acute Effects of a Single Dose of Whole-Body Irradiation - I
Dose Lethal Dose (rem) Effect Population (%) No. of Days Possible late effect; possible chromosomal aberrations Temporary reduction in white blood cells Temporary sterility in men (100+ rem = 1 yr duration) “Mild radiation sickness”: vomiting, diarrhea, tiredness in a few hours Reduction in infection resistance Possible bone growth retardation in children
Acute Effects of a Single Dose of Whole-Body Irradiation - II
Dose Lethal Dose (rem) Effect Population (%) No. of Days Permanent sterility in Women “Serious radiation sickness”: marrow/intestine destruction Acute illness, early deaths Acute illness, death in hours to days
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